Pathetic piece of shit!
DH's email to me " Hey you won't respond to my calls, text , Facebook messages or emails I really need for you to hear me out. I did what I did for the girls. They deserve a shot at having their mom in their lives full time again. I could see how not having her around hurt them. The main reason BM was lashing out and pushing them away was because she felt threatened by your presence in their lives. As the mother of my first two and my first love I never really got over her . I thought I was when I found you. When you got pregnant things changed . You became distant and moody . BM was there for me and we rekindled a spark. One long phone conversation led to more .I know it was wrong and I regret doing that to you. I am confident that you will take care of my baby girl and be a great mother to her. If you want me to sign over my rights in order to make things better I will. Your mom contacted me and I am ashamed of myself and I feel that is the best way I can show you that I truly want what is best for all of my kids. I know that BM does not want our daughter around right now but I hope that you will continue to let me be apart of her life. I feel like I probably made a huge mistake but there is no going back. I'm sure you will never have me back. I wish you all the best. I think of you 24/7 and I am kicking myself. I always think I'm doing the right thing. I never really think before I do things and that's why I am where I am now. I still love you more than you will ever know and that will never stop. If I could rewind the last few days. Heck the last few months. I probably would but I'm sure you would never allow me back into your life after this . I am always here for you. I would never miss a phone call , text or email from you. You say jump I say how high. Anyways just let me know that you've gotten and read this message and if your willing to meet up to discuss all the legal stuff because I'm sure your filing for divorce as I type. I love you not allowed and I'll never stop"
So yep there's the message from Mr. Pathetic piece of shit himself. I'll let him sign over rights to DD if he is actually serious about that but I won't keep her from him. I had a long talk with my parents and I think I have a handle on things. Thanks everyone here for being here for me. I feel sick to my stomach literally right now. But thank you guys so much for the support.
- BMnotallowed's blog
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Same here! You can't sign
Same here! You can't sign over rights unless a man (how sexist) is willing to take over. My sister tried to get her ex to sign them over to our dad but the courts though that was too weird, so there is an agreement drawn up by lawyers and not enforced by the court in place that sister will give cs back to ex and he will have no rights to my niece, so there are ways around it.
If her parents are a strong
If her parents are a strong support system, could she, by any chance, give her child up for adoption to her parents? That's one way I can think of legally getting him out of their lives forever. I would also not allow her child to be around that man or the skids or BM. That's just nuts to me.
Ugh, I am sick to my stomach
Ugh, I am sick to my stomach for you! He's a piece of shit. I'm so sorry!
So if he signs over rights
So if he signs over rights does that stop him from having to pay child support? Think carefully, go for the wallet.
WOW I would not be fucking
WOW I would not be fucking surprised if BM told him if he signs his rights away he wont have to pay child support or if he though it up himself and that is why he is so willing to . Fuck them! Whatever the case I'm waiting for my lawyer to call me back to see what is the best way to make it happen. I'd rather keep my baby away from that bitch than get one dime from him.
Take his ass to the cleaners. Try to have an RO placed against BM for your baby. You can claim you are afraid she will hurt it due to her actions over the last year and the circumstances to your ex asshole leaving. Tell them that your ex even said it is best if baby is not around BM.
Get lawyer to file divorce with your EX having supervised visitation. Make him pay CS!!
And please believe that he will come crawling back to beg you back, within the next month. She will show her crazy then she won't want him once she has him. Please think long and hard before you let him back in.
I agree with you. BM would
I agree with you.
BM would probably abuse your little angle and that spineless piece of shit would allow it. I think I would take him up on the offer of signing away his parental rights. Once your lawyer has it all ready to sign I would have him served, get signed, and then tell that low life son of a bitch that he better NEVER contact you or your child ever again. Then, I probably would change mine and the baby's name so he could never find me or MY baby. Okay that may be a little extreme; I am just so pissed off for you. If he lived near me I would probably punch him in the face for you and throw a flaming bag of dog poop on BM door.
Keep looking forward to the days that he is out of yours and your baby's life. Hoping for the best for you and your baby.
Be strong because he will be
Be strong because he will be crawling back with all the low life crap he can come up with to get you back when she kicks him out. BE STRONG, have a good support system to keep you on track. I would take him to the cleaners too!! Make the BM see what's it like to have to live with dishing out CS.
