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So To Join In With the Other Father's Day from PAS Out Land. ..

thinkthrice's picture

I see Dominatrix posted on FB:

"Special happy fathers day to my amazing mom (Girhippo), your not just my mom your my dad too and so lucky for that! Thanks Ma love you!:)"


"I may not have my own father to say happy fathers day to but id like to say happy fathers day to (Battleaxe Galactica's--aka BM's BM current hubby), my Uncle (guy friend to Chef when Chef was married to the Gir), (Girhippo's Grandfather) my bestfriends dad, and most importantly (StepDaddyBigBucks)
Happy fathers day guys! Love you all"

Which of course is totally bull. They know where Chef works, where he lives and could find out his new phone number in ten seconds from several of Chef's brothers.

This is the gal that stood up daddykins three times in a row at counseling because she was "uncomfortable." Seems the topic of GRADES were going to be discussed and mommykins couldn't have her precious poopsiekins talk about about THAT!

The Girhippo responded with: "Nice Babe" (which to me sounds more like she's her daughter's love interest and not her mother--not so far from the truth)

Last Father's Day she posted several "oh wooooe is me poooor child of divorce that I am" type posts and cried on her BF's shoulder.

But now she's consoled her misery by purchasing a selfie stick to make duck faces of herself and BF whilst driving along. :barf:

On the other hand my bios gave Chef two nice father's day gift certificate and I actually took him for a pedicure. Which at first he resisted because it didn't seem "manly" LOL!!


kathc's picture

ah, so the usual then?

I am sick, tired and fed up with all that bullshit.

I've deleted off the people on my FB who post things like that.


thinkthrice's picture

Not to worry. I see this stuff from my faux FB acct. The one where I "discovered" that OSS had emancipated himself soon after turning 18 (In NYS it's 21 here for CS gravy train to stop-but could go longer)

My REAL FB acct is under virtual lockdown with all of Chef's previously enjoyed family blocked.

Chef doesn't see these posts either unless I choose to tell him about it. Which I have not. He's pretty fed up and done with the whole lot--as well he should be.