Are you freaking serious?!?!
So being a mother to 3 children and a SM to 2, I have learned my boundaries as a step-parent. However, my son's SM has NOT! My children BS10 and BD8 are having an event next week at their school and parents have been asked to volunteer to either send in a snack for this day or time during the event. I received an email yesterday from BS dad stating that his SM would be in attendance and that if I planned to volunteer that I should pick a different time than SM is volunteering. (Which is the time BS will be performing in the event) Are you FREAKING serious?!?! Did you forget that I AM HIS MOTHER!!! This isn't the first time this has happened and I'm 100% positive that it will not be the last, but how do you deal with this? This has been happening since BS was in Kindergarten, one year we had to get GA to tell SM that she was not to attended a Mother's Day event at school. I have no qualms about SM attending events when volunteers are asked, but to tell me that I should attend at a different time is very FRUSTRATING!!!
- HopelesslyHopeful's blog
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I don't understand this at
I don't understand this at all. I don't go to market day/ swimming gala's/ open nights for parents and teachers/ fund raisers/ school concerts because Jabba has expressed her issue with it. As SS's BM it is her place and her right. Not mine. I will go to a private parent teacher meeting where just SO attends and if he asks me. That is it!
When I was pregnant with my BD my ex had a new gf. She sent me an email telling me how she would be parenting my daughter with the ex on his weekends and the special role she would play in my daughters life. She was all of 20 and I was 34. It offended me so badly and I swore to never do it to someone else.
SM's don't belong at Mothers Day events unless BM has passed on. That is not acceptable at all.
I would do what BVD said.
I would do what BVD said. Cuntalotapus gets mad that I go to SS's events but I don't think she should be upset because she doesn't go anyway. The one time she did go she threw a great big fit that I was there BUT she didn't tell DH she was going. I would have gladly spent the time with MY son over doing her job as "mom"
Wait - if I read this right,
Wait - if I read this right, she's only asking you not to volunteer at the same time? So you can enjoy your son performing, instead, right? While she is volunteering. Isn't that a good thing? You could use her volunteer time to enjoy yourself at the event as a guest instead.
Ya, that's not right. Sigh.
Ya, that's not right. Sigh.
Exactly! SM wants me to
Exactly! SM wants me to volunteer at a different time so SM doesn't have to be around me and me miss out on BS performance. This is a continuous situation. Every school year, when having a new teacher SM and BSD pretend that the are BS only parents and then when myself and SF go into school to talk to teacher we have to explain that SM is not BM as she puts on to be. SM will volunteer for EVERYTHING! I am a SAHM and if I want to go on a field trip I have to ask far in advance to make sure I beat SM to it. SM has made it very difficult to do any activities that involve both of us and as SM thinks she should be playing the role of BM. We have had done mediation, GA and counseling and it has still not gotten thru to SM that she is NOT BS MOTHER! I think Step Parents are great, but there has to be boundaries!
HAHA The school does have
HAHA }:)
The school does have to contact myself or BSF depending who's parenting week it is. This doesn't seem to be the problem. The problem is that SM wants to play MOM. Like I said, I have no problems with SM wanting to be apart of BS life, but I think there are some boundaries and sometimes SM just needs to step back.
I'm sure I am the BITCH BM sometimes and that is fine, but I am ALWAYS trying to be the bigger person in situations such as this or BSF wanting to switch parenting time or what not, but I am at my whits end and maybe I need to start playing the role of BIGGER BITCH BM. It's just so exhausting trying to deal with SM STUPID!
My impression of what was
My impression of what was stated is that SM will be there from x to z and if BM is planning on going/volunteering BM is to pick a different time frame, period. BM is not to be there at all in any capacity during the SM has chosen to be there.
Yeah, that'd go over like a lead balloon at my house. Miss SM deliberately chose the tie slot where the child performs and is telling BM that BM must show up at a time the child is not performing. Screw that. SM can bake cookies.
