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Bodaceia took her blog down?

Anon2009's picture

Seriously, that letter was the stupidest idea I've seen in a long time.


Anon2009's picture way would I voluntarily write bm a letter telling her how I feel about anything.

almost.ready's picture

Lol. I was looking forward to seeing what BM thought of the letter. It actually reminded me of a time when my Bio daughter's, father's new wife had contacted me because the child support order was about to be enforced. She asked me to pay for a DNA test because they did not believe she was his daughter. I of course had no doubt in my mind that she was his.

I laughed my ass off knowing how much it killed her everytime he got paid and his check was garnished. }:)

I also told her she had nothing to do with it so if any contact was necessary, only he should contact me.

Anon2009's picture

Wow, that's crazy. It just goes to prove that BMs aren't the only ones who overstep boundaries.

Anon2009's picture

Bodaceia posted a blog about writing a letter to bm about her receiving some of her DHs military pension. Which bm is legally entitled to. She told bm in the letter (don't know if she sent it) how she felt about it and how she felt icky that it tied dh to bm forever. I cannot see how any sane person would want bm to know she gets under their skin.

WTF...REALLY's picture

Oh come on Anon - you know full well if you got an email from your ex's new wife saying paying her the due retirement made you feel "icky" that you would of said - OK no worries - you can have my retirement benefits.

Yeah right! Oh boy.

Anon2009's picture

Oh yes! I'd love that. I'd also tell her she could have my rainy day savings and that I'd buy her a Ferrari.

missflo's picture

Hah!!! Missed the whole thing. We had a similar situation, BM got half of DH'S superannuation up to the time of settlement. We were both resentful but instead of seeing it as a "tie for life" we've chosen to view it as a small price to pay for having all ties cut from that point forward. I firmly believe it's all about the view you choose to take. Not a chance in hell we'd let her have an inside view of what effect she has. Sorry Witchy Poo, we're happy despite your best efforts. Smile

Disneyfan's picture

That blog was hilarious.

Why would she want to give BM ammunition to use against you?

If I received a request like that, my inner bitch would have a field day. Those funds would be nothing more than mad money. I would make sure she knew about each and every lavish purchase,vacation...that the money she is so desperate to get her hands on was used for.

Never let a BM see you sweat. Maintain a poker face at all times.

Anon2009's picture

"To be honest, I saw her point in how the ex wife wasn't really entitled to the amount she was getting."

She is entitled to that amount because a judge signed off on it. I think the OP said they were married for 9 years.

You bring up a good point about not working. Some couples decide for one parent to stay home with the kids. Many of these couples divorce later on. That parent's work skills are then out of date/need refreshing/maybe nonexistent. I think alimony would/could help the parent who stayed home to refresh their workplace skills and survive/train in a new field until they get a new job. Also, say the mom or dad gets hit by a car or incurs some sort of disability/injury that leaves them permanently disabled. That alimony could help them survive until they get a job or into a program that could help them.

ETA: Don't you think this letter is handing BM good ammo against the SM? If I was BM my friends and I would be having some laughs over this letter and it'd be all over the internet. Seriously. I'd let my inner b!tch out, as another poster said.

Anon2009's picture

"Good ammo? I don't give a shit what BM says or doesn't say about me"

But I think this OP does on some level.

Seriously, if I was the BM the whole world would be getting some laughs out of this letter or any remarks a SM made to me about it. It'd be all over the internet. This BM is entitled to whatever a judge signed off on/whatever the law says she's entitled to. If this SM doesn't like it she and/or her DH should start a movement to change the laws, or go through the courts to change it.