Good ol' BM
Softheart has been chomping at the bit to come see the new house. We haven't seen her in weeks. She and I get along really well so I am kind of looking forward to her coming. She wanted DH to pick her up yesterday. I was totally fine with that because Thunderfoot has come to roost at the new house and I didn't want to be there alone with her. (I came to work today but really didn't need to. Just didn't want to be around her.) Softheart's cousin is visiting from WV. (We live in VA) Apparently the cousin has worn out her welcome because Softheart wants to come here for the weekend. The cousin doesn't leave until Saturday. DH called Softheart's BM and told her that Softheart had been texting him and wanted to come see us. This is what BM told him...."Well the only way that she can come before Saturday is if her cousin comes too. Oh AND she is going to have to bring her dog with her this time." What in the holy hell bitch?!?!?! NO her cousin is NOT coming with her to our house and WHY can't YOU watch her dog for her? We have 2 dogs already. All hell will break lose when she brings hers. Now I am not looking forward to her visit as much as I once. Thanks BM!
- EvilAngel's blog
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I think that DH already told
I think that DH already told her she COULD bring woof. It's just going to be a pain in the ass because they are all going to be running around acting crazy. And I can't just put them outside.
No it's not brand new. New to
No it's not brand new. New to me. LOL It needs a few upgrades and improvements but nothing too involved.
wtf? Since when does BM get
wtf? Since when does BM get to send a dog for visitation? That'd be the damn day.
She's too busy partying to
She's too busy partying to take care of it BUT she has two small children so I have to wonder who will be watching them.
Wait what? BM sent a list of
Wait what?
BM sent a list of demands that the dog and cousin have to come and he just AGREED to it?
Fuck that!
did you tell him he can just damnwell UNagree?
Oh I said hell no to both!!!
Oh I said hell no to both!!!
So, did he listen to you and
So, did he listen to you and take on board that you said no, or are they still coming?
My ex-OH would do this to me all the time, no matter what else we had going on, one of the skids or BM would text/call and demand he come get them and regardless of what plans we had or how I felt he would disregard me and do what they wanted. Every.Damned.Time.
Make it clear early on honey that you are not going to tolerate this crap - if he arrives with dog and cousin you turn them right back at the door and say "I said NO dog, and NO cousin, please return them to BM's NOW!" and then rain hell down on him until he does so.
That is so not cool of him.
*and no, I never got anywhere with mine, that he why he is now ex-OH. He actually had the gall to tell me that "BM will always be a priority over you - she is the mother of my children!" as an excuse for doing her bidding instead of taking care of my needs.
None of them are comin now.
None of them are comin now. Mommy has to party and needs a baby sitter for the weekend. As usual.
Good lord no. What is wrong
Good lord no. What is wrong with your DH????? Really, I'm speechless. There is no way in all of hell that I would allow that to happen. If I were you, I'd make DH edit/undo that blunder in a hurry. WTH?
Like .. didn't he just invite
Like .. didn't he just invite people to your house for a surprise attack "cook out" with about an hour's notice? Does he just think you're the support staff on his knee jerk decisions??
I'm sorry Evil, to go off, but I want to bitch slap your DH on your behalf.
I think I just fell in love
I think I just fell in love with you...
He's just a pleaser only not
He's just a pleaser only not to me most times... Sigh
I don't know, it sounds like
Mine was (is) a people pleaser too, I think he just forgot that pleasing ME should have figured somewhere on the list (preferably above BM LOL)