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There Oughta Be a Charity/Foundation To Stamp Out Stepmotherhood. . .

thinkthrice's picture

with literature warning young women not to go down this path!!! A mandatory film on PAS, the lop-sided court system and CS. . .how it will affect YOU!! Early education is the key.

We need slogans as well:

Just say NO to Stepmotherhood!
This is your brain, this is your brain after skids. . .any questions?
The number one road to poverty is not necessarily single parenthood. . .it's stepmotherhood!!

Feel free to glom on!


DaizyDuke's picture

I just pinned one on Pinterest the other day that said

"Stepmoms: Like regular moms, only with none of the credit and all of the judgment."

I realized the other day that with all the teen pregnancies, illegitimate children etc out there, that there is a VERY STRONG, almost definite possibility that most of our skids will have to deal with skids and BMs of their own at some point in their lifetimes. I absolutely can not wait for that circus act! I am getting front row seats and lots of popcorn!

askYOURdad's picture

That would be great, a permission slip sent home for the kids/skids to take a sex education class followed by a single parenthood/step parenthood class, then people can say "you knew what you were getting into" because it will be common knowledge.

As far as the slogan... what was the D.A.R.E. slogan? Just say no, keeping kids off the streets????

How about stepparenting- just say no! Keeping adults out of psych wards!

Drac0's picture

I must be bored

A Stepparents Nightmare
"Children of the CO"
And the child shall rule...

It feels no pity. It feels no pain.
The Garnishment-nator
Child Support that never. F*cking. ENDS!!!!

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Thinkthrice, this is GENIUS! I am totally on board!

Friends don't let friends become step-mothers!