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I put my foot down!

EFlores90's picture

So this weekend I finally put my foot down on my boyfriends 8 year old son sleeping in the bed with us. He wanted to you know….. and I told him" is he afraid of sleeping in his room? and he said no… I told him well can he sleep in his own room? and he said yes and said he would see if he could take him to his BM. So I guess we both grew some balls this weekend. I also gave him an ultimatum on his jealousy and promised him I would leave if he doesn't show me change. Last, I stopped and will stop dropping hints on the engagement issue.
Great weekend.
Proud of myself.


hereiam's picture

Why is he afraid to tell him no? He's the parent, a parent should not be afraid to tell their child no, it's part of parenting.

EFlores90's picture

Thats scary to think about. Reading some of these other stories about teenage step kids is a little scary. I have no kids either so its a challenge for me. Im hoping for the best and only time will tell. I used to think I can't wait till his kid gets older but now I am not so sure. :O

EFlores90's picture

I feel like he might feel a little guilty for not spending that much time with him? His son is ALWAYS at my boyfriends moms house or his other grandma. He is never with his BM. BM is too busy working her important career at Hooters.I feel like he compensates with buying him crap. I know this is kind of meat up but all of his free time he spends with me. We could defiantly have his son come over and we could have him more often but we don't. Which.. honestly is fine with me