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msg1986's picture

So this week Bm has texted randomly a few times and I'm curious what you guys think. I'm probably waaaay overthinking this BUT with Bm, you never know, so I'm just curious what ya'll think.

On Tuesday Bm text asking Dh if he has Ss covered under our dental plan (She already knows that he does) and Dh responded "He's covered for everything (health, dental, vision) and that was it. Bm then responded with a long text about how she was just curious because now that she got married to her new husband that he's decided to add Ss to his insurance as well because she doesn't have medicaid anymore. It was just weird how much she divulged, it seemed like she was trying to rub in Dh's face that Stepdad is adding him. Theeeen, she text on Wednesday advising Dh that Ss fell at school and she was taking him to the hospital. Dh just said thanks for the info and asked she let him know what’s going on. Needless to say, he never heard another peep so we know it was nothing (bm likes to blow everything out of proportion so if there is really a problem it would be on tonight’s news) Now early this morning Bm text saying that Ss has been SO sick and his throat is swollen... This was at like 7am. Dh just responded with "thanks for the info. See you at 4" and that was it. So far he hasn't heard a peep.

What do you guys think of this? Bm kept SS last weekend because she gets the last weekend of the month so is she up to something? Am I over thinking this? She's sent Ss over with strep, tried to send him over when he had entero virus and dropped him off happily when he was sick and on a nebulizer last month so what's the deal now? I guess it's just strange because of all of the contact this week. I don't care that she's texting but since going to court, her contact has been very minimal... so it's just odd to be hearing from her so much? I don't know. What do you guys think?


msg1986's picture

that's what I thought too when Dh showed me the text. I was like "why is she texting you about this, she knows Ss has coverage" it was very weird.

Possibly! I know she doesn't understand insurance at all considering how upset at Dh when she found that office visits on our insurance are 25$ and that's cheap compared to other insurances!

Glassslipper's picture

I agree!
Sometimes in divorcee the BM will put their goals ahead of child rearing.
So if their goal in life was to settle down have a home and be married, when the divorce comes along and it all changes, they will sometimes put their kids on HOLD, and try to establish the home and marriage.
Once that is established they will try to pick up the kids agian right where they left off.

I would say she feels her life is re-established and will resume her "MOTY" like before the divorce and try to push everyone but her and her new guy OUT!

msg1986's picture

I could maaaayyyybbeeee think she was doing this but Bm and Dh were never married and lived together from what Bm was like a few months pregnant up until 3 months after SS was born and then they broke up so She never had that "family" type of lifestyle so I don't know what her deal is. up until court she was showing all the signs of trying to push Dh out of the picture but that stopped because she got checked in court by the judge.

msg1986's picture


Glassslipper's picture

Sounds like a waste of money to have two people pay dependent premium, can someone explain why two different insurances for one person?

B22S22's picture

My SK's stepfather covers them under his insurance, and my DH is CO'd to cover them under his insurance. BM has, in the past, approached DH about "dropping" his coverage then paying her what it would cost so she could subsidize her DH covering the SK's.

DH said NO WAY. It was a convoluted scheme anyways.... DH doesn't pay anything for his health insurance, so we could have 15 dependents and it still wouldn't cost anything.

So who knows why people do this, all I know is that my DH is CO'd to cover them, that's what he's doing. Not his business if their stepfather wants to cover them too.... until DH's insurance company starts hounding us about them having another insurance. DH tells BCBS that he's CO'd, and it's not his business what their mother does.

msg1986's picture

Oh I wouldn't put it passed Bm to try something like that our insurance in the same, doesn't cost us any different if we 1 kid or 20 kids on the plan.

msg1986's picture

Yep, I think what she's doing is trying to avoid anything out of pocket because the CO says that they have to split everything 50/50 that insurance doesn't cover. Up until her getting she had Ss on medicaid (which is ridiculous to me because if Ss lived with us we wouldn't need to have him on medicaid but that's another story) so I'm sure that's what she's hoping for. Which is totally fine, i Mean less for Dh to have to pick up BUT Why the text to flaunt? lol.

msg1986's picture

I really feel like she was trying to rub it in dh's face but it's silly because what is there to rub? What he has more insurance? great! lol. She's def thrown the whole "my Bf (when he was her bf) is a better dad to Ss than yoU!" crap whenever Dh denied whatever outrageous requests she's had in the past.

