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Sasquatch can eat shit

Ljcapp1's picture

So last night, not a good night I feel like shit and just wanted to lay in bed.
A little history: SD23 moved back to our town with GS4. Since then and all the time before GS spends a lot of time with us, like almost every weekend.
I guess Sasquatch got wind that GS is staying with us this weekend so DH gets a text (a little too late at night.) Sasquatch is unhappy that GS calls DH a special name and only calls her 'grandma.' And "hopefully LJCAPP knows that she is only LJCAPP not a special name." NEVER has GS ever called me anything but LJCAPP.

Why can't her phone catch on fire - while she's on it??? }:)


Ljcapp1's picture

How is this worthy of a late night text?? I'm guessing drunk and attempting to control DH as usual or start a fight. He didn't answer (that I know of and if I find out different I will put his phone In the microwave)

QueenBeau's picture

He should block her calls and texts. Lol. Nothing like her idiot ass typing something like that to send & getting the ole... "This subscriber has chosen not to receive text messages from you" or whatever message.

Ljcapp1's picture

Queen you jest...he would never do that. Sasquatch holds his balls in her purse. Sasquatch was guilting him because I wouldn't let sd23 move in with us. He almost gave in!!!! We have a. Tiny 2 BR house 30 miles from town. Sd has no car. He said "Sasquatch reminded me that she had both girls in a 1 bedroom house, and it was hard for her." Insinuating we should be able to do the same.
Ask me if I care???? She makes all kids of stupid decisions - that was one of them. Not your problem what she has done for the girls.

Ljcapp1's picture

My kids too. An emergency ok case by case, but sd had no job, no car, and no plan. I will not support a grown ass woman who doesn't try to help herself.

QueenBeau's picture

DH was iffy about blocking BM. One day she was texting us both crazy shit so I called up our cell service & blocked her texts on both phones & from calling mine.

As soon as SD is 18 she will be blocked calling his phone too

Ljcapp1's picture

SD turns 18 in a few days, but he still has to support her til 22. So I guess I will block bitchface from his phone then

Teas83's picture

He has to support her until she's 22? Why? I'm in Canada so I'm not aware of all CS stuff that goes on is the US.

My husband has to pay CS until SD is 18, unless she goes to college full time while living with BM. Then he has to pay CS until she's 21.

DaizyDuke's picture

Not sure where LJ is, but I'm in NY and CS goes until 21.. regardless of whether they are in college. The only way around it is if they move out, go into the military, get married or die. Living in this state is seriously so much freaking fun!

Ljcapp1's picture

It's the same in Missouri - I fat fingered, I meant 21.
Sd does have wedding stuff on Pinterest - if sd marries that kid when she's 18. He will be done. And I will insist that he not talk to Sasquatch there is no reason and she's caused enough shit in 4 years for a life time.

Ljcapp1's picture

Idk for sure. She said she was going to MU which I checked into and she's an out of state student so her tuition would be $ 30k per year. I told. Dh we would not be paying that and in MO if one parent can't pay the other doesn't have to either. Sasquatch couldn't pay and there is no way we can. Also she has to be enrolled in 12 credit hours but august 2015 or he can file papers to stop payment. I can't really see her going to community college full time. She has no car and never had a job and she will be 18 in a few days. I have a feeling there's a wedding a'comin'

Teas83's picture

He can choose not to pay her tuition? Up here, that's a whole separate issue on top of CS. My husband would have to pay 93% of SD's tuition in addition to CS. The tuition falls under "section 7 expenses", which are split based on DH's and BM's income. She makes 7% compared to his 93%.

Ljcapp1's picture

My dh makes 20k per year...tuition is separate here too. But both parent have to be able to contribute equally. If sd ever pulls shit like putting us in debt over her college I will fucking slap her. And I would pack my shit. There is no way I will agree to helping pay that. I have. 2 kids to support still and We live paycheck to paycheck and have very little in 401k.

Ljcapp1's picture

My dh makes 20k per year...tuition is separate here too. But both parent have to be able to contribute equally. If sd ever pulls shit like putting us in debt over her college I will fucking slap her. And I would pack my shit. There is no way I will agree to helping pay that. I have. 2 kids to support still and We live paycheck to paycheck and have very little in 401k.

Teas83's picture

I'm with you on that. DH's lawyer said if he refuses to pay, it would have to be SD to take him to court for it. He agrees that if she does that then we are done with her. Luckily, BM barely passed high school and never went to college. I'm assuming SD will follow in her foot steps.

QueenBeau's picture

I'd still block at 18. Send the check, but SD is an adult & can communicate her needs to you without BM.

Ljcapp1's picture

I totally would but HE Is so afraid of Sasquatch. He's afraid she will take him back for more CS. That is a major reason he cows to her. I think if he knew he didn't have to "mind her" because CS was over he would tell her to fuck off. But he punishes me instead.

hereiam's picture

It's none of her business what GS calls you. I got a special name for her, though (starts with a C, end in a T, and has a UN somewhere in there).

Teas83's picture

That woman sounds so insecure if this is what she's concerned about.....the special names that each grandparent is called.

After DH and I got married, BM called him in a huff one day. SD had referred to my brother as "uncle" apparently, and BM was not okay with it. She yelled at DH and said that it would confuse SD to call my family members "aunt/unlce/grandma", etc. I couldn't believe this chick thought she could dictate what goes on in our family.

DaizyDuke's picture

oh my land.... Who the fuck would care??? about something so stupid and irrelevant???

I think you ought to teach GS to call her Sasquatch! LMAO!

Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll get drunk and make mac and cheese, pass out and burn her house down.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

My stepkids call my parents nanny and grampy. That's what I taught my BS3 to call them because that's what I called my grand parents... But the steps call BMs and DHs parents grandma and grandpa. I don't think they call my brother uncle though.. not sure. BM doesn't seem to have an issue with it.

just.his.wife's picture

Start training the kid to call you Mita.

Let BM go insane trying to figure out what it means. Then once she figures it out... pop A LOT of corn and enjoy the show Wink