Bm got the courts to say I can't live there!!
This is just a cluster fuck. Seriously. So and I have been together for 5 years living together for 1 1/2. He has 3 kids, 2 girls 9 and 12 and 1 boy 14. I have a 10 yr old boy and together we have a 9 month old. He has 50/50 custody and divorced for 5 years separated for 6. We met the week after his divorce was final. My dh passed away so I have my son full time.
So and I are not married nor will we be. I have assets from my husband that make a lot of money and I don't want any of that going to anyone but my sons. Period. I've talked to attorneys about a prenuptial but some of the money depending on what is earned or accrued will go to him. I love him but this is my children's future. He also doesn't want to remarry. Yes. We had a kid. I had an IUI and got pregnant with it. Marriage is not on the table. Dh makes good money and after child bills brings home around 85,000. I make 60,000 plus what I earn and save from my business from my husband.
Bm got mad at me and my friend when we were gossiping and drunk at the fair. We weren't falling down drunk but tipsy. We were having fun and got on the subject of kids and what they will amount to. After a hard week I was all kinds of rude about the kids and bm's sister was behind us and told bm. Actually she used her phone to record it and sent it to bm. So yeah.....I got busted saying his dd's will be whores and pregnant. His son will be hanging off daddys dick at 30. Yep. I was out of line. I was cutting up and we were having fun. I never expected her sister to be there.
Anyway bm took SO back to court to enforce the no living with un related persons clause that SO put in the agreement. The judge ruled with her and I can't live with dh when the kids are there which is 50% of the time!! Dh wanted me to apologize to bm and I did but since I was calling her a bitch she said congrats now I got a bitch. To be honest she was uninvolved with us before. Didn't give is trouble. But she was just bitchy hence why I was saying she was a bitch. She also got child support from dh even though it's 50/50. Then put on a facebook I know how to be a bitch.
Dh hasn't had the kids in 2 months since then except when he takes them on Sundays since they can't be here. Dh is upset. The kids are mad at him and bm is all now you have every right to call me a bitch.
How do I fix this??!!
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Oh and dh just got served
Oh and dh just got served with papers for her to get fill custody and him only on Sundays. He's freaking out and doesn't want to loose his custody time. He's angry at me and saying it's my fault. It was but I didn't mean it.
Did the papers give the
Did the papers give the reason for the change in custody? That is a pretty drastic change without proof of some major issue.
He's not taking his
He's not taking his visitation. She's looking to make it permentant.
He needs to take his
He needs to take his visitation - since it is 50/50 that is probably not the correct term. But anyway, until you guys figure out how you are going to handle this, you need to do whatever it takes for him to see his kids.
Get another opinion from an estate lawyer, not a family law lawyer, on the money situation. You should be able to protect your money with a good prenup, will, trusts and whatever else an attorney would advise.
You have my sympathies. What you did was bad, but you did not set out intentionally hurt anyone. Hang in there and see if you can fix it.
Thank you. I will seek a new
Thank you. I will seek a new attorney. I am not a bad person. I just let loose and had fun with my girlfriend and yes I was wrong saying that about the kids but it was a bad week. They were awful that week. I should not have said that. I know I was wrong.
Hey we all talk so much shit
Hey we all talk so much shit about the skids here honestly...and I'm sure if the BMs actually saw what we wrote... it wouldnt be good...
...enforce the no living with
...enforce the no living with un related persons clause that SO put in the agreement...
There are two different things you can do.
One. Maintain separate homes.
Two. Get married.
Unless BM finds someone she wants to live with and not marry those would seem to be your choices.
SO wanted this in the agreement. It has come back to bite him.
OR get a duplex
OR get a duplex
Why can you not get married
Why can you not get married with a pre-nup to protect your assets??? I don't understand??
It made me think of how if
It made me think of how if she is receiving death benefits from 1st husband, they would cease if she marries. THat is not what the blog says, but I know people around here who do not marry for that reason.
Agreed. I suggest separate
I suggest separate homes because I have a feeling your SO is going to harbor some resentment over this turn of events.
My second suggestion is to learn from your mistakes. Never bad-mouth the skids or the BM in a public place.
Would you ever forgive?
