O/T - furbabies!!!!! ^_^
fun time to think about our cuddle balls of fluff who love us unconditionally.
what do you call your furbaby(ies)?
i had an orange tabby who was a masochistic asshole - i called him Tubby cuz he was a fatass!!!!! he LOVED getting spanked and having his tail pulled. he would actually dig his claws into the carpet and pull against you, and when you stopped he'd come back around for more!
i have a big ol' doofus named duke. his original name was horribly unfitting, so the first few weeks i had him he remained nameless. but for some reason i kept calling him Dude. which doesnt fit a dog of his stature, so i settled on Duke. it ended up being very fitting, as he is SOOOOO full of Dukie (dookie!) yup, he's my shithead. my poopie. LOL!
my other furbaby, dh named him. he's Homie. when he was a baby, dh would want to cuddle with him and say "where's my widdle homie?" and it stuck! also very fitting as he's my li'l Hood Rat. if u've got a hood, he'll curl up in it. we have to keep a jacket on the chair for him to cuddle in the hood part of it!!! he's also Flat Rat (he'll splay out like he's One With the Furniture.) and Head Rat or Hat Rat - he'll go flat-rat on top of our heads. sometimes w/ his tail dangling down in your face. i also call him my Widdle Man and my Sweetness. ^_^ he gently gnaws on my finger when he's having a hard time going to sleep, momma's his pacifier! he'll sleep curled up at my ankles, and when he wakes up he'll start giving ME a bath first, then himself!!!!
so - happy cuddly furry thoughts. tell me about your furbabies!!!!!
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oh and we have gangsta's
oh and we have gangsta's LOL
bruce and lucy. bruce is a hateful little shit who will bite the piss out of you. lucy's a sweet little bundle of cheekycheekies.
Two furbabies: A 15 year old
Two furbabies:
A 15 year old lilac/frost point siamese female cat with medium length fur
A stb 9 year old bombay male cat with short glossy black fur/copper green eyes
The names are VERY original (I've never heard any other pets with the same names) so I'd rather not post them.
ooooo!!!! if i ever have
ooooo!!!! if i ever have another cat i want it to be a cross-eyed siamese
Mine doesn't have cross eyes;
Mine doesn't have cross eyes; she is an "apple head" but she does have squirrly eyes so to speak. Almost wall eyed; not always sure if she's looking at you.
The Bombay has the classic pointy head and paws.
here's my homie, my
here's my homie, my home-slice, my home-fry, my fry bubbeh, my sweeeetnessss
So very tiny!
So very tiny!
yes, lady, yes it is. he was
yes, lady, yes it is.
he was a runt left behind by his bm to die alone. stupid bitch. his fur was still new, and his eyes were still closed. we're the only family he's ever known. i fed him formula w/ a syringe every three hours and introduced him to solid food when he was old enough.
and YES he's soooo damn cute!!!!
Ok I am going to be the
Ok I am going to be the ignoramus here... It's very cute but WTH is it???
lol skwerl!!! here's cuteness
lol skwerl!!!
here's cuteness when he was about 12 weeks, asleep in momma's robe, before his tail fluffed out - http://i.imgur.com/cQTmVwR.jpg
Oh bless... I thouhg it might
Oh bless... I thouhg it might be but wasn't sure. What a cutie!!!
I have to ask, does he live
I have to ask, does he live in a cage, and how does he and the other fur-babies get along?
he's got a homietat. it's
he's got a homietat. it's actually a 6-foot tall aviary. he doesnt pay any attention to the gansters, but he'll often hitch a ride on dookie's back!
whenever we're home we'll let him out and he's free to roam as long as he's monitored, but he still goes in and out of his homietat occasionally to do a few cartwheels. but we will put him up when cooking - i couldnt live w/ myself if he burned his widdle toepads.
Too adorable!! I got to hold
Too adorable!!
I got to hold a baby squirrel once and I just fell in love...
well DAMMIT. i found an
well DAMMIT. i found an awesome picture to use for an avatar and STalk wont let me upload it!
Funny you post this now. I
Funny you post this now. I just got done watching a bunch of freakin' adorable videos on meowpost.com.
I miss my kitties!!!
Oh Chef calls my lilac point
Oh Chef calls my lilac point siamese "The Grey-faced bitch"
My younger cat was given a pretentious name by the foster cat lady "Yung-Chi"
He is now named after a famous Upstate NY fugitive.
One much loved rescue cat
One much loved rescue cat here... Puddy Da'Puss, Oh Roundest of Pussies, Rotundest of Pussies, Sir Puss, ScoochPuss, Puddy, getoutfromundermyfeetoryoullgetsteppedonyoustupidbloodyanimal, doilooklikeihavenothingbettertodothanfeedfatcats,... can't think of anything more but we love him. And none of us would be without him
5 cats. Stumperson is a black
5 cats.
Stumperson is a black Manx. Hardly ever meows, and when he does it is a low, deep manly meow. We also call him Stumpermatic and Stumpilicious. He's my Wittle Stump Baybay.
Biggie Smalls is a fat tabby. The boys call her Ham because she sits at the fridge door requesting ham. Yes, she really says Ham. Hubby calls her Bigglesworth.