What everyone else is saying
What everyone else is saying - major case of arrested development (how old is this dude?) I know it's tough - when you live and love with someone and have a kid together and then they just change the rules at whim - it's unsettling and it's so tempting to want to return to "normal" when facing a big scary unknown future. Stay grounded, remember to protect your financial and legal back, keep breathing, let the people who want to help you, help.
And then amuse yourself contemplating various public humiliations of ex and bm
Big hugs to you
just bah
I couldn't believe what I was
I couldn't believe what I was reading. This is messed up. He is very immature and i bet you that you won't be the last woman that he leaves with a child (after his brief rekindling with BM is extinguished in a few months) doesn't seem like he has learnt any lessons.
Think carefully over your options, talk it through with your family and a good lawyer. I would be torn if I were you weather to force him to fully support his child financially and force him to be an adult or to let him relinquish parenting responsibilities and then you can control the terms of visitation.
Get him to sign over custody
Get him to sign over custody ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!
Asshole to the ninth degree!!!!!!
I never advocate for removing custody from a parent, but he needs ti terminated! Get those papers. You KNOW BM told him to do this, SHe does not want you and your asweet baby messing with her "family". She is a cunt.
Get yourself out of this situation asap.
I see he is still trying to
I see he is still trying to keep his options open for when this thing with BM blows up in his face.
He loves her, he loves you, he made a mistake, it's your fault, it's for the kids. He's willing to sign over his rights but hopes that you will let him be a part of her life. He's ready to discuss the legal stuff but on the other hand, he'd like to rewind and get a do over. Maybe, he's not sure.
WTF? He is all over the place and he is pathetic.
I am so sorry for you. Be
I am so sorry for you. Be strong. Your husband is horrid! Protect yourself and your baby.
I agree about not
I agree about not communicating with him. He wants you to because he wants to get a feel for what he's in for, what state of mind you are in. Let him wonder.
He's trying to humble himself in that email, trying to make himself seem confused and vulnerable so that you might have some pity on him. Don't.
Never let him have visitation
Never let him have visitation bc who knows what horrible accident may fall on your sweet baby.
Before you say you will never keep the baby from him, answer this question.....Who did the majority of parenting when your SDs were at your house, you or him?
If you did the majority of the work with the SDs, then who do you think will do the majority of the work if your baby was at his and BMs?
Cut him out of your life now and never let him back in.
Block him from your phone,
Block him from your phone, email, fb after you respond that all communication will be through your attorney. The end.
You have a brand new life ahead of you and it will be beautiful!
He wants to sign over his
He wants to sign over his rights because he doesn't want to pay child support. Trust me. That is what he and bm want.
Don't have him sign over rights. Talk to a lawyer and get an order that specifies that you retain all legal and physical custody, and that you will only accept supervised visitations. Keep the email he sent and let the courts know that bm has told her soon to be dh that she doesn't want your baby in her house and that is why you want to have supervised visitation.
And then you make sure that you get child support, just because he doesn't exercise visitation doesn't mean that he doesn't pay. You make sure that his child support goes through the courts and is taken out of his checks. Make sure that you also specify that he pays for daycare and half of all medical and extracurriculars. Also specify that you use my family wizard to make sure that bm doesn't get any ideas on sending nasty emails. And so that you have proof of what he is and is not paying.
You are hurt right now, but please play smart about it all. If you don't really need the money, then put it away for college. Or just save for a huge vacay every year for you and babygirl.
He is a piece of shit and when bm leaves him will go on to the next poor woman who will take in his pathetic ass. PLEASE think with your head and about your financial future.
I would say have him agree to
I would say have him agree to sign over his rights AND get alimony from him as well. Then he doesn't have a say in the baby's upbringing but he still has to pay. Have you (or attorney) tell him that is the LEAST he could do for what a scumbag he is!
But like some others have said, signing away your parental rights isn't always as easy as people think it is.
What a horrible piece of excrement. I am so sorry that you married this ass. But at least you got a beautiful baby out of it!
Can I ask what state you are
Can I ask what state you are in?
I just read most of his
I just read most of his rambling as... "You won't take me back, will you?" PATHETIC. It makes me sick to read this. If he's willing to crawl back in with his ex and sign away your daughter...keep that in mind every time you are sad, I hope you never allow him to take up one more minute of your life. You get to start over, and with a beautiful baby girl. He will (and sounds like he already is) be back in his misery with BM. So sorry for your DD, but thankfully she has you.
