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Thanks BM for ruining my day

Wah-wah-11's picture

BM started her crap last night & this morning now he's gonna be a snappy pissy mood... I didn't lose yours kids crap.. Nor did I make an agreement with psycho witch knowing she wouldn't stick by it when it came her turn to do the work ... So now he's in a hateful pouting mood. He wants to go fishing and I said well go me and our little one can stay home while you .. I mean it is 37 degrees here & it's a wet mess outside so no our toddler doesn't need to be out in that noooo he won't go without us .. Sorry DH I don't find it fun to watch u fish or keep a mad child in the car bc he can't get out and play too .. Go effing fishing and the come home ... Plain and simple ..buuuuut no ur gonna sit and pout all day and ruin any time we have together bc you crazy ass ex pitched a fit on you and is not surprising refusing to work with you .
Sorry had I have a moment of bitching
