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What makes for a good skid?

zerostepdrama's picture

If you could create the perfect skid, what would he/she be like?

And if the skid isn't "perfect" what issues/behaviors could you accept?

Often at times I read posts and it just seems like ANYTHING that the skid does warrants the SP to have issue with the skids. A lot of it is typical behavior of kids. Sometimes we bitch about something that our skid does, then turn around and brush it under the rug when our own bio does it. (I know a lot of this comes from dealing with shitty behavior prior which results in being annoyed at the little things.)

What qualities would you like to see in your skid?

If you have a good skid, what is it about them that makes them good? Or that you are happy to be around them?


zerostepdrama's picture

He he he... my first thought....

BUT if the skid was really awesome and good.... would you want one then?

zerostepdrama's picture

LOL- I know it sounds like a puppy... would you want a puppy if you knew he would be very good ha ha ha

farting_glitter's picture

dogs are different...they are loyal to their, skid.....sorry, Zero, it just isn't happening for me..... }:)

StepKat's picture

You know, not all skids are evil and don't deserve to exist. There are some really great skids in the world. I have 3 of them.

zerostepdrama's picture

True. I have 1 out of 4 that I can tolerate and doesn't cause me to want to poke my eyes out.

Willow2010's picture

I would change my DH before I changed the skid. In my situation, he is the main problem anyway.

farting_glitter's picture

what...the....f'n hell????????....a pacy at age 4.5???????????????.......does your DH not do anything about that at all????

farting_glitter's picture

oh, yes the fuck he can too.....NO kid should have a pacy at that age...NO kid......

farting_glitter's picture

^^^this^^^^^...that pacy needs to find it's way to the nearest trash can.....ASAP....

amber3902's picture

I was letting my daughter suck on a pacifier when she was a toddler, until I found out that the day care wasn't letting her have one.

Seriously, one day I dropped her off at the day care, and the day care lady walked over to her and said "Okay, sweetie, you know we're not doing pacys anymore, hand it over." My daughter handed over the pacy, no problem.

It was a wake up call for me. I realized she was doing a snow job on me and I was just giving into her.

So the next day when she asked for her pacy, I did just what the day care lady did and told her "Sorry, sweetie, we're not doing pacy anymore."

She never asked for it again.

askYOURdad's picture

I think you are right that a lot of skid behavior is just kids being kids. I can't complain too much about my skids, they annoy me sometimes but if we're being honest, my DH annoys me sometimes and so do my own bios.

I could not accept being called names, blatantly being told no, being disrespected to my face, or downright entitlement (I don't have to clean because I don't live here)- I would fully disengage as most of the smoms on here have.

Mercury's picture

One that doesn't keep fucking around with my husband's feelings. I love you, I hate you, I want to spend all my time with you, I want to stay as far away from you as I can, I'm skipping my visit with you this weekend.

I know all kids go through this stage but I think that children of divorce need to step it up a little. I know, it's not fair to expect that from them but they hold a lot of power over guilty parents and they know it. They are smarter than people give them credit for. The onus is also on them to make the relationship work and to not abuse the emotional fragility of their parents.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I wish SD13 was a bit more grateful. She isn't a bad kid per say, she's really just in need of some serious direction and parenting. What makes me the most upset about her is that at our house she has her own room, a very beautiful room at that, whereas in BM's, she sleeps with BM on the SAME bed with her because she doesn't have a BED.
Yet, she isn't the least bit grateful. I'm not sure why she is so desensitized but it upsets me a bit. Other than that, she's really not a bad kid and I can deal with her just fine so far.
There is no such thing as a perfect kid, Lord knows my Bio's are anything but.

StepKat's picture

I love my skids so they are fine the way they are. The only thing I would like to see change is SS9’s "know it all" attitude and his non-stop talking, but he may grow out of that

Starla's picture

My SS is a really good Skid. He is loving, smart, funny, honest, dependable, even reliable, open minded, loves animals and kids, great sense of humor, easy going, cheers you up if your down, and he is a wonderful young man with a lot of potential.

His downfalls are his lack of good hygiene, such a momma's boy that he will blow his dad off, can be arrogant at times, he is messy, and he's not my son but I wish he was.

My SD has her issues but her attitude in life is the worst I have ever seen from anybody. She only cares about watching tv, playing her favorite games, pigging out on certain foods, and nothing else or anybody that I know of. What I do like about her is that she can be a good person if she wanted too, she can be pretty if she cared, and that's all I can think of right now.

A dream Skid would be one like my SS or a dog. Dirol

QueenBeau's picture

SD7 is a pretty good kid. She annoys me like any other 7 year old would but I have no issues with her. When I feel like it we hang out. I'm like a cool aunt to her or a big sister.

The problems in steplife, for us, are from BM. Not from SD.

zerostepdrama's picture

I am a SD. I sent my SM an email when I was first dealing with the skids crap and I was like- Okay be honest do I suck? Was I ever mean and not realize it? Please tell me the truth so I can redeem myself. LOL I have a great relationship with my SM but I wanted to double check and make sure I didnt miss something.

She replied back that she hit the step daughter lotto with my sister and I and she thinks we have always been awesome! Smile

Sooooo if I had to say... I would say a skid who is just like me Wink ha ha ha

hereiam's picture

My SD22 was a good kid. Pretty quiet, well behaved and respectful.

She had a bout of insanity at about 15 (spurred on by BM, no doubt) but I really never had any problems with her personally.

She is not very smart and quite lazy, and I do wish she would make better decisions but she doesn't live with me so, not my problem.

She does lie and try to manipulate my husband but she's not good at it and gets nowhere so again, not a problem.

I would just like a better life for her than what I think she is going to end up with.

Anon2009's picture

My SDs, thankfully, are good kids. To me, how the kids act reflects their parenting. If they're not getting the guidance they need, there's a greater chance they won't act right. Some people let their kids get away with murder and never change that or make those changes too late. My SDs were young when they moved in with us so DH was able to start giving them the guidance and support they need.

I can tolerate messes and mistakes that kids make. I can also tolerate skids mistakes that we all make as humans.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

SS14 isn't a bad kid per se. He lies a lot, he's sneaky, he doesn't care about school or hygiene, and he's lazy as the day is long, but he's generally pretty respectful and polite. He helps around the house when we ask him to. He's a nice kid overall. But boy, the lying and laziness irritate the crap out of me. Those are two qualities I can't stand in a person, any person. I guess I really can't complain. I've got it good compared to what a lot of you are going through!

tryingmom's picture

In my situation the skids are good kids, just the product of craptastic lack of parenting. BM uses the skids as her bestest buddies and then expects them to respect her. These issues carry over to our home. They believe that they are entitled to know adult issues in our home.

Conflicts arise when they do something that I deem unacceptable behavior from ANY child and DH sees the same behavior as normal. I bow out and he can handle but he does know that I disagree with the consequences given. He has come around as he has seen the way I handle things get better results.