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Adult Spousal Status (ASS) Who has THIS Badge?

thinkthrice's picture

Known when DH/biodad "asks his kids if they like you" especially after a particularly large bout of PAS from the BM. And of course they say NO! BM has taught them to hate your guts and spineless DH/biodad can use this as ammo against SM. . "My kids say they don't like/are afraid of you."

Or perhaps DH/biodad shares a little gem with them known as "Skids, SM and I have been fighting. . ."

Raise your hand. . .


surfermom's picture

Parental alienation syndrome. Or, as I know it "Deny your children a father as another form of child abuse"

WalkOnBy's picture

Hey - are you trying to take ASS? Because I can have him to your house by plane in just a couple of hours Smile

No, really, you can have him. We will redirect the CS - if Medusa ever pays it, that is.

zerostepdrama's picture

DH just says "The skids are jealous of you." Jealous of what? They want to have sex with you? They want to do your laundry? They want to help you pay bills? They want to cuddle in bed with you?

DH knows better then to tell the skids we are having problems. He did it ONE time in the beginning and that was the catalyst for why things are the way they are now.

zerostepdrama's picture

The girl skids are freakin weird. They are probably mad because they want to clean daadddddyyyy's dirty undies.

WalkOnBy's picture

My DH just says "they're afraid of you." Why? Because I beat them? You're mean to them? How? They never leave their freaking rooms, so when are all these horrific encounters that strike fear in their hearts take place?

Oh, that's right - they don't.

notarelative's picture

Kids are supposed to like parents?
Who knew? Not I.

I thought being a good parent meant making your kid do things they didn't like because they were good for them and set them up to be successful in the future. I figured that sometime in their 20s/30s they'd realize what you had done.

Worked for me.
DH and kids. Worked somewhat for one. Not at all for the other.

Monchichi's picture


Replace H with MIL. This is the story of my life for 2 years in November more or a less. My H has never used our disagreements with the children. His mother and BM however ...