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jstorie's picture

So i wrote a blog earlier and someone commented that really made me think so let me make this quick.
I found my sd14 homework this was written on the back(i think its her handwriting and in the past she has made up lies like this)

"he held me down over his lap. letting my brothers shoot me with bee bee guns. 5x in the leg i got shot."

Gave it to my hubby, he confroted the sd. she said it wasn't hers it was a friends.

should we sit down with sd and say something?

should we say " if this was written by your friend we need to know which one becuase this kid is getting abused. and thats not right for anyone to have to go through....look if you wrote that its fine you can discuss it with your counsler and you won't get in trouble. we just need to know the truth. no bullshitting. this isn't something to play with?

what would you do? we let it go when we found it (i believe its her) dh doesn't.


Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

You might be playing into her hand by saying something to her about it. Could she be looking for attention? But if it is a friend's and this really happened to someone...

No saint's picture

Agree with Seet Pea; it may be better if you ask her to write a grocery list, or something, so that she doesn't get suspicious and tries to alter her handwriting.