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I'm not sure what to feel about it

aliceinmexico's picture

I've always thought it was werid to marry some one who already had kids. My mom had me then married my step dad, when my brother was born I always knew I would come last. throu out my life I saw how my parents showed more love and more to my brothers.So this was always a reminder to stay away with guys with kid(s). And as I got older my best friend had a boyfriend who had a little girl not to long she my friend had a kid of his own too. When I would go over, she used to tell me how she hated when the little girl would come over on the weekend. I used to think maybe she was just upset and didnt mean it. But she would tell me how she push her kid and cuddle up to her dad and disrepect her. This made me remeber that i was glad to never be in that kind of relationship with a guy who has kids.

Years later i went out alot meet alot of goodlooking guys. But around the weekend some guys would tell me they cant see me or if i wanted to come and see the kid since it was their weekend. Well thats when i knew our time together was out of time. I didnt want to take a kid(s) time away from their dad let alone being nice(which im not some timesjust to wild or louad)to a kid who doesnt want to spend time with me. At this time i was tried of being alone and need someone more stable in my life, thats when I met my husband. I was rude and mean to him at a cable company and i was just having a bad day but the second time we met again we dated married in a month.

Well thats when I found out that he had a little kid and she lived with her mom.Also that he sign a paper saying he was no longer in her life as the mother wishes. But when I got prego I found more pics and hes been sad he doesnt see her but I've felt like me and my baby arent much too him. I have felt bad because I've looked in his wallet and saw he still had photos of her and her mom. I felt really hurt and didnt tell him why but he thought about it and riped the photos. It made me upset he did that I just dont want her moms pic in his wallet.I feel like i will never be his 1st wife.
