Letter to Husband about sex- too scared to send WARNING some graphic detail, not for the faint of heart
I am on Steptalk under another name, but since this is such a highly sensitive topic, I decided to create another account to reduce the chance anyone could figure out who I was.
Hubby and I have issues in the bedroom. I have tried to bring myself to bring it up, but I'm very angry about some of these things and I don't think I can do so without fighting or saying something I regret.
I wrote this letter. I think it comes off as too angry. Should I send it? How would you all address these very serious issues? I am so furious. I'm going to warn you, don't read it if you are super conservative or shy.
1. When did the rule change that sex now ends at your ejaculation? I haven’t climaxed the last 5 times we’ve had sex, and you act disappointed yet completely disinterested to do anything about that. Once you are done, sex is done. Every time.
2. What is the issue with oral sex? You used to do it all the time, and quite well. It seemed like you enjoyed it, or at least didn’t hate it. Now it seems you are deathly repulsed by it. The few times I’ve managed to convince you to try, you complain that you are tired or can’t keep going. What is that about? And when you are down there, you act lost. We’ve been together for over 13 years now. You know my body. It has not suddenly changed into some unknown thing. I am not comfortable having to direct you play by play (it’s embarrassing and a turn off to me), but I *do* guide you by clearly responding positively to what I like (moans, oh yes’s, pulling your hair), and not responding at all (laying like a dead fish) to what I don’t like. This has resulted in you doing less of what I like and more of what I don’t. I don’t get it. Over the years I think I’ve gotten far better at figuring out what you like as far as oral sex goes. I pay constant attention to how you react, the sounds you make, how you feel in my mouth, I listen for the hitch in your breath that tells me I’m doing something exceptionally right… Why haven’t you done the same for me?
3. While we are on the topic, if it’s a cleanliness issue on my behalf, just say something. I never let you venture down there if I’ve been riding, active, sweaty, or not showered that day. I’m open to a code word or phrase that means “wink wink, maybe you could clean up some extra tonight?” That said, you have shoved my head down south when things have been beyond not fresh. Offer me some courtesy, and don’t encourage or allow me to go there when it’s nasty. And please wash your balls more thoroughly, they always smell sweaty.
4. We both know ED is an issue. I know you have meds, they are up in the cabinet. I see them. Please use them. Nothing makes me feel less attractive, completely lacking in desirability, and a total failure as a woman than having you madly beat off just so we can change positions. I feel like I am disgusting to you. I know you have explained that this is not the case- but ED hurts more than just you. It also angers me that the use of the meds allowed you to continue past your orgasm so that I could have one, too. Why are you so resistant to that now?
5. Porno’s aren’t real. A lot happens that you don’t see in the actual film. I hope that you know this, but sometimes your behavior indicates that you may *not* actually know this. These actors prepare for these roles. The women stretch their holes and warm up beforehand in preparation, and insert tons and tons of lube in the places they are going to use. They also take breaks to reapply as needed. They “train up” to those acts. They also take lots of stimulants and pain killers in order to be able to endure those scenes. Despite that fistulas, tears, ruptures, and even prolapses are common industry injuries. You seem to have a pretty strong interest in anal sex, and I’m happy to try anything you want, but don’t just go thinking you can shove it in there. Use some common sense and some courtesy, and think about what you want to do and how it can safely be done with minimal pain. This is something you have to work up to slowly and I will be more willing if we get there in less painful stages.
6. Along that note- women do not *love* anal sex. With the right partner and done the right way it can be enjoyable because it is a little taboo, a little kinky, etc. But it is not physically stimulating. Women can enjoy the eroticism of it, but that’s about it.
7. Again along that note- anything that goes in the back door can no longer go in any other opening. Period. That’s not healthy. You did that to me once and I got an infection.
- doppleganger's blog
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I would absolutely send this
I would absolutely send this exactly as-is. Sure, you can take the angry edge out of, but I think you would lose a lot of the sense of importance as well. Sometimes, men have to know you're mad to know you mean business.
