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FDH working Saturday night

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

FDH hasn't worked a Saturday in a long time and we really need the money so it's awesome. HOWEVER, we have SD every weekend. EVERY WEEKEND. He hasn't said anything about SD for this weekend and I'm thinking he thinks that I'm going to watch her. That's a big NO. I can't stand her when he's "watching" her, let alone having to actually pay attention to her myself. I'm dreading this conversation;it's probably going to be a big argument.

I'm trying to come up with a way to talk to him about this without it turning into "you just hate my kid" spiel. I mean, I do, but I make an attempt at hiding it.

Plus, last weekend was my birthday and BM threw a tantrum(it seriously was) because we wouldn't keep SD. This whore gets time away from the kid every weekend to drink her lips blue, but when we ask for time without kid it's the end of the world. When only get a date night once every 3-6months because of this selfish, inconsiderate bitch. My FDH is the type to give in because "it's easier than arguing with her".

Along with that, BM complained to her BFF, who's husband is friends with FDH, about last weekend. BM's BFF gave her husband an ultimatum that if didn't kick FDH out of his band she would leave him. So you can guess what the consequence of that was...

Don't these B's have any shame? I hate the drama.BM creates. If she doesn't get her way, she'll find a way to make you pay for it. And there's no court order. So sometimes when FDH doesn't comply, she withholds visitation. Funny how fast she can find a babysitter when she's pissed at FDH.


oneoffour's picture

I am sure you have something to do Saturday night and will not be home.
That is what I would do.

Or be brutally honest and tell FDH that his daughter does not like you, he cannot make her like you because that is cruel. You will grow to like each other at your own speed and he cannot force the issue. So to save his daughter any pain or distress you will not inflict yourself on her this weekend while he is working. }:) Wink

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

That's what I'm trying to plan. I've been looking for a sitter for my bio's so I can say I have plans and go have a fabulous time. }:)

oncechoosetosmile's picture

how come you have her every freaking weekend?That doesn't seem to be fair!!Weekdays are much easier to organise with schol age kids so why can't they share one week on and off, so at least you get a weekend off here and there?
If that doesn't work , you need a babysitter.