Would you ever forgive? Honestly? I stay out of their kid dealings. Until this I've always been polite. I just messed up.
There's no way I would
There's no way I would forgive that. I wouldn't believe you were sorry for what you said. You're sorry that you got caught. Actions (and words) have consequences. Your words caused all the problems you both currently face.
You were so far out of line
You were so far out of line in your comments. First you were drinking and slanging off someone else who was not there. I would have a big problem with my exs GF getting drunk and referring to my daughters as whores. I mean what kind of crappy remark is that to make in public? And loud enough that it can be recorded? These are 9 and 12 yr old girls. It wasn't just her daughters you were talking about. It is your child's half sisters and your husbands daughters.
As far as the 'not getting married' idea. Well you know what you want. However I am sure a good estate attorney could tie up your investments in a Trust that will work exactly how you want it.
One thing though, the fact that the 2 of you have a shared child still doesn't count? I mean the child will be at a detriment if both parents are not actively raising the child. That is the angle I would work. And NEVER EVER get drunk in public again. It may also work in your favour to set some money aside for those girls and their brother for college and let their mother know about it.
Do not drink in public. Ever.
Do not drink in public. Ever. Ur setting urself up for legal procedings, and now for civil/family hearings. I understand u felt safe to cut up w/ friends, but know u know "u never know...." im sorry ur dealing with this, weve all done shit that has backfired badly...... learning experience....
Thank you. I rarely drink.
Thank you. I rarely drink. Hardly ever. I just had one night of fun and I messed up. I don't think they are whores. I tried to explain but I can't take my words back.
Sounds like you put your foot
Sounds like you put your foot in your mouth big time. What horribly, ugly things to say about young girls. It was so loud that it was easily recorded at a fair? Sad. Trashy. No class. BM is completely justified in not wanting you near the children you clearly have no regard for.
Lots of people pay child support with 50/50 custody.
If I was DH I'd be pissed at you too, considering the limited time he now has with his kids.
You've got a lot of damage to repair, if it's even possible. I would start by not calling anyone a bitch for a while and see how that goes.
I hear you. I was so wrong.
I hear you. I was so wrong. So so wrong.
I know I fucked up! The kids
I know I fucked up! The kids are normally good but had been pushing limits with smart mouths and wearing too small and too short clothes. I messed up and am truly sorry. She won't forgive me. Sigh. I know I was wrong. I went to her work and was almost on my knees telling her that. She isn't wanting to forgive and I can understand why. I messed up bigger than shit. The judge dismissed our claim that it was harming our dd to not be with both parents by saying this is about THEIR children. I won't move my kids in and out every week. I want to be with SO and he wants to be with me but he's pulling away since this happened. The attorneys I spoke with said that if I want to protect my money not to get married. That he will wind up with some. I understand what you guys are saying. I GET it. I know I was wrong. I let go and was free and it's costing me my life. I hardly ever drink. Hardly ever.
" I won't move my kids in and
" I won't move my kids in and out every week. I want to be with SO and he wants to be with me but he's pulling away since this happened."
Why would you and your children move in and out every week? SO could do that. When his kids are with BM, it's a matter of him packing his everyday needs and joining your household.
I didn't think of that. I
I didn't think of that. I always assumed I'd be in and out. Hmmmm.
I assume the house in current
I assume the house in current use his the guy and his kids home. One he and his kids will remain all snug and happy in. OP would be moving out, finding her own house and living there at her expense. If SO wants to run back n forth that's what he'll do.
SO is the one "who f'd up
SO is the one "who f'd up every single thing that has to do with his kids and their visitation." He's the one who put the clause in the CO and didn't bother fixing it or adding an addendum to the CO after his son was born.
The video pissed BM off so she enforced the clause. As far as I can tell, the video had no bearing on the judge's decision to enforce the CO. If that were the case then the judge wouldn't be recommending they get married.
"He ruled based off their
"He ruled based off their divorce degree. I wish he would have considered our child but he didn't. He said we could get married. Neither of us want to."
From the OP at 9:39pm last evening. The "he" she is speaking of here is the judge. No, judge didn't 'recommend ' they marry, but gave marriage as an option.
He ruled based off their
He ruled based off their divorce degree. I wish he would have considered our child but he didn't. He said we could get married. Neither of us want to.
