Why is this now a problem? *SIGH* I'm so over this BS
SS broke his phone. He plugged his phone into DH's blue tooth charger instead of his phone charger and melted the port. BM doesn't have a home phone so it worries DH a lot when SS is home alone at her house that he has no way to call for help. I suppose he could go to the neighbor. DH was really mad about SS's grades and was going to buy him a 10.00 trac phone so he would have a way to call if he needed something. Well SS really pulled it out and made A/B honor roll. Plus had perfect attendance for all marking periods except the first one but he broke his hand. Out of the entire final marking period he only had one missed homework assignment and cuntalotapus told DH she told SS he didn't have to do it because it was a holiday weekend so we didn't hold that against him. (It was only worth a quiz grade
) So I got him a smart phone on my cell phone account. (it was free. We have tight control over it AND I got teen safe
SS called her from his new phone to make sure he had his number.
this was the conversation when cuntalotapus came to the door:
Cuntalotapus: Were you going to discuss this with me?
DH: Discuss what?
Cuntalotapus: THE PHONE!
DH: Uh, SS has had a phone for the last 2 1/2 years.
Cuntalotapus: But his phone has been broken for 3 weeks
DH: Yes and I got him a new one
Cuntalotapus: You need to discuss these things with me
DH: Are you going to pay for half of his cell phone?
Cuntalotapus: No, why would I do that? It's your account.
DH: Exactly, so if you aren't paying for it, you have no say in the matter.
Cuntalotapus: You're an a**hole
DH: Also, SS has to go to the gym on two of your days this week. He has to be there for 1 hour each day. It's open from 5-7
Cuntalotapus: DH you can't schedule stuff on my time
DH: It's a medical order. The obesity doctor ordered this AND it's at his office. If you are't going to take him let me know and I'll come get him
Cuntalotapus: when am I supposed to see him then?
DH: It's for an hour. Get over it. He'll be home all day there's no school.
Cuntalotapus: You can't dictate when on my days I can spend time with our son
DH: Fine if you don't want him to go to the medically ordered exercise program then you can take me to court and explain to the judge why you don't want to follow the doctor's orders.
and she stormed off causing a 5.8 magnitude earthquake. Okay so that was mean but whatever. He has had a smart phone for over 2 years. MIL Bought it. I wouldn't have gotten him a smart phone but teen safe only works on a smart phone. Plus he really worked hard this last marking period and the perfect attendance and he has been doing his chores without being asked and he is doing really good in this fit program. I thought it would be a nice gift.
Who cares who got it? She wasn't mad when MIL bought him a phone.
Reasons I think she is mad about it:
She has uber crappy credit and can't get a contract phone. I think she has virgin mobile.
Her phone isn't as nice as the one I got SS
She's mad WE got the phone
- Gabriels Mom's blog
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That is every time they
That is every time they interact. EFF YOU I HATE YOU YOU'RE AN A**HOLE!!!
This is also BMs go to
This is also BMs go to response.
fDH tells her, "that's f'ing ahole to you."
I love when DHs put BMs in
I love when DHs put BMs in their place to where they really don't have a reasonable argument back so they either scream nasty words at you, hang up or both. Its like DHs convo with our Bm the other day. She called to talk to SD then SD hands the phone to DH. Went something like this
BM: (screaming so the rest of us in the kitchen could hear her loud and clear) I specifically text you and said to let SD bring her backpack in the house and NOT to leave it in your car. Those are HER things and they make her feel safe and secure when shes away from home you fucking asshole!
DH: (cuts her off) whoa whoa whoa, hear me out before you go flipping out. I told her there was a lot of extra kids here for the b-day party. She brought the journal in Friday night and she can bring the backpack in and up to her room after all the extra kids leave so chill out.
BM: Click
Lol....And she says shes the mature reasonable one? Yeah ok BM...I think they are so miserable with their selves and/or their situations that no matter how wonderful or reasonable DH is hes still a stupid asshole...
LOL When she does stuff like
LOL When she does stuff like that DH explains it to her like she's an idiot.
Ordinarily he doesn't. She
Ordinarily he doesn't. She usually doesn't even get out of her truck. She texts that she is there and SS goes out. She just wanted to cause a scene because she's mad.
Isn't it FUNNY no matter the
Isn't it FUNNY no matter the custody situation or what it is, if SM should have anything to do with it BM throws a shit fit that it should be discussed. But on HER time anything goes. Bleu! I could see if you guys got him a phone for the FIRST time but seriously... Discuss what!? Oh and the "F you. I hate you" I think BMs think that will hurt them or something? Lol. Like we care how you feel about DH now.
