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How's it feel SO. How. Does. It. Feel

Ninji's picture

Besides having to deal with my SO's kids, recently, his EXSkids have been sniffing around too much for my taste. See two of my blogs &

So Friday at lunch SO talks about EXSD almost the entire lunch. She is going in the Navy at the end of this year. This has been her plan for the entire time I have known SO. The plan (according to SO, I rarely speak to her) was that she was going to join and be a DR. I tried to tell SO that she would have to have a degree. She can't just join right out of high school and be a Dr. Of course, I don't know any thing, so a few years ago, I just left it alone and let him keep on about it. Well I guess on her FB she said she didn't get into medical.

Then on the ride home, EXSS called saying he's really depressed and hasn't eaten in 4 days. SO tells him he needs to eat and he can call any time. Blah blah blah.....

I don't have anything personal against these kids, I just don't want them in my life. SO didn't have anything to do with them the first couple of years we were together and I came into relationship with the expectation of dealing with his two children with BM. NOT 4 of BM's kids.

I really just ignore it. They aren't coming to my house and as far as I know, SO only gives them money on Christmas and B Days.

....So, Friday night I had a few drinks and went on SO's computer to listen to music on youtube. Not something I do often, I was just in the mood. I have a laptop but the volume doesn't go very loud.

Anyway, while I'm on youtube, I look up my EXSD. She is a singer in AZ, has a band and does a lot of shows. She's not a household name, but I think she has talent.

While I'm watching one of her video's, SO walks in and says is that EXSO's daughter?
Me: yes, she's getting really good. Want to hear?
SO: No, why are you even watching that. EXSO is a jerk and treated you bad.
ME: I know, I'm was just wondering what she was up to.
He leaves the room pissed off.

I just think it's funny that I have to hear about his EXSkids all the time and the one time he sees me watching a video of my EXSD he gets pissy. (I don't have FB and I have not kept in contact with either of my EXSO's daughters)

And just to add, I was married for 7 years before I met SO, and he will still occasionally tell me that I don't know what it's like to be divorced. Yeah, OK. He may have been with BM for 7 years also, but they were only married for 6 months before she started cheating and kicked him out. I am well aware of what it's like to be married, divorce and divorce with kids. I have to deal with his divorce with kids every day.


Evil stepmonster's picture

Wow, he is something!!
I completely agree with Rising, he can't expect you to listen and care about what happens with his Exskids if he's not willing to give you the same respect. Gotta love those double standards.

ChiefGrownup's picture

That's a pretty funny story. Why don't you send your ex-SD a check? Write her a note about how much you loved her music? Include your phone number, start chatting to her about her upcoming gigs? Make sure to take these calls in the middle of dinner or on a date with your husband. I think this would be splendid. Hey, maybe one day HE'LL get the idea that adults in a couple need to have boundaries.

I enjoyed this story, thanks for sharing it.