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defiant SD14

Annanymous's picture

Backtalking, disrespect, and pure defiance. I said go to your room seven times and each time she backtalked. She stood on a step over me glaring in my face and said "you're a.... I don't even know"... I said go to your room.

Yep you bet I raised my voice at her after constant mouthing. I told DH either she stay in her room when he no home or he find the high school crazypants a babysitter.

I wish she wouls have tried something I would have her removed so fucking fast.


HadEnoughx5's picture

They DO suck! I had mini in our house. She's just as crazy as her BM. Eventually DH removed her from the house. She was complete destruction at 12!

Annanymous's picture

She awful. Seriously. DH doesn't even do anything. She disrespect and defiant to me and he says nothing. Tonight he said well honey take a shower after dinner and then you can hang out in your room tonight...

Wtf. No telling her the defiance and disrespect is unacceptable. Nothing. Fuck a bunch of this shit.

Crazypants acting out in my third trimester again just like 2012. It was extreme like mental hospital for two weeks and her being just terrible.

I try dh deal with her or get her out of my house. She stand and stare me down. She be out this house so fast her crazy little fat head would spin.

Annanymous's picture

No she would LOVE that. She would have something to run and tell everyo e she comes across. She cries all the time to people how abused she . I think she faked bei g molested for attention. Serious. Her friend said she wS so SD14 all of a sudden comes out three boys using it manipulate for attention. Sicko.

She mad I won't let her alone with my son.

She is borderline personality disorder. She will be great a few days then you see her texts and its SICK REALLY FUCKING SICK the she thi k she going to stare me down. I HOPE she hits me so I can put her in juvy.

IslandGal's picture

When I encounter blatant disrespect in any of my nieces no matter what age they are and I know I can't yell at them or whack 'em one, I wait 'til they finish mouthing off, then I spit straight at their feet and tell 'em thats what I think of their crap, then walk off.

Annanymous's picture

Again something she deserves but I can't or would be used for fuel to cry to psychiatrist and therapist and everyone else.

I am starting to video record crazypants and work on getting her out of my house.

Annanymous's picture

I was pissed. So he went and talked to her again and patted her poor fat crazy head. He said oh honey staring Anna down is not acceptable. ... I told DH I am NOT putting up with her borderline disorder crap again and he find crazypants a babysitter for after school or she AND HIM can leave and he can keep paying all the house bills for me to raise the babies as I am a SAHM and need to stay home until baby is in kindergarten and new baby starts early intervention.

I am sending her straight to her room and any defiance or backtalk is getti g texted to dh. I am going to start recording crazypants.

I swear to God she will be sent to a group home for the summer before I keep her with me like this. Putting up with her all day alone at 8-9 months pregnant then with newborn with spina bifida and csection and a toddler. ... you'd think almost 15 and in high school crazypants SD14 should be a help and not make life worse.

I really can't stand her. I will post her craycray texts soon when I get on laptop. Its entertaining but really pathetic and obvious manipulations.