Like what? He saw the video.
Like what? He saw the video. This is it. I've put it all out here.
I hardly ever drink. I had a
I hardly ever drink. I had a bad bad bad week and my girl and I decided to let loose with dh driving.
Our attorney fought it. We
Our attorney fought it. We had a great attorney. Highly recommended but he told us upfront the judge would only care about their children and what was in their divorce degree. We lost.
Do you think we could win??!!
Do you think we could win??!! If we got another attorney?
so, you may prevail on
so, you may prevail on getting the video tossed, but you would still lose because the clause is in the JOD.
By the way, did you reincarnate? There was a poster here called another step who was also an attorney...
All kinds of reincarnations
All kinds of reincarnations around this joint! Ya just never know!
Ba ha ha! I both love and
Ba ha ha! I both love and hate "save my password" for that very reason.
I HATE when that happens to me
Come on, you know darn well
Come on, you know darn well that that the judge looked at the clause and decided that Dad was in violation of it. Which he was.
That's the problem when you don't follow the "rules" - you're still held to them when you do something that pisses off the BM.
And I can't tell you how many
And I can't tell you how many times I have heard "I don't care if she has been doing it all along, the JOD says blah blah blah" - which is why I agree with never deviating from the order of the court.
Never let anyone slide on an ordered provision - that street goes both ways, another
I'm surprised a judge would
I'm surprised a judge would rule to break up another family as well. I agree - it would make sense if they didn't have a child together, but this arrangement doesn't seem right.
I don't think they are
I don't think they are whores. I was buzzed and let my ass talk. Biggest mistake of my life. I know I messed up. I just wish I knew how to make this better
If you love him and he loves
If you love him and he loves you, get a prenup, get married and hope for the best. You can't always get want you want. And yeah, you wanted a bitch, so you got one.
I am so sorry you have to
I am so sorry you have to deal with this. We've all made mistakes and said things we didn't mean when we were having a good time. It's really unfortunate that BM's sister overheard you.
If you want to marry, and
If you want to marry, and he'll marry you, go to another attorney and get another opinion. Make sure that this time you go to an attorney that specializes in estate law. Not all attorneys do.
Not sure what the law is where you live, but here property owned before marriage, and kept separate, stays separate. You write the pre nup, do wills that reflect it after the wedding, and get the new husband to sign off on things like 401k that by federal law go to the spouse unless specifically declined. It's tedious, and can be expensive, but it can be done.
If you marry, you could get to live together. But, do not expect BM to be any different. She has reason to be upset.
Before? No. Now? Yes!! I
Before? No. Now? Yes!! I messed up. I'm a good person. I swear. I just had to many drinks and was mouthy. I will never do it again. Lesson learned. I just didn't think this would be my lesson.
Being in this situation makes
Being in this situation makes me more humble.
It would bother me. I'm just
It would bother me. I'm just saying I know NOW that people talk out their asses sometimes. I was wrong. I know it. I was so wrong. I was an asshole.
So, you f*ck ed up. You can't
So, you f*ck ed up. You can't change that. You have apologized and probably will still need to grovel for a while.
Moving forward, you have to fix this before your DH resents you. I know you were told that you should not get married to protect your assets. A lot depends on your state. But, there is a way to accomplish what you want in regards to your assets. Please get another legal opinion.
I'm not saying marriage is the best thing or that it will fix all of it. I'd you decide not to get married, you have to get another residence. Your DH will resent you as the reason he doesn't see his kids 50/50 anymore.
No lecture about drinking in public and voicing your darkest thoughts. But a suggestion, I have a regular girls night where we meet at someone's home, have dinner and plenty of wine. Any and every thing is discussed. No one else is around and venting (and celebrating too) is safe with those intimate friends. It seriously reduces my urge say things that I know I shouldn't.
I didnt know you swung that
I didnt know you swung that way
I think most people were
I think most people were upset with me. I understand that I fucked up. I am good to her kids. I am good to dh. I just had a rough week and let my ass talk. I understand why she is mad. She has every right to be. I said horrible things about her children. I. Messed. Up. I fucked up. I just want advice on how to fix this.
