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OT --- Pet Peeves

Willow2010's picture

Pet Peeves

I used to be so mellow…I guess as I get older somethings start to bother me more.

I used to only have ONE pet peeve. Taking gods name in vain. It has always made my skin crawl.

But noooooow, I have a few more. Please feel free to add.

2), School busses that stop at ever 3rd or 4th driveway to pick up kids. WTH? When I was a kid…we walked several streets away to meet at a communal bus stop and we all got picked up at the same time. Now the little turds get door to door service?! UGH. Makes me want to spit and adds time to my already long commute.

And 3!!! For the love of all that is shiny and bright…learn how to use THEN and THAN properly!! There are several here that do not use it right, but it is also rampant at my job and facebook! Why? Just look it up and see if you are using it correctly! You may be surprised. lol

That is all for now. HA!


classyNJ's picture

1. The bus stops! Im with ya there Willow
2. Throwing cigs out the window. Buy a freakin ashtray already!
3. Saying Could care less instead of couldn't care less. RRRRRRRRR
4. Socks in the laundry all balled up. Yes, I do wash and dry them as they go in. Too bad - wash them your self!
5. Leaving the house with the beds unmade

oh I better stop! I'm feeling grumpy LOL

Glassslipper's picture

The noise of someone clear their sinuses!
That loud heavy LONG snort people with sinus issues make!

Tuff Noogies's picture

oh barf!!!

also, that hhhccccckkkkkkkkkkk noise when someone's hocking up a loogie - kaos does that as loud, long, and hard as he can when he's about done brushing his teeth.

dude, really? toothpaste is not that difficult to spit out.

Tuff Noogies's picture

3, willow? just three???

my oh my. i have so many i would be unable to list them all!!!!

wet feet or neck
grammar or spelling errors
kaos - need we say more?
people who move the chair up closer to my desk or start throwing papers down on it, or who stand up OVER me
idle chit-chat with strangers
other drivers - there's a myriad of driving peeves
gel pens
people making loud noises while eating
empty boxes or containers on the table, counter, in cabinet or fridge
other kids, oh, and the parents who dont control them or teach them manners
nasty teeth, breath or BO - for THREE BUCKS of change u can find on the street, u can get a toothbrush/paste and SOAP at the damn dollar store
judgmental assholes - dont bitch about the guy begging for money, he could be scamming yes, but u dont even know what the real story is and karma would love for you to be wrong.

oh those are just to name a few.

Tuff Noogies's picture

yes, gel pens. they annoy the shit outta me. they smear, they bleed through the paper, or the handwriting is so messy u cant distinguish from one letter to the next. or the colored ones people use - wtf, really? are u still in elementary school???

Willow2010's picture

LOL!!! Well now I don't feel so grouchy!

But TX did remind me of one other thing....

Dogs on chains! I would love to put the owner on a chain for a few weeks and see how they think it feels. If you cant keep dog in house or fenced in yard...DO NOT GET ONE!!

Tuff Noogies's picture

irregardless, i could care less how super unique someone is

*twitch* *twitch* *twitch*

WalkOnBy's picture

I am with you tommar, the sound of someone eating makes me want to, well, hurl!!


moeilijk's picture

I used to speak and write perfect English. I was a secretary and 'corrected' my bosses' English - even though he also wrote in perfectly good English, because mine was better.

Then I moved to the Netherlands and learned Dutch. Where the correct plural of some words (ending in a vowel) like baby or euro is.... baby's and euro's. Things have gone seriously downhill for me.

WalkOnBy's picture

"And last but not least improper use of "I" especially combined with the apostrophe S. "It was DH and I's date night....""


I think we are twins - you nailed every single one of my grammar pet peeves.

Oh, there's one more - and my mom says it. She means "fathom." She says "phantom."

No, seriously, she does.

WalkOnBy's picture

I don't know that we could actually decide who is Chief.

We will have to settle for a triumvirate.


thisisnotmocking's picture

I'll make you crazy...