Glassslipper's picture

LMAO! thats funny Zero!
Two insurances is so HOT!
Men find women who have two insurances so desirable and well.... the new wives are just so envious. LMAO, I think the BM in this situation needs 2 helmets!

zerostepdrama's picture

Agree Glassslipper. My BS doesnt have 2 insurances. I actually have DH on MY insurance so my BS can't even be on his insurance to go brag to my Ex about. Geez I'm pissed now!



IamexhaustedSM's picture

I do believe that when someone is covered under two policies one must be primary and the other is only secondary for what the primary will not cover. Of course it may be different where you are.

BM is either trying to be MOTY or get DH attention.

ETA: My skids BM would act like MOTY with every new boyfriend.

msg1986's picture

Yep, as far as I've seen Dh's will be primary and stepdad will be 2nd. no big deal. I really think Bm was trying to get Dh's attention for some reason... I dont' know what she would be trying to accomplish but everytime she'd had a new guy in her life I've always got vibes (dh says he gets the vibe too) that she tries to make him jealous. lol. we both laugh it off because it's silly and he nothing to be jealous of but she still conducts herself as such.

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

"Anything you can insure, NEW DAD can insure better!

He can insure ANYTHING better than you!"

msg1986's picture


msg1986's picture

LOL!!! What's sad is that Bm really does feel this way. This is the same woman who had to be told in court that Ss cannot call Stepdad "dad" because Dh is very much involved and that it confuses the child. She also had to be told that she needed to stop advising Ss that his last name was only our last name on the weekends and that his last name during the week is Bm's name (her and Dh were never married)

Glassslipper's picture

LMAO REALLY! That his last name changes on weekends? WTF? Thats a special kinda weird BM!

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Lol, she's so nuts. My skids BM was having the kids use her last name when they with her too. Even made them FBs by her last name. The lawyer husband loved that...

WTF...REALLY's picture

I remember all that. She is a nut job!!!! She is a real winner. Great at confusing her own child.

msg1986's picture

You might be right Tausha, like I said, I may just be overthinking it but it just odd because she's been pretty mum lately and things have def gone on with Ss.

Aye aye aye, our Bm's are the same. I sometimes wonder if Stepdad ever feels duped? I say that because when he and Bm got together she was working at some check cashing place and then right after they moved in together she quit her job and now she identifies as a stay at home mom. I'm sure he will stick it out with her though because he seems like a rescuer. We sure hope he does stay around too because Bm is easier to deal with when she has a man.

StepKat's picture

Sounds exactly like the troll lol. I've had the skids on my insurance for over 3 years and she hated it because the doctor's offices had to call me for my info. I wouldn't give her my SSN despite how much she wanted it. She then put them on hub#5's insurance but had the balls to say that Tricare will remain primary. Um, NOPE! Tricare will automatically become secondary the instant it sees the skids on another insurance plan. We told her this several times before she put them on Hub#5's plan. I also told DH I will NOT fight my insurance company to cover something if they say the other company can over it. I did this dance before, not doing it again. She already tired to pull this stunt when she got SS13's syringes for his allergy shots. Tricare wouldn't pay for it because hub#5's plan was in place and could cover it. So when the pharmacy told her Tricare wouldn't pay it she threw a fit. Sorry Charley.

Teas83's picture

This reminds me of my BM. When she added SD6 to her fiancé's health coverage, she sent my husband an email about it. LOL. It's like she was trying to flaunt it for some reason. It was really weird. Meanwhile, SD was already covered under my husband's company's plan and my company's plan. I guess maybe BM didn't realize that most normal, functioning adults have jobs that include health coverage. It's nothing to brag about.