Well hopefully their mother
Well hopefully their mother did not tell them what SM said. Because that would be pretty shitty if she did.
There's no reason for her to
There's no reason for her to lie to a bunch of strangers...I think she genuinely feels bad and she made a mistake. She didn't say this to skids, and yes it was a shitty thing to say but at least she's being humble about it.
Sueu2 for argument's sake,
Sueu2 for argument's sake, lets just say OP really honestly felt that way. In fact, let's say both BM's and DH's family felt that way (or some other negative way) also about skids. They shouldn't be around skid because they had a negative thought about them? People get angry with other people in life (yes and this includes kids also), they may not think the best of them at that point and time. But does that mean they shouldn't be around those people ever?
I've learned a lot being a SM, it's opened my eyes to a whole new dynamic that exists in life. This forum helps with the bloopers some SM's make because there aren't many other places SM's can go and be heard. OP is seeking help on how to make her situation better. Obviously her SO, regardless of how angry he is at what she did, is still not moving out, though he can afford to. Maybe he doesn't want to go through another split family, who knows? Point is, she's coming here for us to help her make the situation better. Let's help her, not kick her while she's down.
If OP had said something like she actually told the skids this to their face, different story. If OP acts this way towards skids, different story. But to be treated a certain way because someone eavesdropped on a convo with a good friend is another animal entirely.
I agree with everything you
I agree with everything you say here. If my ex's new gf called my kids those names, I would be doing anything I can to keep her away from them. I understand the OP was drunk and mistakes happen. But, in my opinion, some things are unforgivable. I can't believe the father hasn't thrown her out. I am not particularly fond of my ex, but I know him well enough to know that his gf would be out on her ass if she made a comment like that about our kids.
At this point, the damage has been done. But, I think it is unfair for the OP to make him go back and forth or not see his kids. I don't blame BM for taking them to court. The OP said the negative things. She caused the start of this. Instead of punishing her, the SO has punished his kids by not seeing them. I can see why BM is so mad. I would be livid.
And let me just say, I hate the term "crotch dropping". I might not love SD11 alot of the time, but I can never imagine calling a child that.
Ok, wait. Do I understand?
Ok, wait. Do I understand?
SO + BM = kids 50/50.
SO + OP = kid 50/50 due to judge's ruling on not shacking up.
Judge has ruled OP cannot be in the home when skids are there, presumably that means shared child goes with OP since it is a baby.
Thus OP should be seeking formal 25/75 custody for baby with SO, since the judge ruled that the couple cannot live together, right? And OP will have baby 50% FT and 50% shared, SO 50% shared.
If the BM had no problem with
If the BM had no problem with the OP living with the SO while skids were there for 1.5 years, then I don't understand how *now* the judge ruled that OP can't live there while skids there.
Unless the *now* is not about not living together clause, but about the calling the skids whores.
And while I think it is wonderful that someone steps in to protect their child from learning that someone in their life said something terrible about them while out of their sight and hearing, I think it's very strange that there is legal recourse available.
For the record, no one did a damn thing when my mom or my dad said horrible things about me, to me. So I guess I'm just jealous that these kids are getting such great care and I didn't, and so many other kids aren't?
To quote Echo - Imma kiss
To quote Echo - Imma kiss FruitSalad on the mouth. With tongue.
THIS is exactly the issue. If no one raises it, then there is nothing for the judge to rule on. Bottom line is both OP and Dad knew that clause was there and they violated it. THIS is why you never deviate from the JOD.
Like I always say, everyone is fine with breaking the rules until they're not.
If you ever want this
If you ever want this possibly fixed, you need to get your own place to live. I'm sure the resentment your SO feels would be compounded by the fact that he's losing visitation with his bios because you're there. Get your own place and do it yesterday. Very first thing into possibly resolving this mess.
Secondly, don't ever drink in public. If you and your girlfriends want to let loose, do it at each other's homes with no one else around.
Thirdly, that was pretty horrible. His children are quite young so, as a BM, I have to say I would be less than thrilled at having you around my minor children when you obviously think so little of them. Being drunk does not change your feelings towards anything. Being drunk lowers your inhibitions and reserve so that you say what was always on your mind anyway. Drunk words are sober thoughts.
