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Shoes on the right feet

Wah-wah-11's picture

When should a child know how to out shoes on the right feet & how to tie their shoes??


Teas83's picture


I would say 5 or 6 as well. Although my SD6 doesn't know how to tie her shoes yet.... but her BM has her most of the time and she isn't very good at teaching her life skills.

DoubleUteeEFF's picture


My sd will be 7 soon.
I don't believe she knows how to tie her own shoes.
She mostly wears flats, sandals, and flip flops. (We live in Florida)
She does know her right from her left.
Pretty sure she had that down at 4 years old.
Maybe even 3. But I do remember her putting the wrong winter boot on the wrong foot.
That could have just been an accident and boots are pretty big so she couldn't tell.

Disneyfan's picture

Kids (step and bio)are learning to tie their laces later and later thanks to the idiot who came up the bright idea of putting velcro on sneakers and shoes.

Something that was once a rite of passage, is no more.

Oh, the person who decided it was a good to put the elastic/pull string contraption in the waist of kid jeans is also an idiot. Thanks to that invention, young kids have no idea how to use belts.

Wah-wah-11's picture

We have been working in this with one of SKs for years now... I get asked hey look is this the right feet? My response has been for 6 months now "I refuse to answer that many times as we have gone over it with you & you can do it when you want to."
He pretty much so refuses to attempt to tie his shoes .. And he's not had velcro ...