The latest rant from the rebel under my roof
Yes, ladies and gents, more rantings today. Taped to the wall with duct tape in ASS's room is a piece of plain white paper with the following written in teenaged angst-filled chicken scratch:
"It is wrong, in principle, to initiate force on a dependent child to remove their property rights.
Free speech! Freedom of association! Property rights! THE NON-AGGRESSION PRINCIPLE!
I know, I know, I am still laughing about how misinformed ASS is. All I can think of is Mel Gibson as William Wallace - lol!!!! FFFFFRRRRREEEEEDDDDDOOOOOMMMM!!!!!
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He cannot be serious. What an
He cannot be serious. What an ASS.
What property rights do dependent children have? Tyranny? Free speech? Freedom of association? I mean, to compare the family household to countries and governments is ridiculous.
I really wonder if it's all bullshit.
My mom's favorite saying
My mom's favorite saying whenever any of us kids would balk at something:
"This household is not a democracy, it's a dictatorship".
He is pro non-aggression
He is pro non-aggression now?
Does that mean he will apologize for using aggression against you?
Yeah - you caught that, too?
Yeah - you caught that, too?
I don't think those words mean what he thinks they do - LOL!
Here is the link to the image
Here is the link to the image
I know, right??
I know, right??
Is it wrong that my first
Is it wrong that my first though, upon looking at that picture, was that I hope the duct tape he used doesn't pull the paint or plaster off the wall?
Oh yeah, and it sure must suck to be him. Poor baby. (I need a sarcasm font)
Nope - that's the second
Nope - that's the second thing I thought of. First thought was Braveheart - lol!!
OK I know he's an Ass, BUT
OK I know he's an Ass, BUT I'm giving the kid some points here for his spelling.. most 17 year olds I know (especially skids) would have butchered at the very least 5 of those words. And I have to give him points for sticking to his guns. It has really become a battle of wills now.. who can hold out longer... DH or Ass? My bets are on Ass.
That is what is so
That is what is so frustrating for WOB, I'm sure. The fact that ASS IS intelligent. He's just, well, an ass.
he is very smart. But nearly
he is very smart. But nearly as smart as I am or DH is or he thinks he is...
He has a dictionary and
He has a dictionary and thesaurus in his room. Don't be so quick to give him credit, Daizy. Plus, I am quite sure that he found these nuggets on the interwebs, printed them out at school and merely rewrote them so as to make them seem like his own original thoughts.
Who can hold out longer? That would be DH. He has no intention of giving ASS any of his things back.
Meh, every kid has access to
Meh, every kid has access to a dictionary and thesaurus... most are too lazy to be bothered... perfect example? My SS16 and his Instagram quote of "Ganja is perfession"
Lord help us all :O
ASS definitely does have some
ASS definitely does have some intelligence. In my case, the skids were purposely taught not to think on their own and that everything WILL be handed to them on a silver platter, so no need to use your brain.
A large vocabulary may be ASS's "currency" He seems to take a great deal of pride in that.
He does take pride in his
He does take pride in his perceived grasp of the English language and his vocabulary. The thing is, he doesn't always get it quite right. He doesn't use his brain, though. He takes classes that are far below his ability and never truly challenges himself.
I believe that it's rooted in low self-esteem. But, hey, what do I know???
you need to tape Regulation
you need to tape Regulation #8 next to it....
oh wait - then write EAT A
oh wait - then write EAT A DICK on it too!
I really want to. But DH and
I really want to. But DH and I have decided to ignore it and bring zero attention to his "cause."
that is the better course of
that is the better course of action... but i can fantasize, cant i?
I know, I know, it would be
I know, I know, it would be sooooo much fun, but I am not giving ASS the attention he is seeking.
Oh my! This must be a
Oh my!
This must be a teenaged male thing. My brother got shipped off to my Dads at 15 because of the following fight with my Mom.
He'd done something, what? I can't even remember. My Mom said, no phone, no TV and I'm taking your stereo out of your room. Pretty standard in our house.
He said fine, no TV or phone but you can't take my stereo. It was a gift from my Uncle (moms brother) and it is mine. It's not your property to take. You'll be stealing it! Mom said I pay the electricity to run it and it's my house. She attempted to go into his room to take it. He pushed her, slammed the door and barricaded it.
She called my Dad said she wasn't living with a violent angry teen anymore and he went to live with Dad. Who was single at the time. Mom wasn't dating either.
Fast forward, my brother emancipated at 16 1/2, move to another city, finished HS, got a job and saved for school. Today he's a respectable adult who's done well and has a great relationship with all of us.
He grew up a lot in those years on his own.
He learned that the world isn't fair and you have make your own way. I think his huge ego and mega pride are what kept him in school and forced him to do well.
There was no way he was going to come crawling back admitting he was wrong.
I grew up in a house where my
I grew up in a house where my older brother and my father literally fought each other. Brother was a drug and alcohol addict from the age of 13 and my dad was an angry drunk. I used to put myself in between them because I was the golden child and I knew my dad wouldn't hit me. Bro was in and out of juvie, my parents practically went bankrupt trying to fix him. Finally, they adopted Tough Love and let him learn life lessons all by his lonesome. Had him emancipated when he was 16. When I say that I know angry angst ridden teenaged behavior, this is why!!
