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Talked to Sboys, found out the info we needed. Not sure what to do now. Fighting myself.

MamaFox's picture

I think ss14 rehearsed this in his head. The conversation went like this...

"Dad, What hospital was I born in?"
"UH, West something..It's on your birth certificate."
"Yeah I know...Hey our old apartment was that on an Avenue or a Street?"
"Main Street...What are you getting at?"
"College is after Highschool right?"

And I was listening and put it together...and had FDH repeat the answers the kid was so intent on getting..

The kid just spelled out his address (no not the same thing I put on here) and FDH repeated it and SS's answer was "Yeah, Dad, thats exactly what I'm talking about".

I have no idea what this kid is trying to tell us.

Is he hurt? Is something happening? Is he just being sneaky so we come see him? I cross referenced the pictures of the house that Bm's husband posted on his facebook with the street view on google maps...same house, same surrounding houses. I have the exact address and google maps directions.

...Do we go over there or not? It DOES state in the court order, besides supervised visitation, we are not allowed to physically meet up with the kids without a court order saying so.


MamaFox's picture

I did not repeat the conversation on here, because OBVIOUSLY, it would spell out the minor childs current address.

He knows exactly where his child was born.

MamaFox's picture

Long story short.......BM filed for Ex parte emergency modification of custody, when FDH was out of state three years ago helping his own father out on the farm when he was deathly ill...I dont know how she pulled it off, but a week after he had left (She had first right of refusal when it came to babysitting/watching the she took them when he left) she basically filed that he abandoned his kids. They took his custody away and now he is on supervised visit and has been for about three years now.

MamaFox's picture

Oh I checked all of this out before I got involved....It's all on my other blog post, but suffice it to say, FDH and I are not entirely sure his ex lawyer and her lawyer did everything by the book. Whatever happened when he wasnt in town was wrong.

I mean I have everything related to the case I could get my hands on. Even the Missing and Exploited Child notices that went out about the oldest SS14 (soon 15), when BM literally kidnapped him in 2008. And then this was all filed in 2010.

Something wrong happened when they were on one of the rare visitation BM actually kept when FDH had full custody. We just dont know what.

MamaFox's picture

Did you actually read anything in my post beyond the first 3 lines?

Tuff Noogies's picture

idk mama. could be his feeble attempt at being covert? any reason why your DH wont just ask him what ss's trying to do?

MamaFox's picture

If he talks about wanting to see his Dad at all when BM or her H are around, basically the kid is punished for weeks after. He wont be able to see his friends, or he always has extra chores to do, has to watch his half siblings for hours at a time...ect...So we try not to push him for conversation like that. Anytime I or DH have asked before about custody...we try SO hard to impress on him that we wont go against his wishes unless he is in danger...It's been simple questions like "Do you want us to force the issue of visitations?"..or...what have you, and his answers have always been very single one word answers (always Yes btw). So...this

Anon2009's picture

I know this isn't the point of your blog but why does dh only have supervised visitation?

Willow2010's picture

Do we go over there or not? It DOES state in the court order, besides supervised visitation, we are not allowed to physically meet up with the kids without a court order saying so.

I would not violate the CO at all. Why is the CO worded like that anyway?

kathc's picture


OK, sorry, I just went and read your old blogs to figure out what was going on.

No, don't go over there if there's a CO saying you can't. Even IF they invite you. Tell them you'll be happy to meet them somewhere but until the CO is changed it's better for everyone to follow it so there's no miscommunications.

And, yeah, sounds very shady what she pulled to get the boys. I hope you can get things fixed.

MamaFox's picture

There was never any sort of abuse charges of any kind or CPS/DHS investigations against FDH ever. So I really have no idea why it went from CP to NCP with supervised visitations. It really is pretty hinky, all the way down to FDH's own (now ex lawyer) lied to the court about not being able to get in contact with FDH during the Ex Parte hearing. Something is really rotten in this situation. BESIDES how shitty and crazy BM is.

I mean literally, I've done a full federal background check on him. I paid for that shit myself, before I put all my emotions on the line with these kids and the custody issues.

MamaFox's picture

It's just so heartbreaking Ladies. It's like...we get he is crying out. But...besides what we we're already going to do...Enforcement of Visitation and a few months later Modification of Custody Order...I dont know what else to do.

It's just so fucking sad.

MamaFox's picture

Absolutely he did. But SS went back to the one maybe three word answers then along the lines of...

"I'm good."
"ss10 is okay, too"

So...we really dont know. It did sound like she was in the room when he was talking then. Is that enough of a weird blip that "someone" could anonymously call DHS and report possible abuse?

MamaFox's picture

You know, looking at my post I made before bed,.....and the conversation we had with him on Wednesday, Maybe since he was looking up the visitation laws in our state, he understand what the whole Process Server thing is and that we needed a real address to do it, and thats where all this came from.

And I'm just thinking too hard about it or looking for more answers where there arent any.

MamaFox's picture

Thank Mairin, your acknowledgement seemed to make me pull my head out of my ass. Much better mood now.

MamaFox's picture

Thank you very much. Smile

Good news is FIL is healthy now, granted it took a triple bypass, but he is much better now.