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If you need a good laugh this is a must read!

Frustratedlady's picture

If you need a good laugh this is a must read!


Rhinodad's picture

"Being the equal-opportunity Heartless Bitches that we are, we'd like to note that if you reverse the genders, this works equally well for creating an Evil Step Father. "

Amen to that.

Jsmom's picture

All I can say is someone had a lot of time on their hands and really resented the Dad....Probably completely justified, but Damn!

Frustratedlady's picture

A puzzle in-deed :-). No matter what perspective it was written in, it was a scored woman no doubt.

If you read anything else from that site it hits any and every issue a pissed off woman might have. And honestly, I think it's a nice refresher. Although, I so feel the anger behind the writer, I realize I am not bad at all. Won't lie though, would like to have drink with her!

Maxwell09's picture

I think its probably a Stepmom who dealt with all this and became a BioMom while married to this guy, obviously she's realized he's not the one for her after all.

Anon2009's picture

I've seen this before. It would be interesting to find out more about the author's background.

Frustratedlady's picture

I still think it's a combo of both. Really just speaking from my shoes though as a BM and SM. No I wasn't the crazy BM by no means. Especially what I lived though and still am dealing with regarding my steps and their BM. But that's not to say that I don't relate to author if in-fact a BM. Hence why the BM of my step kids jumps up my crawl so much! If she only understood how much I STOOD UP for her! Maybe if she'd let go of the high school drama crap. Maybe if she'd realize I've let go of her exH and her adult kids...she and her friends would leave me ALONE! I am moving on. Why can't they. Plus I am thinking how much of a strong woman I truly am.