Since you obviously harbor some deep resentment of his children, is it good for you to be with him? I mean I know you love him but love isn't enough to not horribly resent these innocent children. You and him have a lot to talk about and resolve. If he even is interested. But he won't be one percent interested as long as you remain in the home and he's losing out on spending time with his kids.
I know you regret and are sorry but saying it won't help. Something as colossal as this? You HAVE to SHOW it! And like right now!! You will eat a ton of crow to make this better, if it can be fixed at all.
I wouldn't bother fighting
I wouldn't bother fighting this if your dh resents you anyway (although it sounds defensible). you sound very remorseful, which is required to be truly appologetic. tell your dh that you caused this situation and you will find another place to live (unless this is YOUR home). then leave the decision up to him as to whether he wants to fight this or not. at some point your dh is going to have to forgive you (that means letting go of any resentment) so that you can move on in your marriage or divorce. but do not spend the rest of your life beating yourself up for this. people make mistakes. lord knows I've said some things about my skids that would have shaken the world if it were recorded. but the fact is that it wasn't said to them, you do not abuse or hurt them, and words do not equal actions. so, if your dh cannot move beyond this, you will be better off without him because you will be setting yourself up to be his whipping post and a doormat to skids. you cannot force people to forgive, but you have a right to forgive yourself at some point.
She didn't say anything that
She didn't say anything that a lot of us hasn't said. She just got caught! There are MANY of us living with skids that we feel the same way about
I don't think Cocoa means its
I don't think Cocoa means its cool to say it because many SM's feel that way; she's just stating that OP is stating what many people think, however not too many SM's would say this outright to skid. It's not really an issue of it being what the "cool kids" are doing, just that it's a fact that many people feel this way, and there's nothing wrong with how you feel or verbalizing that to a close friend. OP did not say this to her skids nor does she mention acting this way towards them either.
Some SKs think awful things
Some SKs think awful things about their SMs and their kids. If they express those feelings to a friend, parent, family member...and SM finds out, chances are she will try to protect herself and kids from that SK.
I'm sure my skids think some
I'm sure my skids think some bad things about me sometimes, but if they told their friend and someone told me, I would probably be hurt, but I don't think I would act on that. I'm sure skids sometimes might feel a way about DD10months, if I found out, still probably wouldn't act on it because they could have been having a bad day when they said it. Plus they don't treat me or DD10months horribly and that matters more to me than anything else. Plus I'm sure if they ever knew that I knew they said something they would feel terrible about it (at least I think so).
One of the only ways I feel I would need to protect myself is if in the conversation they had they mentioned planning on hurting me emotionally or physically. Otherwise, it could be used as a teaching moment for how words can hurt.
Don't get me wrong. I would
Don't get me wrong. I would too, although I doubt I'd go back to court over it. Lesson learned. But it's not the most awful thing I've heard of a sm doing. Words are only words. It would be dh's inability to forgive me that I couldn't tolerate.
I agree that words can affect
I agree that words can affect someone even more than the physical, BUT OP did not say this TO her skids, which would have been a completely different situation. She didn't even say this to BM or SO or anyone BUT her very close friend....I'm actually now wondering why BM's sister was stalking OP to begin with. If I saw someone I didn't like, I wouldn't be following them and recording them.
The fact that the sister had
The fact that the sister had her phone on the ready,leads me to think the OP may have a history of showing her ass. How many times are SMs told to record a crazy BM so that dad can use the tape in court?
The SKs who have said awful things about a SM's kids, didn't make the vile comments TO the kids. That doesn't lessen the hurt/anger the SMs feel. Two comments that stick out are the one about the baby dying and the one about the baby being born with a disability.
Disney if you read my
Disney if you read my backstory, you will see that my SS16 and SS10 both made similar remarks (SS16 asked if he punched my stomach would DD die and SS10 said she was probably going to be born retarded). To my face. I didn't like it, I told their dad, but I think it came more from a place of insecurity about what their relationship with SO would look like after DD was born. Call me naïve, but I don't think they feel that way now at all. Because I didn't overreact and not let them spend time with DD.I understand that they are human beings also who are learning what is right and wrong and making mistakes is a part of the human experience.