This is a battle I fight
This is a battle I fight yearly with my kids' stepmother. She will be backstage with my daughter for her ballet recital and tell me to sit in the audience. I had to watch my BD5 on the first day of preschool cling to stepmom the entire time. she wouldn't even go outside and let me comfort my child on her very first day of school ever. She chopped off all of Evie's hair at a salon without even asking or telling and it was BD5 first haircut ever. I don't have a lock of her hair for her baby book like I do for my other daughters. On the first day of Kindergarten I'm following in the car behind ex and step mom and there is a huge line of cars and he calls and says "Stepmom is just going to get out of the car and walk BD7 to her first day of Kindergarten and my prescence isn't needed." I'm always having to say, "look. I'm the mom. I want my mom moment. There are plenty of stepmom moments but this aint one of them. Stepmom's having a supporting role not a starring role. I want to parent my child. Would I take my stepdaughters out to buy their wedding dress? No. It's a mom's duty." I told my ex keep it up and I'm going to have my partner take BD10 to get her driver's license.
Why do you allow her to get
Why do you allow her to get away with this? These are doing this crap because they know you all are too nice to go off on them. I bet if you flipped on good time, they will back off.
IF she is dealing with a SM
IF she is dealing with a SM like me they are relentless and they don't care what you have to say or do. They are manipulating and will manipulate anyone and everyone to get what they want.
^^^Agree with Disney^^^ I
^^^Agree with Disney^^^
I think you're within your rights to flip the frig out over this, especially if it is an ongoing issue. State your side, stand your ground and be done with it.
She is overstepping. She can
She is overstepping. She can volunteer, but only if the BM can't. I would just tell him, no. I will be there at the time he is performing. She can be there, but as his mom, I will be there. She is overstepping and he needs to know that.
What's with these over
What's with these over stepping women? I just can't understand the sick NEED to out mom mom.
Someone posted on Ipeed's blog yesterday about getting a RO against her kid's SM.
I totally agree that you ExH
I totally agree that you ExH text was out of line. Who is he to tell you when you will or will not volunteer for something at your children's school? But (and let the flaming begin....)all of this "overstepping" stuff I just don't get? Shouldn't BMs be happy that their children and SM have a good enough relationship that SM WANTS to volunteer? That SM WANTS to be involved?
It's maddening... when I used to get along with skids, I did all kinds of things with them, took karate lessonswith them, took them to the movies, putt putt, went to all sporting events etc. BMs didn't like that because I was "overstepping" then when BMs and skids started acting like jerks, I disengaged. Then I was the asshole who didn't like skids. Which way to people want it???
I can with 10000% honesty say that if DH and I split and BS5 had a SM I would be thrilled if she took just as active role in his life as I did.
Oh I agree! The text telling
Oh I agree! The text telling poster when she could and could not volunteer was wayyyy out of line. If SM wants to volunteer, then she does so taking the risk that BM may choose to volunteer at the same time, another time or no time at all. One should not have anything to do with the other. You do your thing, I'll do mine... for the good of the kids?
and why would the ex even feel the need to send this text? Have there been prior issues between SM and BM or is this just completely out of the blue?
There has always been issues
There has always been issues between SM and BM. Which started when SM told BS that she is to be called "mom." BS is 10 and he is old enough to know if he wants to call her "mom" or not. Email was sent bc SM has a control issue and this is one more way for SM to try and control the situation.
This has been happening since
This has been happening since BS was in Kindergarten, one year we had to get GA to tell SM that she was not to attended a Mother's Day event at school.
This bothers me too though... how many times have we as SM's been made to feel like shit on Mother's Day. Hey, we can sit over here and provide financial support, emotional support, etc. for skids, but come Mother's Day, we're just the piece of shit that should disappear for the day? That had to be incredibly hurtful to SM. I'm really not trying to attack you, I'm just being honest, because I've been in these shoes.. trying to present the other side of the coin.
I do not agree with you
I do not agree with you there. I have always went above and beyond to take my BS out to get his SM a card along with chocolates or whatever for Mother's Day. I am a SM as well and I have not once went to a Mother's Day event for my SD and this is something special that her Mother should be doing with her. If her BM was not able to go and SD asked me to go in her place and BM was fine with this then I would. However, my DH and I always make sure BM is fine with our attendance if it is something exclusive for said parent.
