O/T: My kitty is missing :(
I got home this evening around 9:45 from the most grueling exam I have ever taken, and asked DH if he had fed the animals (which is a mostly rhetorical question, because he almost never does). Of course he hadn't, so I set out to do so. One of my kitties didn't show up for feeding (which is super unusual - the cats are indoor only, and take great pleasure in stealing kibbles out of the 80+ lb dogs' bowls before they get their own grub).
We searched all over this house, and he is not here. No idea how he could have gotten out, but I am distraught. Granted, I was distracted today - took the day off work to study - so the latest I could place him here was noon. However, it is winter in Iowa and we didn't exactly have doors and windows open, so lord only knows how he got out.
I am distraught right now. He's only a year old, and the sweetest thing you could ever imagine.
Been out all night looking for the little turd. His brother cat has been really restless and weird all night because they've never been apart. I know it might sound trivial to some, but I can't bear the thought of my little cuddly lump in the cold all night. I have canvassed the neighborhood for hours to no avail. Probably taking the day off tomorrow as well to look for him.
My heart hurts. DH hurts. Skid cried, a lot. Man, he loves that cat. Keep us and our lump in your thoughts, please.
- queenofthedamned's blog
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Nope we have checked
Nope we have checked everywhere. I just spent the last half hour crawling under my neighbors' hedges with a flashlight, but nothing. Probably best if I wait until morning when I can ask permission - don't want to get shot or anything. Won't be able to sleep though.
I hope you find him in the
I hope you find him in the house, but if you take to searching outside think cat. Or rather, think scared baby cat, first time outside hes either going to freak or want to explore (you know what character type your kitty is). Sensible cat will look for somewhere warm because its cold. Not so sensible cat will look for the most interesting climbing spot.
If you have any kind of shed outside check it, particularly under it.
If hes not back by tonight get some flyers out locally, in this cold weather when people see youngster cats looking pitiful its not unusual for them to bring them in, on the logic that if they are loved then an owner will start putting posters up, if not then good deed done.
Were there any closets open?
Were there any closets open? I have an asshole cat that will not come out of his hidey hole, the dryer, when called.
Please be careful with a cat
Please be careful with a cat that hides in a dryer. My aunt accidentally killed one in a dryer. It was horrific.
Aww, he's in my thoughts.
Aww, he's in my thoughts. (((HUGS)))
I really, really hope you
I really, really hope you find him
Definitely keep you all in my
Definitely keep you all in my thoughts.
My dog ran off and I was distraught until she came back. I know how you feel.
As ripleyV2 said, cats are
As ripleyV2 said, cats are resilient. And they are sneaky. 3 of my family members are minions to their kitty overlords. They have found their cats INSIDE the boxspring (hole in the underside), INSIDE the couch (hole in the underside), in the ceiling in the basement (loose tile that kitty got through by launching off of the washing machine), in the garage under the truck and too afraid to come out.
So I'll say it's quite possible your kitty is somewhere in the house. If not, I certainly hope he's found soon!!
lol thanks for the fun
lol thanks for the fun memory!!!! i used to have two kitties, and one had torn a hole in the boxspring - his lard ass used to crawl up in there all the time. travieso! awww i miss them.....
had to find them new homes as oss is pretty bad allergic. the first time they ever slept over was our first Christmas eve- santa had to come at 1 a.m. cuz his wheezing (in his sleep) was sooo bad
they were my absolute babies, but human health has to take a priority. thank goodness i found them both wonderful new 'minions' }:)
OP - if he's outside, maybe he'll come back. lard ass once disappeared for three of four days, i did everything to find him but to no avail. one night a neighbor knocked on the door with him and said he was just walking up the road back home. once had a tomcat since birth disappear for six months and he came back too. thoughts and prayers for you guys!
I would pay you "real" money
I would pay you "real" money to slap BM that hard.
Sally, totally o/t but your
Sally, totally o/t but your tagline makes me lol every time!
Thank you all! I'm trying to stay hopeful. He's young, and curious, but also extremely lazy so I find it hard to believe he went far. We have turned this effing house inside out looking for him. Cabinets, closets, the whole nine. I've read some really good advice about where cats are likely to hide, so now that it's daylight I'll be out searching again. And I will most definitely be thinking like a cat - bet my neighbors will have some questions when they see me crawling around on all fours!
Nope. I have walked the
Nope. I have walked the neighborhood like a crazy lady, bawling my eyes out and looking under porches, etc. I've checked our backyard (which is huge, and has many cat hidey-holes) 5 times. Posted on craigslist, on our local Pet Alert page, FB, checked the shelter, searched the house again, talked to a couple of neighbors and searched their yards. Nothing. DH is printing up flyers for me, and when he gets home we'll knock on some more doors, hand them out, and hopefully look in more neighbors yards. It sucks though - the lots in this area are huge.
I am a hot mess right now.
One of my indoor cats
One of my indoor cats disappeared for 3 days. Found her in a unused bedroom that we had searched 3 times. I'm still not sure where she was.
Remember when searching outside that your cat may hide from you. He may not come when called and may even resist being found.
One of my indoor cats got outside once and went missing for 3 days. I left food on the front porch and he just showed up one night - none the worse for wear.
Good luck.