Bro gets caught for the umpteenth time selling and is given the option to go to jail or join the service (back when that was an option). He picked the Navy and off he went. He was 17. He lasted all of 17 months until he was less than honorable discharged. Drugs. Again. Came home and moved in with a loser friend from high school. My parents continued to keep him cut off. Wouldn't help him. He ended up getting picked up for assault, had a gun in his possession that he didn't have a permit for. Off to jail.
Fast forward to now - he's 52, has a good job, a wife, a 15 year old daughter. Took him a very long time to grow up, but he finally did. He was one of those kids who had to learn the hard way. While ASS is not a potential felon and doesn't use drugs, he absolutely will have to learn his lessons the hard way.
DH needs to love the kid enough to let that happen.
That's exactly what my
That's exactly what my parents did, loved him enough to let him go.
They tried to talk and reason with him but he was convinced that he was right and he was protecting those rights.
He's never had a drug/drinking problem and wasn't openly anarchistic but he was so self righteous. Still is to be honest but he's also very self aware now.
When I tell him he's being an asshat and only arguing to sooth his ego, he'll stop and can see that I'm right.
This would be me too!! I mean
This would be me too!! I mean hell don't let the door hit you on the way out!!
I have said those things to
I have said those things to him. DH is intent on letting him stay until he graduates from high school. I really don't care what happens to him as long as he stays out of my way and doesn't say ONE WORD to me.
a dependent child that lives
a dependent child that lives under my roof has no property rights!!! Such an entitled brat!! Thinks yall owe him, this is his fathers fault. Someone should have put him in his place a long time ago. I live with a DH just like him, don't want to hurt the princesses feelings and make her feel bad. That is what is wrong with all these skids!! They have parents that treat them as equals so they think they are equal. Damn I HATE stephell!!
That photo was hilarious.
That photo was hilarious.
Swing by the courthouse and pick up some emancipation papers. Slide them under his door. Underneath them have some job applications and apartment rental agreements showing the amount of rent and deposit. Just being helpful, kid!
Cover his room in peace signs
Cover his room in peace signs or meditation poster. Throw in some Lennin and Yoko ...
OMGosh - loop YOKO album in
OMGosh - loop YOKO album in his room. Within 2 days tops, he will be a quivering, sobbing, mass of I'm sorrys.
ASS doesn't want any rules.
ASS doesn't want any rules. He wants to be able to do, or not do, whatever he wants. He has been asked this question more than once. He wants to be given peer status and that's not just gonna happen.
He wants to only do that which he finds acceptable and rational.
The world is gonna kick this kid's ass.....
I won't be asking him anything. I have tried rational discourse with this butt face. I am done doing that.
Yes - that's exactly it. He
Yes - that's exactly it. He thinks that the world should just let him do what he wants.
Don't wanna shower? Ok
Don't wanna eat anything but crap? Ok
Wanna live in filth? Sure
Want everything just because you exist? Of course!!
Nope, nope, nope. I can't WAIT for this kid to get out into the world and let the world whoop his ass.
Karate Kid thinks ASS is an
Karate Kid thinks ASS is an ass. BabyVoice thinks ASS is just misunderstood. Like him, she has no friends and no personality, so she naturally empathizes with him.
DH is absolutely convinced
DH is absolutely convinced that ASS will run away once he turns 18. I, on the other hand, am not at all convinced - he knows he has no place to go and no way to support himself.
I feel like he's gonna be around until he graduates. If he goes to college, I guess he will be around until he leaves, but if he's not going to college then he is out the door the day after he graduates.
If not, then I will DEFINITELY be getting my own place.
You know, I left home at age
You know, I left home at age 17. I got a job, looked at places looking for a roommate (since I couldn't enter a legal contract on my own), and moved out.
If it's so important to this kid to live independently, he'd do it.
It's more important to him to win this argument. He'll die trying.
Seriously. He will not leave unless you guys force him out. He will not comply with any rules unless there is no other choice - as in prison.
I hope your DH puts some serious effort into figuring out what he can do to help his kid learn about reality. What comes to my mind is 'Early Autumn' by Robert B. Parker. Love comes in many forms.
Yikes! My 7-year-old niece
Yikes! My 7-year-old niece has better handwriting!
He needs to become
He needs to become INDEPENDENT FAST! Not unlike Pumpkinhead at age 18 who moved out, sponged off his paternal uncle for almost a year until they got sick of him, and now works as a part time cashier at a gaming store and lives with his GBM.
Oh wait, that's not independent. But I would encourage him to move out at EVERY turn!!!
Did ASS actually BUY any of
Did ASS actually BUY any of his so-called property? ~snort~
Want to be treated like an adult, ASS? Move out, get a job, and be responsible for your bills, clothing, and food (plus all of the other things that go with that) withOUT relying on ASSistance from anyone.
To my knowledge, ASS hasn't
To my knowledge, ASS hasn't purchased anything except the crapton of junk food he hides in his room.