I get that Scubed ... I
I get that Scubed
... I guess what offended me was the "presentation" Trust me I never wanted some big party or festival or whatever on Mother's Day because I have been disengaged from skids for a long time. But if I was fully involved, actually like skids, provided for them financially, emotionally etc. I would be offended to have MIL TELL me that BM told her to tell me, that I was not welcome at some Mother's Day event.
do you see what I am saying?
Then SM's husband should have
Then SM's husband should have planned things to do at home. SM forcing her way into the school event when the kid has a mom who is involved is wrong. Making the choice to wear the mom cap in her home, doesn't give her the right to overstep.
Her issue should be with her husband not acknowledging her on Mother's day.
Agree with Rutherford. As
Agree with Rutherford. As long as the mom is active in her kids life, then the SM needs to back down some. If the mom can do it and wants to do it, she should have first dibs.
Nothing wrong with a SM who wants to be involved in her skids lives.
But taking the skids to a soccer game because BM cant do it is different then being parent volunteer in the classroom pushing the BM out.
I have no problem with SM
I have no problem with SM being involved in BS life, as I previously stated. I don't agree that I am being asked to volunteer at a different time, meaning I would miss out on my BS performing. This is the issue here. Not that SM is a part of volunteering or active is BS life, it's that I, as BM am always being pushed out of the way so SM can take over. I am a VERY active BM is BS life.
There is a difference, trust
There is a difference, trust me. My girls love their SM and vice versa but there are some things a mom should do. My 7 year old was in the hospital last year for a week. It was a very trying time. I was 7 months pregnant. SM would lay in the hospital bed with my daughter and I would have to sit in a chair in the corner of the room because my ungainly pregnant body had to pee all the time and getting in and out of the little hospital bed was not possible. All of the doctors would come in and immediately assume SM was her mother because she was in the bed with her and she did nothing to correct them. They would only make eye contact with her and address her and give her the diagnosis and treatment plan and I was constantly the entire time fighting for my rights and having to interupt. Every single time. They would say, "Does she have any allergies? Any metal in her body?" Now this woman met my ex over the internet and had just moved to Florida to be with him. She did not know my children for very long and she is answering their questions and giving consent to treatment with me standing there!!!!!!!! Really her role should have been to pat my daughter's head and give her coloring books at that point. It came to a head where I lost it about day 3 in the hospital room. She had taken a turn for the worse and we were heading to the MRI room and she vomitted everywhere. We had to go back to the room to change when I hear the dramatic highheels running and clicking down the hall and shouts of "oh my baby! My precious baby." She gets there again as I'm undressing and changing my daughter. She says, "Do we need to remove her shorts?" I say "No." So she goes to the nurse and asks in front of me and then the nurse starts calling her mom and the MRI people come in and they hand her forms to sign to consent for anesthia and call her mom and she happily starts signing and I LOST IT. I said, "me! I am her mother! Me! Talk to me! This woman has no legal right to consent and she isn't paying the bill!" Then she yelled at me that "It's not my fault they assume I'm her mother!" and the doctors even said she was overstepping and said she could not come back to the hospital floor unless she had my permission. My ex would say things like, "you just stay home with our other two" and SM will stay up here at the hospital. Relatives would come to visit and would gift her with Monster High dolls and she would just lecture endlessly on how she didn't approve of the dolls and It was crazy! There is definitely a happy medium but I am no absentee parent and I want to parent my child.
I can see your point,
I can see your point, Daizy.
I was accused of overstepping my boundaries by BM, only because SD and I had a really good relationship and I spent a lot of time with her when she was with us. I never tried to do anything with SD on BM's time. I wasn't involved in her school or any other activities - I was just a big part of her life EOWE. I know that I didn't do anything wrong.
After a year or so of BM constantly bashing me and saying that I was overstepping, I decided to take a step back and stop spending so much time with SD when she was with us. I had my own baby and focused on her. But then a year later, BM came at me again through her lawyer, saying that I was neglecting SD when she was with us.
I think sometimes you just can't win when you're an SM. However, in the OP's case I do think the exH and SM have crossed the line.
I know. But according to my
I know.
But according to my delusional/insecure BM, I was overstepping.
I had to laugh at "Did you
I had to laugh at "Did you forget I AM HIS MOTHER!!!" In capital letters. Lol.
