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I lost it.... im done... don't know what to do from here....

jstorie's picture

sd15 lives with us full time. shes a brat... i can't take it its all about her.
dh can't seem to find a job. he hasn't had one in about 6 months...its his record...i get it i try not to be petty about it but a family of 5 on one income of 9.00 is not cutting it. i can't do it.
and he lets the food stamps expire...we have no money...

i get up for work the very latest i can get up so i have minimal interaction with his daughter. every day. i get up and get myself ready in 15 ish mins.... 2 days in a row she is still in the bathroom. she has the balls to yell at me....

guys i went crazy...i yelled. i screamed. i was so angry i saw red. thats all i saw. After i went to sit at the kitchen table to sit. my head was pounding. my hear was racing, i felt like i was going to pass out. and at the same time i wanted to hit something. my two year old came to me saying he loved me and that i just needed hugs. i feel like shit. i lost it. im not the same person I was... i don't know how to find myself.

There is no other place for her. Counsler told us shes not good enough to stay home. but she isn't bad enough to go anywhere else.

im agry with dh about not having a job. its not all his fault. i knew he had a felony when we married. he was a hard worker. worked for his dad. no one knew his dad was going to pass away and leave a mess behind.

Im at the point i need a divorce. i have no means to... i have a low salary job. my husband uncle owns the house we live in. i will have to completley uproot scared, and im lost. and i have no one to help. its just me in this black hole i can't dig out of.


DaizyDuke's picture

Honey, if you can support 5 on your salary, then you can support 3. You need to get out of this mess for your health and sanity and for the health and welfare of YOUR children. Think about YOUR kids, THEY need YOU to be strong for them. You CAN do this!!!

IamexhaustedSM's picture

You poor dear. I am so sorry for what you are going through. You gotta get strong. Are there shelters that help women in your area? It won't be pretty but it could be a start. They will help you get back on assistance. They even help with finding a new/better job. There is help out there you just gotta make some calls and take that leap of faith. What you living in is not right. any man that can sit on his ass day in and day out for any length of time in my opinion is a deadbeat loser when he is not helping to support his family.

Not sure where you are from but do they have day labor places where you live? Temporary agencies? I know several construction companies in my area that hire straight out of prison. My sf was one. He held that job for well over 20 yrs. Great pay, hard work, off by 3:30pm.

bearcub25's picture

Take every penny of assistance you can and do better for your children. You will dig yourself out, but you have to take that first step.

hereiam's picture

One step at a time.

Are there agencies or programs where you live that can help your DH get a job?

Or are you past that point and really do want a divorce? If so, I'm sure there's help out there for you in that area, also, you just have to find it and utilize it.

What happened with the foster care for SD, anything? Does she have any friends whose family would be willing to foster her? Would she behave better for someone else or no? When will she be 16? Will Job Corps be an option or are her issues too bad?

I am so sorry you are going through this, I can't even imagine.

Justme54's picture

I understand the issue with the felony. Yes, it makes it harder to find job. Hello, he let the food stamps expire. What is up with that? I am sorry but what does his uncle passing away have to do with DH get a job?

I worked in a casino for years. They are very strict about your history. Even casinos have blue badge jobs giving an open door for employment with a history of a felony.

You husband may very well be depressed. You need get behind him with a pitch fork to step up and be a man. HUGS and BEST OF LUCK.

misSTEP's picture

When my DH was laid off, he took a job as a janitor at a huge local bar. Every single morning he had at least one bathroom with puke all over that he had to clean.

I think that is way tougher than for a felon to find a job if he truly wants one.

There is no excuse whatsoever for him letting the food stamps lapse. What was he too busy?!??!

Ninji's picture

My ExH was a felon.

He worked at gas stations and cooked in restaurants. He also mowed lawns (made good money doing) on his time off. He was a complete ass but he did work hard.

kathc's picture

The felony has nothing to do with him not getting a job, him not wanting to take any available job he can find is the problem.