Doppleganger- I would be
Doppleganger- I would be pissed too if that was my sex life!! I think that these things need to be addressed for sure, but just knowing how men are, I am not sure this would be taken well.
My DH is a contractor- he gets stinky. He also will sometimes go 2-3 day between showers. If he smells, I have no problem telling him right there go shower, it ain't happening until you do.
As for the oral department- DH is on a non-giving streak. I have stopped giving as well, when he asks I smile and say- you first.
What I am getting at, is maybe instead of a letter you can break it down as they are happening instead of a dump of everything at once, though I have to say, he REALLY needs to hear everything you are saying.
My ex tried the anal thing
My ex tried the anal thing and OMG it hurts. Its not safe either. My ex pushed me to do it and hated every second of it. Have you thought about sex therapy or something along those lines?
I believe that's referred to
I believe that's referred to as a human bidet.
OK, that was funny
OK, that was funny
I'm sorry, but this made me
I'm sorry, but this made me lol.
I don't know if he's going to
I don't know if he's going to read all that, sorry hon. I think it would be better if you just talked to him about these things.
Or better yet, when he tries these things, why don't you tell him to stop? Like when he goes from the back door and tries to go back into the front door, why don't you stop him and say - Hey, stop that! You can't do that!
When he shoves your head down there, why don't you say, "Babe, I'd love to suck the sh$t out of you, but can you take a shower first, please?"
When he's eating you out, how about you say, "Honey, it feels so good when you touch me right there," and put his fingers exactly where you want them, - or say "That was great, and it would feel even better if you moved up just a touch, or pushed a little harder, softer," etc.
Sorry you're going through this, hopefully the two of you can work through these things.
#1- I have warned him of the
#1- I have warned him of the back door/front door problem after it happened. I just included it in the letter because I don't think he learned or would think of it.
#2- If it were atrocious down there I would say something and/or refuse. I was trying to point out the disparity in consideration. He's not concerned when HIS stuff stinks
#3- I addressed in the letter I find having to give this kind of direction embarrassing and a complete turn off. I have a method to let him know what I like, and it seems pretty common sense to me. Unfortunately, he seems to do opposite. Maybe he's being passive aggressive. Like the SKids- if I do a bad enough job, maybe they won't ask me to do it anymore!
Sexting with your DH is great
Sexting with your DH is great and all, until he sends you a dirty text while you are in a meeting with high ranking officers and your face is turning red.
Let me preface this by saying
Let me preface this by saying that I have zero problems with your letter as is. I understand you feel it's too angry but I definitely get the sense of hurt and frustration underlying your words.
I'm going to ask some questions that may be a little harsh or rude - please know these are just meant to get you to think, to analyze and see if any apply, heck, maybe none of them do. I'm one of those annoyingly analytical people that view every angle no matter how far fetched when I am trying to solve a problem.
1. In addition to the ED, has DH's testosterone been affected?
2. Have either of you undergone extreme physical changes like weight gain, loss, illness, surgery, etc.?
3. Is there another woman? Not even necessarily an actual affair but possibly an affair of the heart that is causing his attention to wander elsewhere?
4. Has there been a job change, job loss, financial stress?
5. Are you different as a result of any of the above questions perhaps?
6. Have either of you been lax in other forms of intimacy not just sex like general affection, terms of endearment, teasing, etc?
Again, I am just thinking out loud and obviously, you want to remain as vague as possible in this post as to what's going on in your life outside of this subject. Please dont take anything I am saying or asking as a slam against either of you.
I agree with the others who say you need to sit him down and talk this out. It's an uncomfortable subject for some people but you sound very intelligent, articulate, and sensitive so I think it would be a good conversation to have.
Good luck!
1. In addition to the ED, has
1. In addition to the ED, has DH's testosterone been affected?- yes, he has an implant.
2. Have either of you undergone extreme physical changes like weight gain, loss, illness, surgery, etc.?- We have both gained some weight, nothing extreme.
3. Is there another woman? Not even necessarily an actual affair but possibly an affair of the heart that is causing his attention to wander elsewhere?- No idea. I don't think so, but you never know.