How many times have we all lost it over our BMs saying this? It doesn't need to be said. No one is confused about the fact that you are his mother, I promise you. Maybe your SM doesn't care, but she hasn't forgotten.
That said, why do you care what your SM wants? Don't even respond! Roll your eyes at the request, ignore it and do what you want to do, volunteer at the time that works best for you. You "ARE HIS MOTHER" after all.
You laugh at this and that is
You laugh at this and that is fine, but they tell my BS that I am NOT HIS MOTHER that SM is and that I am just the "Woman who birthed him!"
Right! Daisy's advice was
Right! Daisy's advice was good.... I dont agree 100% with it, but it wasn't something worthy of being deleted. (IMO, not my blog, so OP can do whatever they want)
I hope NOT. I am great full
I hope NOT. I am great full for everyone's advice and opinions. It is so nice to have somewhere to go and vent.
So you wont babysit my BS for
So you wont babysit my BS for me for a weekend so DH and I can get away?
I will pay for your services
I will pay for your services in wine
I'm getting to the point where I only want to be around kids that are good and can keep themselves entertained. So if BS asks to have a friend over, I have to think, Is this kid needy? Is this kid a whiner? Is this kid annoying? If I answer Yes to any of them, I tell him No. }:)
Give them an electronic! My
Give them an electronic!
My BS sat in the salon for 2 hours while I got my hair done. I let him use his DS the whole time. He sat on the couch and played the whole time except for when he came over to see me get my eyebrows waxed. He's a pretty good kid normally, but even I was surprised he was that good for that long in such a boring setting.
That's completely out of
That's completely out of line; I would only attend events in which SS was involved if invited (SS bday at a neutral place, both BM's partner and I were invited) or if the attendance was so high (as in a sports event) that I wouldn't even have to see BM.
She's the mother, not me and I only wish she would attend sports events and stuff more often, as she's always so busy she tells dad to go 8unless her friends are going or it's a "glamorous" event).
All I can say after reading
All I can say after reading this is thank goodness my exH is probably gay! Hahaha
I don't overstep on Mothers Day or school events. I would like the ability to attend but I would never volunteer on these days unless BM asked me to. I have my own kids to worry about and I rarely get the time off work for them. What is about women that need to prove their worth as a mother to their husbands? I don't think having a SM would bother me. My boys are 100% with me and love me. I wouldn't doubt that with another woman in the picture...but like I said... it doesn't look like I'll ever have to deal with that.
Amen! Preach it Sista!
Amen! Preach it Sista!
My school (inner city
My school (inner city public)has a tea for Mother's Day and a BBQ for Father's Day. The kids love both events. They are attended by moms,dad,grandparents, aunts or uncles. Many of our students come from single parent homes, but they all have someone in their family who will come in and take part in the event with them.
Oh, when we have our Holiday
Oh, when we have our Holiday show, the kids sing both secular and Christian songs. In the past our band has played Oh Holy Night and Joy to the World.
I will ignore her request, it
I will ignore her request, it just gets frustrating that she has to announce her presence all the time. SM will just ignore me as well. Which I am totally fine with. MR. ED (SM) can suck it! LOL
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's my favorite site which reminds me mother's day is coming up....I know a certain MOTY that needs a gift! }:)
HAHA! Your SM is truly out
HAHA! Your SM is truly out of line. Stalking your FB and Lord knows what else, pinning your pins and shit. THAT is overstepping and weird, especially given that you and she are NOT friendly.
Wow. I have nothing else to
Wow. I have nothing else to offer. That is so completely inappropriate... I can't even.
This is a hill I would die
This is a hill I would die on. I would petition for modification for a third party interference clause.
I volunteered once specifically because SD asked me too. BM refused to help out ever. BM apparently called them and told the teacher I had to cancel. Crappy thing - she should have just said that she had a problem with it. However, I respected her wishes and after that either DH volunteered or no one did.
You're the mom. You do as you
You're the mom. You do as you want. You can either ignore your exH's request or respond with, thank you for the information but I don't plan on rearranging my schedule to accommodate SM. She can suck it up and deal with my presence or she can cancel.