Oh, Medusa, you stupid beast!!!
Got an email from Perfect Paralegal – “shit, can’t find your cell. Call me – fun information for you!!”
So, I call her office.
Me – hey! What’s up?
PP- listen to this….I called FOC Support Specialist this morning to let her know that we would be objecting to her recommendation and that we will also be filing a motion to compel on the outstanding discovery.
Me – uh huh…
PP – I told her that we were hoping to have one hearing on both things in front of Judge AwesomeDude instead of one with the Referee and one with the Judge.
Me – uh huh…
PP – she said that she JUST got a response from Medusa’s business partner, you know, the one she emailed after Medusa told her that the business never got off the ground?”
Me – uh huh…
PP – anyway, she the read me the email. The business partner said that they were going to have Medusa as a partner, but she didn’t have the money and they had already printed up the business cards with her name on it, and they didn’t want to waste them, so they used them until they were gone even though they have Medusa’s name on it. She also told Support Specialist that she just KNOWS that all the hang up phone calls are Medusa’s ex-husband and also that he has had private investigators in the store scaring the customers and spying on Medusa and blah blah blah blah.
PP – hang on, it gets better. Support Specialist was kind of laughing when she was reading the email to me. She said ‘you know, PP, I have called there a couple of times since WOB’s DH filed his objection to the recommendation. I remember her voice and I am sure it’s her voice on the message. ‘ I told her that I called as well, and yep, it’s her. I also told her that we had her SERVED there, so we didn’t really understand how she could say that she wasn’t involved in the business.
Me – and what did she say about THAT?
PP – Support Specialist said ‘hey, hold up. You had her SERVED at the store? The store she says she has no association with?’ I told her we sure did and that we had a process server, not a PI and that as far as we knew, anyone poking around there has nothing to do with us. I told her that I would be more than happy to fax her the return from our server, if she wanted us to. She said to just bring it to the hearing. The hearing that will be IN FRONT OF JUDGE AWESOME DUDE!
So, Medusa has figured out that the jig is likely up, that there is NO WAY she is gonna be able to represent to the Court that poor poor Medusa is barely making enough to survive and has absolutely no connection to the MedusaStore – LOL!!!
I immediately called DH and filled him in - he believes that the email was probably written by Medusa and not Business Partner. I agree, and I also think it came from the MedusaStore email and not Business Partner's personal email.
Looks like we will be heading over to the west side of the state next month....I wonder if I can bring ASS with us and throw him at her as we are walking out of court???
- WalkOnBy's blog
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Since we will be going in
Since we will be going in front of Judge AwesomeDude, we could subpoena the business partner to testify, but it's my belief that anyone who would go into business with Medusa is just as shifty and shady as she is...
I assume that business partner will just lie her ass off, but I suppose she may tell the truth on the stand???
I'm not completely up to
I'm not completely up to speed here so forgive me if this has already been discussed...is she listed as an owner of the business with the Division of Corporations in your state?
Yes - she is listed on the
Yes - she is listed on the formation docs as the registered agent for the business.
So where is the question
So where is the question then? Why would anyone even entertain her lies? Its kinda in black and white.
Medusa told the Support
Medusa told the Support Specialist that the business never got off the ground, that they were negotiating with the landlord but the negotiations fell through and that was that. Support Specialist didn't bother to do anything other than believe Medusa, to my dismay.
You know how it goes for these GUBMs, because uterus.
It's totally in black and white. I am sure that at the hearing, Medusa will say that while she is the registered agent, AND the person who formed the LLC, it's not really hers.
And, so it goes.
when she issued the decision,
when she issued the decision, she hadn't heard back from the "partner" yet. Sadly, just because she has a feeling doesn't meant that she can go against the "numbers."
I am happy that PP seems to feel that Support Specialist has Medusa's number now
I really hope you guys get to
I really hope you guys get to nail this b$t*h!!!!!!!
business cards used just so
business cards used just so they wouldnt get wasted? wow, that's rich.... she's really grasping at straws, isnt she! good God i cannot wait to hear the update after the hearing!!!!!!
Medusa is an
Medusa is an environmentalist. That's why she didn't want to waste the cards. She's a very good recycler too. }:)
I would love to be able to
I would love to be able to see this hearing play out. It's one of the main reasons why I made sure to go to EVERY SINGLE HEARING my DH had! Sadly, the most entertainment I got was to listen to multiple judges admonish BM for her actions.
If I had ANY hope for my aged out skids, I would gladly pay to get the transcripts!
you know me, misSTEP, I will
you know me, misSTEP, I will be there
With bells on...
has your dh thought of a
has your dh thought of a possible compromise? for all her effort and hard work on behalf of the kids, i know of JUST the right way to drastically reduce her child support...
she takes A$$ and pays a small support for babyface. karate kid will age out before she does, and even if it's financially less $ for your household, just think of the amazingly wonderful benefits of being A$$-free! the other two may even fall right in line knowing that if you act like an A$$ u get shipped back to the depths of hell itself! }:) }:) }:) win-win all around!
well, it's just a thought
compromise my ASS!! Pun
compromise my ASS!! Pun intended.
ASS turns 18 in March. We will be lucky if we get a hearing date before he turns 18 - ha!
I will be ASS free by the end of June - I am NOT letting the stupid whore off the hook until then.
Besides, she won't take him, then she would have to parent.
The horrors!!
touché! but what about
but what about college?
ok i tried to hold it together before busting out laughing.... has he brought up the subject again of dh paying for it because he deserves it? OH YEAH - and what about The List?
I wish you could have gone,
I wish you could have gone, too. Then at least her accusations of how DH and I are sending people over there to spy on her would be true.
there's always this weekend - tell your DH to go do something with his buddies so you can go snoop
I dislike your BM almost as
I dislike your BM almost as much as mine.
and I dislike yours almost as
and I dislike yours almost as much as mine