Preteen bed wetting
SS10 just went to camp for a few days, it's welcome break I've gotta say, and it's only been two days.
I went in to get laundry from his room to find a huge mess, and an even worse smell immediately when opening the door.
He didn't pick up any of his toys like I'd asked him the night before (since he left early in the morning.) and DH didn't check anything before he let him leave.
He also didn't bother to tell anyone he'd wet the bed, so it sat there all day until I went in for laundry and found it.
I asked DH to get the sheets and clean the mattress, and then suggested goodnights... DH didn't say anything. I know he thinks he's too old for them....
Yes, he's too old for them, he's also way too old to be wetting the bed.
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Bedwetting alarm worked for
Bedwetting alarm worked for us. SS was wearing goodnights until age 12. Only took a month or so. After DH insisted on trying something else, it finally got done. I made it an issue when DH moved into my house. SS was way too old to be wetting the bed every night. BM was content to let SS grow out of it and DH didn't push the issue with her until I said I wasn't having it. I made DH push the issue and after a doctor appointment to make sure it wasn't a physical cause, I made DH push other ideas. We tried the alarm and SS was good after a month or so. A little expensive but worth every penny.
PigPen is a bedwetter and
PigPen is a bedwetter and will be 13 in October. He will wet the bed and leave it there; tell DH he did NOT. Then he will SLEEP in it, wet again, and leave the freaking bedding. The last time, I walked in to vacuum and almost gagged from the smell. Used Clorox wipes on the mattress cover (full cover, zips on) and could STILL smell urine. The little SOB stuffed his urine soaked underwear (full of SH!T) in the top drawer underneath other clothes. I was bloody FURIOUS. Because we had a Disney Dad weekend (see my blog, DH TALKED to PigPen about wearing Incontinence Pants but PigPen was CERTAIN he could hold it. HA. Sure enough, he wet the bed. DH put new sheets on there Saturday night. Little arsehole wet the bed again Saturday night, but left all the p!ss-soaked bedding on the bed. I smelled it the minute I walked in to get the dog's stuffed toy. Our washing machine is broken and, unfortunately, my DH is working 12 hour shifts, 6-7 days a week. All he does is work, drive home, sleep, drive to work. DH says he'll talk to PigPen the next skid weekend and tell him he cannot leave that stuff on the bed - that he needs to take it off the bed and put it in a plastic trash bag ASAP when he gets up. I am fed UP and no longer care. The next time the skids stay here, if PigPen wets the bed again and leaves it there, I'm not doing a bloody thing. I'm NOT telling DH and I'm NOT washing the damn bedding. The pig can sleep in his filth.
I know this is an older post
I know this is an older post and i feel your pain. We have one of the skids live with us and the other lives with his BM. The one that lives here just turned thirteen and just stopped wearing diapers to bed. He was peeing in it, sleeping in it, then would lie and hide his peed in underwear in clean clothes and places around the house....also peed in his goodnight diapers...and it wasn't because there was some underlying issue. He finally fessed up and said he was just too lazy to get up and go pee. DH gets upset with me cause I get upset just even thinking about it, well he wasn't the one to change the sheets, find the dirty underwear....have to clean up his mess. Oh and the other 13 year old still pees his stinking bed. DH makes no big issue out of it, and im like really this is freaking disgusting...I have never heard of someone who did this on purpose besides them. I guess, there are just that lazy of children out there. Now i am having to deal with lying and manipulation from the one here and DH just siding with him. Sorry for my rant!
My ss11 still wets the bed.
My ss11 still wets the bed. He's going to camp sometime over the summer. Although my hubby is up and down all night he refuses to get him up