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My sister is embarrassing

Midwest Stepmom's picture

I'm just so embarrassed for my sister. She is a year younger then me but we don't have a relationship. I just learned about her 3 years ago. Last week she posted on Facebook that she got food stamps so yay for shopping. Then today she posted she got Medicaid for the kids so she is making appointments.

Who would post stuff like this publicly? Then she takes pictures of her newly decorted apartment. Granted is cheap cheesy walmart decor, but if you need help with food you shouldn't be buying unneeded upgrades.


WTF...REALLY's picture

Awwwwww. I love FB. If you keep it clean and drama free - great way to keep family up to date on kids etc. Plus, mu hubby's life has been photographed for years so it is fun to see them and or post them. People will randomly post his photo and many times it ones we have not seen yet.

Keep it clean - and it can be a great tool. However, i do understand people have caused hell on FB and added so much stress to others lives.