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so done with freaking skids and the bm.

sixteensmom's picture

I've been kinder than you know, more compassionate than you imagine. I have morals, integrity and spirit.I know shallow childish hurt, and deep adult hurt, and have walked. away. from both, singed. I believe it's important to always be learning, from others, from your mistakes, and to admit these. I've forgiven lies, threats, being taken advantage of, stolen from. to get through the next holiday. I've turned the other cheek to another slap, spit, shove, and other disrespectful acts, to make it through the next visit. I've seen the pain you've caused your family, those you currently claim, and those you dishonour. I imagine you've shed tears of regret at times, but don't care if you have. When I forgive, it's completely. I never forget entirely, because I am prepared when you pull that shit again. I've been your best friend, your mother, your only confidant. I've been your worst nightmare, that bitch, and 'nothing but someone to blame' I've never been brainwashed. Never been used as a pawn. I've always been able to love more than one person in my life at a time, and make adult decisions I'm proud of and stand by no matter who is in the room. I stopped chasing years ago and won't resume. We've lost parents and friends to cancer, a grandchild. two. I've been through 6 rounds of chemo, lost my hair, held full time jobs and raised my family through it all. I have zero tolerance for freeloaders, victims or women who play the entitiled card to mooch off the system, or her ex husband. I have even less tolerance for disrespectful adult children who don't have all the facts but allow themselves to be played in the pathetic alimony game, even moreso than the women spewing the hateful lies in the first place. I believe people must live with the consequences of their choices. I will rest easy and watch for the karma bus to take you assholes OUT.
