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Sick and tired

EvilAngel's picture

I started getting a cold or something yesterday afternoon. Woke up this morning and felt like ass! I've just been taking it easy, taking meds and drinking juice. Other than being sick it's been a relaxing day. DH just got home and bless him...he brought the whole drugstore home with him! Then he drops the bomb on me, "I have to go get Softheart." I don't mind her being here. She can be annoying because she thinks she's super cute and talks about all the bossy things she does at school. It's funny I guess but I've told her several times if she REALLY acts like that at school, she's probably going to get suspended sooner or later. She's basically a good kid though but I don't feel like dealing with her and thunderfoot this weekend. And she waited until the very last minute to call DH to say she wanted to come over. Which also means he will be in the road all day Sunday because I know BM will want her home early and then we have to see his mom and then mine. I wish he could have just told her no and had her over next weekend. My head feels like a hot air balloon and now I get to deal with 2 teenagers. Argghhhhhh....


Justme54's picture

I hope you feel better. I understand where you are coming from. At my age, I enjoy home alone. Most people feel a need for more space when they are not feeling well.