I will not deprive my daughter of having a relationship with her brothers because of how they felt once upon a time. They don't act that way with her now and I don't believe they feel that way about her, and in my opinion that's what counts. I'm not going to hold them to what they said every single day when I was pregnant. I have to move forward. And I get that not everyone has to do that, and people may choose whether or not they would forgive something like that.
About the OP having a history of showing her ass, that's a possibility. But if that wasn't the case, then I stand by my opinion that I think it's strange for BM's sister to follow her around recording her. It's weird.
IF the sister followed her, I
IF the sister followed her, I agree that's weird. What I don't understand is how the sister just happened to have the phone out and pointed at the OP at the exact time the vile comments were made. Something had to be going on to draw the sister's attention to the OP.
I was wondering the same
I was wondering the same thing SMto3. It seems odd that BM's sister was right there recording. Also makes me wonder if this "close" friend may have set her up and stabbed OP in the back. If close friend is not a SM she has no idea what it's like and how frustrating it can be. Maybe she felt the need to inform BM about the "terrible" things OP was saying. Who knows. From experience I know not to overshare, even with people I think are my "best" friends. Tell someone all your secrets and they have ammo against you.
Watch your back OP.
I think most of the cool kids
I think most of the cool kids got booted from here
We're still here. Being cool
We're still here. Being cool and whatnot.
Your one-liners are not as
Your one-liners are not as unique as you think they are.
Are we still caught up on
Are we still caught up on this? LOL
And now she's paying the cost
And now she's paying the cost for getting caught, as she should.
Several SMs have posted about their SDs saying awful things about their kids during pregnancy. One SD was banned from dad's home because SM can't get over/forgive what the CHILD said (I don't blame that SM one bit).
The BM in the OP is doing exactly what the SM did. Both mothers took steps to protect their children from toxic people.
Porch dick???? LMAO that's a
Porch dick???? LMAO that's a first for me!
I'm going to see if I can use
I'm going to see if I can use this term by the end of the week somehow.
Potty mouth, go time out.
Potty mouth, go time out.
Porch dick?!?!? OMG, tommar,
Porch dick?!?!? OMG, tommar, I'm now cleaning coffee off of my desktop, keyboard, and computer screen!!
"porch dick" - please define
"porch dick" - please define the term. and would you also give a few examples of how it is to be used in sentences. inquiring minds want to know...
lets see if i got it
lets see if i got it right...
that sm who's dh was financing the 20 yr old kid still living at mommy's....
that ss could be in a good place in life if he wasnt such a porch dick.
was that right?

Damn, I'm trying to keep a
Damn, I'm trying to keep a straight face right now and I can't reading these things
Worse, Sally. Porch Dick was
Worse, Sally. Porch Dick was 35ish, out on his front porch, drunk/drinking and being a dick. It was the shows (The Walking Dead) first introduction to the character, and was, well, like 'who's the porch dick?' while character/scene discussion on the after-show (The Talking Dead).
And porch dick the guy was. Physically abusive to his wife we soon learned. His drunken jealousy of a new comer to the community eventually ended with Porch Dick accidentally slicing throat of a community leader in a drunken rage.
Porch Dick Ha Ha... Abraham
Porch Dick Ha Ha...
Abraham said something else really funny on Sunday which I now can't remember... ugh... he has the best lines!
Sad. I agree that you may
Sad. I agree that you may want to research and find another attorney that has a great track record and will fight for you, one whose specialty is family law. It will take research on your part and not word of mouth. We learned that the hard way.
At one point we had a judge state "first in birth, first in rights" or something like that meaning that we could be living on the street with our children while BM received a huge CS check.
It's sad that BM took her anger over this event to the courts. I too would be livid if that was said about my Bio's.
You truly sound sorry and this was for sure a learning event for you.
Funny thing is I have wanted for so long to say something to the BM or her SO on this end over every thing that she has said and done but my DH constantly tells me No because it will alienate the skids. It sucks that BM can say whatever she wants whenever she wants and I just have to sit here and take it.
Good luck to you.
WOW. My suggestion: get your
WOW. My suggestion: get your tubes tied.
I would stay away from BM.
I would stay away from BM. Going to her job, imo, was a mistake. She could slap harassment or a restraining order or something against you.
"...She won't forgive me.