Now that I know how to post a picture, I can show you guys what his trash can looks like.....
While it is it
While it is it just adds to the sadness of this whole step parent thing for me. Been having a rough week with SD and BM and there is fucking years of this to go. I am sick of it!!!!
Sorry to rain on your funny parade.
You know, I can't stress it
You know, I can't stress it enough, I need this kid out of my home when she turns 18. Her mom is a profound loser as you know, and I have really worked hard to try to give SD a happy, peaceful life. And I have really stepped up with parenting her over these years, just genuinely try to give her the steps needed to become a productive human being.
And it's just the same old story with her and her BM. They bring such drama and stress into this household. My kids and I have always had an easy-going peaceful relationship. I just am at wits end. This kid needs a home but she makes our home so uncomfortable. I hate this.
Everyone has a right to a happy peaceful life....even us step parents.
WTF, your SD is lucky you
WTF, your SD is lucky you are in her life. She may not recognize it but she is WAY better because of it.
Yup - right there with you,
Yup - right there with you, WTF.
Therapist said to DH last night, "you know, DH, a SM can be the best SM in the whole world, could be Mother Teresa and chances are better than not that the kids still won't like her. I have seen it a million times. Being a SM is hard, and most men don't understand that. I am here to tell you, WalkOnBy could be Super SM and it still wouldn't matter."
Word. Just. Fucking. Word.
it's okay, WTF. And, while
it's okay, WTF. And, while it IS funny, it is also indicative of the hell that most of us go through.
Someone learned some big
Someone learned some big words and now thinks he knows everything!
I think he should call Jesse Jackson up so he can come help him fight the oppression.
Yeah - I guess ASS is just
Yeah - I guess ASS is just sick and tired of being hassled by the Man.
Just goes to show that you can know all the big words in the world and still not know shit from Shinola.
Hilarious photo. But
Hilarious photo. But seriously is ASS 17? His handwritting is like a primary school kid's.
Just to give you hope. YSS19 is gone now. Its been 2 months. I have been completely relaxed. Before he moved out I was seriously depressed (can't get up, crying constantly, can't see what life is about type depressed). The change is my mental health is huge - I'm actually happy. You could find the same thing if you can agree a launch strategy for ASS.
Yes - he is 17. Rockstar,
Yes - he is 17. Rockstar, aka Twin1, aka Thing1 has even worse handwriting and he is 20!
they don't teach writing/penmanship in school anymore. don't get me started.
I am not worried about my launch strategy, I worry about DH getting and staying on board with it.
Sadly with my DH the only
Sadly with my DH the only thing that worked was that he could see I was slowly going insane (literally - psychiatric care type insane) and I told him that I'd have to go for the sake of my health.
I was really blunt about how I felt about YSS19: it was like living with a parasite. He wasn't going to kill me but he was like a blood sucking leech taking my money and resources and giving nothing back in return. No appreciation, thanks, etc. It didn't feel good saying this but I reached the point when DH had to know how it felt to me.
However, now YSS19 is out on his own he is happy. Funny thing is he phones DH all the time to complain about what slobs his flatmates are. At the weekend he phoned to say the girls were awful because they never did their own dishes. BAAWAAA HAA HAA. If YSS19 had done the dishes or even put them in the dishwasher when he lived with us he might still be at our house. It was completely right for him to go.
Can you use this as a "happy ending" story for your DH?
If ASS was as smart as he
If ASS was as smart as he thinks he is, he could be living different life.
I had very few rules when I was his age and one of the reasons was because I EARNED it. I was responsible and respectful (mostly), and I took it upon myself to do things like... I don't know, shower?
He only has himself to blame for his horrible, horrible, tyrannical home life.
Yep - me, too. I took care
Yep - me, too. I took care of my business, I made sure my little sister and brother got off to school, got their homework done, I made dinner some nights and we all cleaned the house and did other chores.
I got excellent grades, kept myself from getting caught, and was generally a good kid.
If ASS behaved like a person who is as intelligent as ASS actually is, his whole life would be different.
ASS is a very, very intelligent kid. He just chooses to use his powers for evil and not good.
Yep, I'm the oldest, as well.
Yep, I'm the oldest, as well. I think that's why I never wanted kids!
I am second in birth order.
I am second in birth order. My older brother was a total fuck up...having to take care of everyone else while my mom was in school full time and working and my dad was always out of the house or sleeping off a bender definitely made me the control freak caretaker that I am today.
Not always a good trait to have.
Caretaker??? Maybe But you
Caretaker??? Maybe
But you are definitely a compassionate soul with a stubborn streak. Not a bad combination in my book
Thanks.....the thing is, I AM
Thanks.....the thing is, I AM a caretaker. I make sure everything is running smoothly and no one has to worry about much of anything.
Have you ever read that Love Language book? Mine is acts of service.
And, yeah, I am stubborn at times. I am okay with that
I've heard about the Love
I've heard about the Love Language book. Been meaning to pick up a copy. Once things slow down for me, I'll probably order it on my nook
Oh, the fun you could have!
Oh, the fun you could have! Thanks for sharing the picture. I needed the laugh, but I really hate that you are having to deal with all this.