4. Has there been a job change, job loss, financial stress?- I lost my job a few years ago, but supplement the families income. My new job gives us a place to live completely rent free, and that is a huge contribution.
5. Are you different as a result of any of the above questions perhaps?- I'm sure.
6. Have either of you been lax in other forms of intimacy not just sex like general affection, terms of endearment, teasing, etc?- Oh yeah. We have been in a bad spot for awhile. We both suffer from hearing the absolute worst out of one another. I'm trying to mend that bridge by changing how I react and respond. One of those changes is being accepting of sex at all times unless I'm sick.
Ugh I HAAAAAATTTTTTTEEEEE having to give play by play directions. Ugh! If I wanted to do that, I could sleep with nubile and tight bodied young men who could go five times in a row and want an experienced lady to teach them!
LOL!!! I am the same way,
LOL!!! I am the same way, these men are old enough to know how to work a woman up!
I'd give him the letter as
I'd give him the letter as is. I find that if I skip the writing and try to talk about things, I forget to bring up half of what I wanted to.
I feel you when it comes to oral sex. DH LOVES LOVES LOVES blowjobs, but rarely ever goes down on me anymore. We are both big on cleanliness when it comes to sex, so that is not an issue. On the rare occasions he does go down on me, claims that he loves it so much that he would do it more frequently if he wasn't so tired. HELLO?? I get attitude from him if I don't give him a blow job every couple of days, even though I take care of our two toddlers by myself, but I'm not allowed to be too tired? He only reciprocates MAYBE once every SIX WEEKS!
I would bust out a vibrator and use it in front of him if you don't finish and he does.
Isn't it sad, Sunny? I hate
Isn't it sad, Sunny? I hate it. I always prided myself on having a healthy and outgoing sexual appetite, if not borderline aggressive for a female. Now? I resent the most action I get is alone or in the bathtub.
Just to add, I'm no wilting
Just to add, I'm no wilting flower in the bedroom.
I watch just as much porn as hubby. We might have slightly different tastes. I have an interest in bondage and submission, and would be willing for him to be more dominant with me. (however, with our personalities I think it is me who would more easily be the dominant, but that isn't my fantasy)
I've done and enjoyed anal with another partner. He was gentler and let me be in control of the pace of things. DH is always in a hurry because god forbid he might lose that erection!
The irony is- I know there are husbands out there who would faint at the idea of even a blow job! I really enjoy oral sex, and I'm open to anal and porn and even trying on some kink....
.... and I married a dud in bed.
My FDH and I had such a bad
My FDH and I had such a bad Christmas with his kids he agreed to keep the kids away from me for January. Since then we've been like teenagers 2-3 times a night.
Get rid of the skids! They're passion killers....
Seriously, stress kills your sex drive. But sounds like you also need to be open and honest and not allow him to short change you. This might be too much information but it's perfectly possible for a woman to come from anal sex. But anal sex must only ever be with a gentle and sensitive partner, the wild stuff comes once you are used to it. I always say it's a two way street, if your partner is going to be careless about anal and not appreciate your efforts. You can always tie him up and do the same to his arse so he can understand exactly how it feels.
I also agree with one of the other ladies comments, if he's not giving you an orgasm get a good vibrator and have fun with that. He'll soon feel left out and agree to play by your rules.
YES YES YES to number 5 and
YES YES YES to number 5 and 6!!!!!! "Foreplay" as defined by "bend over and brace yourself"
I wouldn't send/give the
I wouldn't send/give the message to him but its healthy that you are getting your feelings out and I would discuss it in person when the time comes. Maybe you guys can go for a scenic or a walk and talk about it away from home, a spot you both enjoy so there is less tension.
I try to pay attention to what type of porn is being watched and is he hiding it? In my opinion, if a guy watches a lot of the same thing, it might not stimulate him as much as it once did. My DH avoids porn bc he knows he pulls back from me, he becomes more aggressive, I start pulling back from him, and it is a problem for some guys in different ways. So for you, I would find out if porn has a positive or a negative effect in your marriage and sex life. I say marriage bc of the web cam models, perhaps an emotional affair lies there if he hears what he wants from a cam girl.
