Cheating OSD, Snitching BM, Druggie OSD DH- Jerry Springer life
Thought I'd give an update with what is going on with DH's kids. Thought it might entertain ya some if you are stuck at work waiting for the next few hours to pass by.
Not sure whatever happened with OSD's theft charge. It's still active. I know she went to the other state it happened and got officially charged there but she is back in our state.
I guess she starts a job (finally) after 4 months of being unemployed today.
Her DH is still on drugs. He "works" a lot. Sometimes he has a lot of money. Sometimes he doesn't. He is never home.
They are still living with BM in her 2 bedroom apartment.
Gskids are good I guess. They celebrated their 1st and 2nd birthdays not too long ago where BM smashed the Boy2 face in the cake and then OSD did the same to her Girl1. Girl grandbaby put up much resistant after seeing what happened to her brother but non the less, her face was too smashed into the birthday cake.
OSD cheated/is cheating on her DH. I guess him not being home was starting to get wear on her and she figured with no job, no living at mom's house, 2 small kids, pending theft charge and druggie DH that she needed to find some new dick.
BM actually snitched out OSD to her DH. Yeah I get it, she's in the wrong, but DAMMMMN BM!
OSD also said that her DH used to put his hands on her all the time when they lived in other state.
OSD and her DH have now made up and are posting lovey dovey stuff on FB to each other. I guess it takes an affair to make you realize how much you really do love your spouse.
YSD16, her boyfriend is no longer living with her at BM's house. I guess BM had bought the BF a car, in her name and BF was supposed to be making payments. He's 19. Working at a grocery store. Well obviously that didnt go over too well. Now SS has the car and is making payments.
SS22 is living with us now after he broke up with his GF that he was living with. He works and usually just comes home to sleep so it hasn't been terrible or any change really. He is a good kid for the most part and is respectful and cleans up after himself. We gave him to the end of Jan. to be out of our house and it will happen.
He did get an OVI the same day that he got the new car from BM. Technically he blew under, but because they found weed on him they made him get a blood test. Court date is in December.
MSD broke up with her druggie BF as well. She is now full time back at BM's house.
When she found out that SS was staying with us, she mentioned to him about staying here too. SS responded with "I dont think that will ever happen". I guess MSD forgot when she tried to push me down the stairs and start a fight with me. The crazy is strong in that girl.
She also mentioned to SS about them getting an apartment together. Even DH was like NOOOOOO dont do that. You will regret it.
BM should be celebrating her 1 year wedding anniversary sometime this month if it hasn't already passed. Her DH has been MIA though. It's been a rough year for them with his drinking and no job and BM constantly kicking him out and then taking him back and then all the kids living with them in the 2 bedroom apartment.
I think that about wraps it up.
DH and I are enjoying our peaceful home with no drama.
- zerostepdrama's blog
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Sounds like you have some
Sounds like you have some crazy SDs and BM too
Yes...sadly... SS isnt "that"
SS isnt "that" bad. I could care less about weed, but drinking and driving isn't cool. Other then his stupid choices we are cool.
OSD and MSD yeah they are both a mess.
WHEW!!! Keep smiling!
WHEW!!! :jawdrop:
Keep smiling!
Oh I do! I work very hard to
Oh I do! I work very hard to keep the crazy out of my house. DH is starting to finally see what his daughters are about.
OMG! Best update ever
OMG! Best update ever
What a bunch of winners :sick:
Funny how the karma bus finds folks, isn't it, Zero???
I just get to sit back and
I just get to sit back and not even do anything. I dont even have to say to DH "See...see... DH look at your kids" because now its all up in his face.
I was a little worried about OSD moving back to our state and being up DH's butt and just having another skid here and more drama... but she's managed to keep herself pretty busy and I havent even had to worry about her. LOL
Love it!!! I hope my DH can
Love it!!!
I hope my DH can see ASS for the ASS that he is. He seems to, but I always worry about it.
Just wow.
Just wow.
Yep that sums it up. LOL
Yep that sums it up. LOL
I cannot start drinking
I cannot start drinking before noon, I'm at work but will hopefully be leaving early.
I have wine, pumpkin whiskey, and roasted pecan whiskey waiting for me at home. And I'm going to get some brandy and vodka and try to make ginger liqueur (tasted it at a wine tasting and it was yum but expensive).
Eventually, I need to quit drinking and get back on a fitness and good diet routine!
Can I come work with you or
Can I come work with you or fruitsalad? I can cover your drinking.
I can drink for Lady and
I can drink for Lady and Moving. I will take that sacrifice.
And you'll be drunk by when,
And you'll be drunk by when, 4:20?
Friends and I used to go out
Friends and I used to go out and drink after work the day/night before Thanksgiving but now I prefer to go home and drink (it's cheaper!). And it's not worth a DUI.
You KNOW I am in!!!
You KNOW I am in!!!