"...She won't forgive me. Sigh. I know I was wrong. I went to her work and was almost on my knees telling her that. She isn't wanting to forgive and I can understand why...."
It's in one of her comments. I say stay away from bm because if I was pissed off like BM obviously (rightly) is... It's exactly what I'd do.
Echo, did you spike your
Echo, did you spike your coffee this morning?
What flavor of Kahlua?
What flavor of Kahlua?
It's the "I'm so much better
It's the "I'm so much better then everyone else and have the perfect life and know it all yet I still come to a website where all people do is bitch and complain and all I add is passive aggressive comments and judgement with the occasion lesbian reference when someone agrees with me" attitude.
Zero, I noticed that too. I
Zero, I noticed that too. I honestly question why some people come to this forum at all. It's not about the difference of opinion, that's fine. It's the whole attitude and mindset behind it, it's women who are on here for no other reason than to pick other women apart that's an issue for me. I'll sometimes look to see a backstory, and then see that some people don't post at all, and if they do, it has nothing to do with blended family issues.
And then I wonder if their life was truly so great, why come on here and bash other people? Why not share your perspective so that the rest of us can get it right also? I can't picture myself being so "happy" with my life, then for no apparent reason, spend hours on a forum only to get pissed off by people to pass the time. It's either frustration, boredom, or just liking to be mean to people that drives those types of people here.
Totally agree!
Totally agree!
What she said. And sometimes
What she said. And sometimes the hypocrisy is very thick...getting the hip waders. Lmao
I gotta agree with you here.
I gotta agree with you here. I do not agree with the judgement tossed at OP for what she said based on how I would also be fucked if some of my comments were made public about SS, and I started asserting that he was bratty etc at probably age 9.
Granted, I don't think I have uttered them aloud in public like that, but I will say I too like to go out at times and have occasionally acted a fool in public after too much tequila. I'm just thankful ss did not cross my mind at the time, or there really is no telling what I would've said.
As a BM, NO...if my DS14 SM was videoed talking about him in public that way, I would not forgive her and would probably not want him around her. Maybe that makes me hypocritical. If that shoe fits me, I guess I will lace that bitch up and wear it.
OP, the best thing for you right now is the passage of time. You've already apologized. Perhaps family therapy would show BM and SO that you really want to fix things.
Honestly, I am getting my own apartment for DS14 and I next month, and I CANNOT WAIT!! DH and I are going to attempt to stay married etc., but I can't wait for the peace to come on not having the weird atmosphere that stephell brings.
Get your own place. Embrace it. Sally on here lives separate from her SO (granted neither she nor I have a baby with our SO or DH)...and I think possibly there are others living separately as well.
After the passage of time, you guys might be able to broach the subject again!
You're not a bad person. I gander to say to over half of us would be in similar situations if BM got ahold of our blogs. It happens. Doesn't make it right, but stephell does weird things to us. YOu didn't say it to the skids. You were not abusive to them etc.
Of all the shit that people
Of all the shit that people post here talking about their skids and all the choice words that are used... I find it a little "funny" the judgement that is being passed here.
Especially people that post day in and day out calling their skids names, making fun of them, giving them nicknames. Picking on their skids, looking for any little thing to make the skid look bad... geez do I need to go on?
The only difference with OP is that she was actually caught.
true, she WAS caught. BUT,
true, she WAS caught.
BUT, the real issue is the clause in her BF's JOD. They were in violation. Period. Dot.
THAT is what the judge enforced.
Yep - and when I took Asshat
Yep - and when I took Asshat to court for the very same thing, our Judge said something very similar to Asshat.
dupe no idea why
no idea why
You will be forced to be
You will be forced to be married in order to stay in the same home as your SO and 9 month old son?! Are we in frickin Saudi Arabia?! So if you were unmarried cousins and had a kid that would be ok?! Your son is related to your SO so how can you legally be forced to leave your son for 50% of the time, or force SO to be away from the baby 50% of the time? This is what the court is asking you to do and is unrealistic and inhumane for your situation. If you and bio son are forced out of the home when skids are there they will never have a chance to bond with their brother. I fail to see how this is enforceable under the circumstances since there is a joint child involved. This situation will do irreparable harm to your bio son.