Spongebob is an orange and white orphan. Her brother, Squidward, passed away. She has no brain and quite often just falls off of furniture. Nothing physically wrong with her....just dumb and loveable.
Chipper is a dark grey and white with 2 stripes similar to the stripes on a chipmunk. He's really young and active.
Chipper's sister is Norma Jean. She has the Marilyn Monroe beauty mark on her face. She is a true lovebug and will crawl under the covers with you.
1 snake.
Pyro is an albino corn snake. He is very, very orange...think of cheetos and that is just about the color he is. He's 3 years old and is about 3 feet long. He likes fuzzy blankets. He's not furry, but he is an awesome little slithery dude. Pyro belongs to OBS12.
4 rats
Templeton, Wilbur and Charlotte are white with pink/red eyes. We call Charlotte, Char Char Binks LOL.
Fern is a brown and white rat. She is a bit on the shy side, but if you have popcorn she's your best friend. The rats are our breeders for Pyro's food, but they are pets as well. Once they get too old to breed, they will be retired as our full time pets. The boys love to take the rats out and chill with them.
OMG mine requests ham too!
OMG mine requests ham too! HAAAMMMM!!! I thought mine was the only one so spoiled, lol.
I love how pets seem to end
I love how pets seem to end up with so many nicknames! My T Bone is T, BooBoo, Buddha, Senor Pantalones, CoCo, Bean, and others. I don't even know how half these names started!
ShyShy is ShyCat, Chaka Khan, Shockey, Crockey, Baby Girl, etc.
Char Char Binks and Stumpermatic. LOL!
Mine is Slinky Cat, Pretty
Mine is Slinky Cat, Pretty Cat, Miss Princess Pain in the Ass, my sweetest sweet sweet baby girl, I know there's more, but I can't recall at the moment. I baby talk her so bad without realizing it, I have to wonder if the skids hear how I talk to her vs how I talk to them.
I love that cat to pieces. She's almost 18, she better live to at least 25.
AW! i hope my Tubby is still
AW! i hope my Tubby is still alive and well. he'd be about 15 by now.... i sadly doubt my Chico is still around. he was the smaller of my two orangies. he had health problems and was drain-bramaged due to prior abuse.
my poopie has gone deaf and is now 11 abut still feels his oats from time to time - he's happy, healthy, and well loved with years to go!!!!!
We currently have "Jesse" a
We currently have "Jesse" a Sheltie mix that we adopted out of the pound. He's awesome. A white-orange love bug. I call him J, Jess, JJ, Bubba, Bubbaleh, Bubby. He answers to anything. LOL.
We e had a Yellow Lab named Jayne.
An Australian Shepherd mix named Kira.
An eclectus parrot named Andre.
A cinnamon pied cockatiel named Dagny.
Lots of nicknames. Would take hours!!!
I have my beloved Sheba, a
I have my beloved Sheba, a tiny gray DSH who pretends to be a Russian Blue, but really isn't.
She is 17, soon to be 18 and I know my days with her are coming to an end. I have had her since she was two, when I rescued her from the local shelter. She was my buddy during my darkest days, post-divorce, with a difficult child, in an abusive relationship, in an empty house when my kids were at their dad's.
I will be destroyed when she crosses the Rainbow Bridge, and I will rescue two more furbabies in her memory
sheba kicks ass i know she
sheba kicks ass
i know she lurvs skids.... }:)
She doesn't like things on
She doesn't like things on the floor, and she will pee on them if she is so inclined
I call her Sheebs, Sheeber, Pooper, Pooper Dooper - lol!!
What a good girl.
I have two furbabies of the
I have two furbabies of the feline variety, both 9 years old (not biosiblings). We call them T Bone and ShyShy. T Bone was just diagnosed with diabetes and is on insulin twice a day. He's doing better, and we're hoping he eventually goes into remission, as a lot of cats do.
People can't believe how much I pay for insulin, and that my schedule now revolves around being home at certain times for feedings and insulin. I don't understand THEM. Pets are family, dammit! I chose to take on the responsibility of giving my pets the best life possible, and if that means insulin and getting up early on weekends, so be it.
"Pets are family, dammit" -
"Pets are family, dammit" - YUP. the puss i grew up with developed diabetes. i remember well how it goes w/ the shots and all.
Chico had several health problems due to his prior abuse. i spent thousands on emergency vet calls. he took two pills daily that i had filled at the regular pharmacy w no insurance.
we are their keepers. they are not disposable.
So many people have the
So many people have the attitude that pets are objects. BM collects animals like they're going out of style, fawns over them for about two weeks, then forgets they exist. It's so sad. Screw the skids, I want to rescue those poor animals.
She lets them out and they end up "running away." Shit, I'd run away from that mess too!
Have a 16 yo calico who I
Have a 16 yo calico who I affectionately call Boo Boo even though her name is Cameron. I rescued her from a neglectful neighbor about 7 years ago and was the best thing I got out of my first marriage. She helped get me through some rough times and is always by my side when I'm under the weather. I work from home so she sleeps right next to my desk all day. Best cat I've ever had. Doesn't get into or on things she's not supposed to. Everyone just loves her.