You're so right, BM has no
You're so right, BM has no idea! Her head would spin.
Anyone keep track of the
Anyone keep track of the number of flip flops that were in that crazy text?
The whole give up his rights mess, is just a ploy to get out of paying CS. Even if you don't want CS, I would suggest getting and having go directly into a college fund for your baby girl.
It's really appalling that he
It's really appalling that he could live with that baby for 5 months and then think nothing of signing her away. I agree it's for the relief from child support but who cares what his reason is, it's appalling!
I'd be very tempted to let him sign away now just to be done with him. You might offer some amount less than child support would be as a lump sum payoff such as he funds a college fund a certain amount per year. That's kind of an amalgam of some of the other suggestions above which were all great.
People have pointed out it may not be possible for him to just sign away (courts want a dad to pay for child to prevent mom from turning to taxpayers). You may be forced to deal with him anyway. I would certainly aim for the least visitation possible and always supervised. Use the money to leverage this.
If you could get rid of him in one fell swoop I would. The man is a walking cloud of chaos like that dirty kid in Charlie Brown. It's wise of your parents to advise you to let him have some access only because that way you take the mystery out of the man. You don't want a dreamy adolescent fantasizing about her sparkletacular daddy out there. That can blowup in your face bigtime, as we've seen here multiple times.
So sorry you're going through this but honestly he's making it easy. What a Beavis and Butthead character he has revealed himself to be. Surprised he doesn't live in a basement with a high school bro.
"You say jump I say how
"You say jump I say how high." about off a bridge asswipe?
He wants to keep his options open with you while playing house with BM. And she doesn't want your DD around? No kidding! Sounds like they deserve each other!
I'm so sorry you are going through this..but am so glad you have support.
And I would send a copy of
And I would send a copy of that text to BM...just for kicks and giggles.
He's a piece of the lowest
He's a piece of the lowest shit. Please do not allow him to EVER bring your baby around his toxic other baby mama.
I want to punch him in the sack so hard.
Do yourself and your DD a
Do yourself and your DD a favor and forward that dripping dung to BM.
The last thing I would want
The last thing I would want is for BM to be my child's SM. so if he's willing to relinquish his parental rights I would get moving on it ASAP. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.
Cake good!
Cake good!
Bows to your awesome verbal
Bows to your awesome verbal assault.
The last sentence... Yeah that was some perfect shit right there. LOL We need a clapping emo.
Funny how they "need you to
Funny how they "need you to hear me out" once your ass is completely out the door but whilst you were there they were too busy entertaining themselves.
I am so sorry you are having to deal with this, I really am, but now its time for you to take a breath and put on your fighting stance.
This man stood up with you and made vows to you, and then not only did he cheat, he cheated on with the one person that should make him feel physically ill. Bonus to this is that you can apply for divorce due to cheating, not differences, Im not sure how it works in the US but in the UK its alot faster getting a divorce when one party accepts fault.
You need to get yourself down to a lawyers office and have a chat with them about your options. On one side termination of his parental rights is tempting because then you can keep your baby away from BM but think for a moment about how that may go down when baby is older. Your job now is to work in her best interests, if you believe she will be better off without him at all then do it but if you honestly think/believe it is best for her to have that link to her father then dont do it.
Either way depending how long youve been married you need to be going for alimony, particularly since you are off at the moment with a new baby.
Then ofcourse child support, visitation restrictions, make him work for contact but dont cut it off completely.
I wish you all the very, very
I wish you all the very, very best and although it's interesting to toy with ideas like, send that email to the cuntwad, it sounds like you are doing the right things. Z-E-R-O contact, lawyer, go for blood.
Please try really hard to keep that up. The next contact he gets will be from your lawyer. The silence on your part is worth WAY more than any type of dialog.
Be strong, rely on your friends and family, take good, good care of YOU.
If I knew you, lived near you, I would do absolutely Anything for you to help. I believe that anyone on this site would also.
Big, Big Hugs.
Hit the forward button & send
Hit the forward button & send this straight to BM.
What in the ever loving
What in the ever loving hell!?
He wants you to sign over your right so he and BM can pretend like you and your child never existed? I agree with Tausha - go for full custody and full child support.
Don't you let that mother fucker and his scum bag ex-wife cheat you out of child support. You go after that scum bag and take him for everything you can.
His relationship with BM will never last. He is a moron and a piece of shit.
I'm so sorry he did this to you. I cannot imagine your pain.