It sounds like the video was not a factor in the judges decision since it would all be smoothed over if you were legally married. Plus you were being recorded without your knowledge so such evidence may be thrown out. Please keep screenshots of BM saying, "I know how to be a bitch" and anything else that may help your cause. You know you were wrong so I don't need to tell you. I would recommend that you go to counseling for your issues with skids and drinking just to have records to show that you acknowledge you goofed, are serious about being sorry and wanting to change. Remember to vent here, this is what the site is for! Keep details vague and anonymous.
SO's clause that HE put in the agreement has come back to bite him hard. He didn't want a guy cohabiting with BM yet he moved you in and ignored the CO. If anything he should be mad at himself for his lack foresight. Since you both do not want to get married I would not go that route.
Best of luck to you. The situation really sucks!
I would question the legality
I would question the legality of breaking up an existing family because the previous wife didn't like it. There is something very wrong with a judgement that doesn't take a half-sibling and his mother into consideration. BM allowed the situation for 1 1/2 years, funny that she gets to pick and choose as when to enforce it.
This is just one example of what is gravely wrong with the US family court system.
And for all the posters who say she shouldn't be around the children, please look in the mirror. I've read worse on this forum.
It's not illegal to have a
It's not illegal to have a baby out of wedlock. They are still a family whether she is married to the father of her child or not.
I've gotten drunk and said
I've gotten drunk and said those kind of things to my SO...his kids are adults
Move out! Marriage isn't an option,right?? No marriage means this "relationship" has plateaued,and this was before this mess arose. Not, unless you want to be an older(meaning over 21) woman shacked up with baby daddy forever!
We as people are so different. One of my BFFs asked my BD12 (at the time) if she had an audition at the strip club. Her shorts were cheeky!!! We all laughed and my D changed her shorts.Now, IMO if my D would have gotten offensive I would know the type of gal she could turn into.
Be thankful you can support your own!
Several years ago. I went on
Several years ago. I went on "vacation" with X & his kids.
It was a week of pure hell.
When we got back, I had a FB chat recounting all the events. I said his daughter was a fucking brat, acted like an idiot, said I wanted to slap her, called him several names. Told her details of the trip.
X was furious with me a bit later talking about the shit I posted on FB. No idea what he was talking about! I post nearly nothing on FB. But what he was saying made me think SHE had told him what I said!!
Turns out it was back when FB had a fart of some sort & chats got posted to your wall.
Oh well, I didn't say a thing that wasn't true...
I'm pretty adamant I stand by
I'm pretty adamant I stand by what I say. Like 95% of the time people know what I am feeling/thinking about them because I don't try to cover it up. If I like ya, I like ya. If I don't, I don't.
And things I say, I probably mean them OR sometimes I just go on tangents and run my mouth when I'm pissed or annoyed (or drunk) and say things that maybe later I don't really really feel that way or feel that strongly.
BUT with that being said... I would be totally embarrassed if the skids and BM knew some of the shit I say about them. True, justified, warranted or whatever.
I'm going to take OPs experience and use it as a lesson to be careful what I am thinking/saying... it would probably be good anyways to erase some of the negative thoughts out of my brain.
I was embarrassed! What could
I was embarrassed! What could I do? I said it.
LOL wellll... I was stone
LOL wellll... I was stone cold sober when I had the chat. Can't even use drunk as an excuse!
OP- I think you need to talk
OP- I think you need to talk to your SO and find out what he wants to do or think is the best thing.
Get married?
Live apart but still be together?
What is done is done. Dont beat yourself up over it. It sucks. I have rung a bell that can't be unrung as well and it has affected my relationship with the skids. But it is what it is. I apologized for my part and that was all I could do.
Have an honest and open conversation with your SO about how he feels about what you have said, as well as how he feels about not using his 50% time lately with the skids.
PS Why not have a marriage
PS Why not have a marriage ceremony without a license? How would anyone know the difference?
I'm sure BM would ask for
I'm sure BM would ask for proof. And the judge, if it went back to court.
Get married. Problem solved.
Get married. Problem solved.
All states are different -
All states are different - but is there any chance you could already common-law married? In my state you have to present yourself publicly as husband and wife. Other states use different standards. One more thing to think about...