I just don't get it. I didn't
I just don't get it. I didn't do it to be mean to her or make her look stupid or whatever it is that she thinks I'm doing. I did it because he's been doing really well lately and it's a nice change from DH b*tching at him constantly and he needed a phone. I wish my bank account was as big as her damn ego.
LOL She weighs 388lbs so I
LOL She weighs 388lbs so I can see where she doesn't think SS has a problem. We were doing the visits all on our time but the Dr. said we need to space the visits out. Which would probably help him out a lot. So instead of wed, thurs, fri the doctor wants Monday Wednesday Friday. She needs to suck it up. It will take up an hour on her Mondays and an hour of her time every other Friday.
Is BM obese too? Do you
Is BM obese too? Do you think she is jealous that SS is getting help and she isn't?
Yea she is, she is like 5'7"
Yea she is, she is like 5'7" or 5'8" and weighs 388 I stick with that number because SS went to the doctor with her and he said that's how much she weighs. She does not want her child to be better than her or have anything better than her. She told DH that SS should not have a better life than her.
She will bring him. She's not
She will bring him. She's not entirely stupid she knows DH will take her to court if she doesn't. She just likes to rile him up. He never shows it in front of her but he rants and raves later.
He loves his son very much
He loves his son very much and he truly cannot wrap his head around a parent that wouldn't do anything to make sure their child was healthy.
TBH I think DH would take SS away from her in a heartbeat if he didn't think it would hurt SS more in the long run. I have tried to tell him that this is one of SS's life lessons; how to cope with a selfish parent. I had to learn it. It blows. You get through it and move on.
Oh yea I feel like the
Oh yea I feel like the minimum is to give my kids a life that is 50% better than what I had. She doesn't want SS to be more educated than her. She told him he didn't have to go to college. I told both the kids you have two choices after high school You can go to college here or you can go to college there. But you will get higher education. Even if it's trade school. They will be certified in something. Also, DH told me flat out if SS turns out to be lazy like his mom and not work or go to school he can go live with his mom. I was like :jawdrop:
Do you even know how bad that
Do you even know how bad that pisses me off? I am 5'2, add a half if I have heels on LOL, I struggled with weight my ENTIRE life. I had every test done because my parents are both skinny and they just knew I had diabetes, thyroid, something that was causing me to be fat. Nothing was medically wrong, I was just a person who struggled. I had a gastric bypass at 30 years old and lost 150lbs and have kept it off and I weight 145 now and I look healthy. My daughter is built like I was, very solid, thick legs, butt. So I encouraged her to play sports, to go on walks with me and the dog, let's go swim. I want to keep her active so she never has to struggle. BM is a straight up bitch for wanting to let him skip medical ordered appointments that are trying to improve his life long health! Ok sorry, I'm ranting but it's a mother's job to help a child with healthy eating, exercise, etc... especially if they already have weight issues.
After years of lots of tests
After years of lots of tests and my parents giving me so much grief over being big, as an early adult I went to see a counselor. Turned out nothing was physically wrong with me, I was an emotional eater. If it's a happy occasion you eat to celebrate, bad day, eat to feel better, can't sleep a little snack and milk will help. I ate my feelings instead of figuring out what my feelings were. So I got my head on straight, and after a few years of trying on my own and having a baby and then my divorce I decided it was time to talk to a bariatric Dr. I had high cholesterol, asthma, high blood pressure, had already had one knee surgery due to the weight wearing on the cartilage. He said I was a prime candidate. Within two weeks of the surgery my cholesterol was normal, blood pressure normal, and my asthma rarely flaring up. It's been 5 years, I've kept the weight off, no health problems from the surgery. I can honestly say it was the best thing I could do. BUT it wasn't a forever fix, I still have feelings, I still have bad days and I have to control that because if I eat like I used to I will gain the weight back. But I can tell you that putting on a size of 10 jeans (I used to wear a 22) feels SO much better than a cookie
Congratulations Darlin! I
Congratulations Darlin! I think that's fantastic. We took SS to a pediatric endocrinologist who specializes in childhood obesity. BM's dad is type 2 and blobzilla was just diagnosed. We wanted to make sure he was okay. BM of course didn't show to the appt. That's how I found out her weight. It asks and we didn't know. SS told us she was 388. His blood work came back fine. He doesn't look fat but if he takes his shirt off you can see our areas of concern. He has a belly and getting moobs. So he needs to do 3 hours a week at the clinic. 30 mins cardio 30 mins of weight training. Plus we have a Y membership so he will get extra time there on our days.
The point is you are helping
The point is you are helping him do something about it before it becomes a big problem like BM has. Once you get to that size it's putting a horrible strain on your body and very hard to get the weight off on your own. You are helping him with good habits and choices now to guide him later.