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Thank you for the wonderful gift SD10!!

borrowedtime83's picture

I love the disgusting, flu-like illness you came and imparted onto our household.
She came to our house sick on Tuesday evening (caught it @ BM house of course) and was hacking all over everywhere. She went back to BM house on Christmas eve, and then MIL picked her up Friday for another family event that we all went to, and she was still sick. At this point she was hacking all over, and in the food prep area, plus blowing her nose and then digging into bags of chips and goodies and serving herself without washing. I tried to eat before her, and not take more food unless it came from my own food that I brought, but I still ended up feeling like garbage. This also caused me to have to go lay down for 3 hours on Saturday because my entire face hurt and felt like it was going to explode. (I have sinus/allergy issues and every time I get sick it turns into a sinus infection.)So 3+ days of her hacking on everything and being gross, and if I wasn't already sick, Sunday on the way home, she sat behind me and hacked on me the whole way home in the car, not covering her mouth at all. I feel like poo!
Then, to add insult to injury, there was a 40 minute conversation about how SD10 has the physique and bone structure of a super model and how simply stunning she is, and every few sentences a member of the family would look at me for verbal affirmation of their statements. OK, she is tall and skinny, CURRENTLY. That does not equal "model." And everyone thinks that because she is 10 and 5'2" that she is going to end up being over 6' tall, because her dad is tall. Honestly, I was the same height as she is at that age. I was 5'8" in 6/7th grade and stopped growing. And there are also "tall" people in my family. That could happen to her also, its not uncommon. Or she could start taking after BM in the figure/looks department. I just don't think we should all quit our day jobs and wait with bated breath for SD to be the next Top Model, and it's irritating to listen to these conversations.


Tuff Noogies's picture

she's tall - like draco's ss!!! LMFAO

i was 5'7 and 110 soaking wet in 6th grade, then settled down to 5'6- doc said i grew so fast that i "shrunk" when the tendons and ligaments settled into correct position. i was advised by many to go into modeling- turns out 5'6 was too short!

anywhoooo - that blathering on about idiotic skid "complements" is just plain annoying.
hope u feel better!!!!

borrowedtime83's picture

I guess the bottom line for me really is, that we don't know how SD10 is going to turn out. If BM has any say, she will drop out of high school and be pushing out little welfare babies before she is a legal adult, and maybe find some guy stupid enough to go along with it and "support" her.
And honestly, BM doesn't spend that much time with SD (like 3 days per week), but she was over there a few extra days because "it's Christmas" and she had to receive her sleigh full of broken family gifts. And BM and her other 3 kids were sick, and they act like they have the sanitation facilities of a 3rd world country, so of course SD got sick and brought it back to us. It doesn't help that SD10 still sucks her fingers all the time, so even if I didn't see her hacking on something or another disease spreaing activity, she is still touching stuff and I can't sanitize all of it. (I tried,though)

Evil stepmonster's picture

I'm 5'0...yall are like amazons to me. I bet if we were all standing in a room together my neck would be super sore!!

Evil stepmonster's picture

I'm no stranger to step stools. lol I have them placed around my house where I need them most. Kitchen, laundry room, closet.