I know it's supposed to be "a lot" but I can't write it correctly. It looks funny to me. Alot funny.

Tuff Noogies's picture


i dont necessarily use it every time, as either way is grammatically correct, but i absolutely will if my sentence can be misunderstood.

StepX2's picture

Alot of people don't know how to use the white words.
There getting dummer and dummer and than more dum!
I was conversating with someone who was smarter then Einstein!
They're gramma is atrocious. So bad that their going to look stupid when they our righting anything! Even when they is on Facebook to.
What has are whirl come too?

Sorry, couldn't resist. Smile
I used one of my pet peeves...the supposed word 'conversating'.

WalkOnBy's picture

dramastically? WTF is that????

I wish you had a frying pan with you when you heard that conversating - UGH!!

Salems Lot's picture

That little line of dirt that you just can't sweep into the dust pan.
The crumpling sound of a potato chip bag.
The sound of a spoon scraping or clanking on the side of bowl or cup.
Someone pulling out in front of me from a side street, making me slam on the breaks only to have them make a right turn at the very next street.

moeilijk's picture

The thing that frustrates me the most is ignorance. Maybe those people are stupid, or selfish, but whatever it is, I waffle between being pissed off, frustrated, or pitying the fool.

Wilful ignorance is like a really stinky fart in a crowded elevator. No one is responsible, everyone suffers, and there's some weird unspoken agreement to not say anything about it.

moeilijk's picture

I was thinking of Mr. T as I typed! I knew you'd get it! I sometimes wish he would follow me around and smite people. Some randomly, some deservedly. Overall, a dramastic reduction in the population of annoying people!

Tuff Noogies's picture

alot of the grammar nazis here would be bleeding from ur ears if you heard some of the, ahem, expressions down here....

fixin' ta - "billy bob is fixin'ta leave."
yahller - "bettyjo painted her house a funny color yahller."
push it to - "that door's open, would you push it to?" um, push it to what? u never finished that prepositional phrase.

and the driving. omg the driving.... the worst offense is using a center TURNING lane as a MERGING lane (u know, when u're making a left across traffic, they'll go into the center lane, wait 'til it's clear, then merge into the 'real' lane.)

ETA - oh and "done (insert incorrectly used 'verb')" as in "he done drunk it all"

WalkOnBy's picture

I lived in Dallas for a short time. "Fixin' a go" somewhere had me almost beating total strangers over the head with dictionary. It was the late 80's, so we only had dictionaries.

Tuff Noogies's picture

ikr... it's maddening. and the 'done' one.

he done gone to the store. ummmm, u mean "he ALREADY WENT to the store." **head/desk**

WalkOnBy's picture

Oh, I had almost forgotten about "done gone." Thanks, Tuff...

Or, how every type of soda is a "Coke." I used to live with this darling girl named Shannon. She would ask me if I wanted a coke every time she went into the kitchen. I would say sure. She would ask what kind. At first I thought she meant regular or diet.



Tuff Noogies's picture

UGH the coke... and ham. every kind of lunchmeat is HAM.

no it's noooottttt *sobs*

WalkOnBy's picture

Another one I had forgotten about.


Want a ham sandwich?
What kind of ham would you like? I'm fixin a make mine with turkey.

Blah major icky flashbacks now. And, everything is chicken-fried.

Tuff Noogies's picture

lol i have developed a rather prominent southern accent and have adopted some words, esp. "ya'll". but my yankee accent kicks in w/ a lot of words - of course the kids just looove to point that out!!!!

eh, all in good fun Biggrin

and yes, "he needed killin'" should be a valid defense in every state!!!

notsurehowtodeal's picture


notsobad's picture

Robert Pickton.

He was a pig farmer in BC who killed almost 50 women in BC and fed them to his pigs.

notsobad's picture

I know, right?

Most of the women were native and prostitutes. The RCMP and local police just chalked it up to a dangerous lifestyle when their families wanted to file missing persons reports.

notasm3's picture

Putting a t the end of the pronunciation of once or twice.

"He only got drunk oncet or twicet a week. "