Skids get in the way of a sex life for a lot of people, do they live with you or you guys get them a lot? I haven't found a way to work around that one yet, ours luckily lives with their BM. Counseling for that could be of great help especially if your DH is willing to.
You can make a game to spice things up. Something as simple as making 2 posters. In big fancy writing, write "what I need", one would be for you in the color you like and one for your DH of a color he likes. You can glue some sexy pictures to them, draw a cool design with hearts or anything, and make tabs at the bottom of the posters that you can tear off. I'd start off with 10 tabs and on each tab, you write down one thing you want from him. It might be a 10 back rub, being tied up and he goes down on you for 5 minutes, or anything at all. Keep the requested times short so the excuse "I'm too tired" won't work. You can make up his poster as a surprise and have him write down what he wants from you. If he agrees to the game, take turns with the tabs but do the request when its presented. I don't know if this game/idea is of interest to you but it can spark things up quickly if you be creative. It might take a few weeks to finish the game..
Its okay if you like to give head but he needs to be clean and give you pleasure as well. Before, after, or some time in-between. As for having orgasms, maybe try having a few yourself before and or during intercourse. Toys can help with that!
What? Step-parents shouldn't
What? Step-parents shouldn't have sex/talk about sex/ have issues with sex?
Seriously, the title says it all - if you are that easily offended you shouldn't have opened the thread.....
Nothing gross about it OP.
"Letter to Husband about sex-
"Letter to Husband about sex- too scared to send WARNING some graphic detail, not for the faint of heart"
What part of this did not make you realise that this was going to be graphic???
I am sorry - I am NOT a wicked step mother and I have watched porn, etc etc etc and have a very healthy and active sex life which has at times in my life involved everything mentioned in this thread. There is NOTHING wrong with any of it, it does not make me (or anyone else in the thread or engaging in those activities) a bad, dirty or otherwise "wicked" person nor in any way do anything to depict the wicked stepmother stereotype, in fact I'd bet money that a lot of people who aren't even step mothers engage in kinky active sex....
LadyFace telling him "It's a
LadyFace telling him "It's a pussy NOT a bunny!"
(and we all know pussies don't like being in water.....)
Yeah, I have to agree,
Yeah, I have to agree, Luchay. It's not like the title to this was: Tips on Couponing for the Blended Family or something.
I'd bet money if it was tips
Why do some make sex out to
Why do some make sex out to be so taboo. It's about of life and a big part of intimate relationship between SOs. The porn, bondage, ect are just apart of many people's sex lives.
Whats wrong with promoting
Whats wrong with promoting healthy hygiene? If your man's balls are nasty then he needs to wash them. Someone expressing they want proper hygiene for sex is not a bad thing.
I don't think it's bad
I don't think it's bad hygiene as such - lets face it - for anyone on a hot day "down there" can get a bit whiffy.
I ALWAYS wash up thoroughly when I want OH to go down on me. Sometimes he can be a bit neglectful as well. I see no problem with putting it out there that if he were more attentive to giving it all a thorough wash before expecting that he may get more.
It's over 30deg here today, OH and I are going away for a weekend - just the two of us
I am showering before we go and picking him up from work on the way. So he will have done a long, hard, hot days work, and won't have washed. I will be taking him into the shower when we get there, because it's not that his hygiene is BAD - but his bits will be whiffy for sure.
Nothing icky or "a problem as a couple" - just a fact - bits that are in tight clothing and that are subject to being damp CAN get smelly sometimes.
No drama Do you want to
No drama
Do you want to know that I am sitting here just barely dressed because it's too hot for clothes? }:) }:) }:)
Lighten up a little, the title says it's about sex and graphic, if you are put off by such things you should have not opened Pandora's box!!
To each his/her own is my motto.
You're the one who came onto
You're the one who came onto someone elses thread and got all judgemental and rude!!
Step away from the keyboard if you don't like what you read honey.
There is no need to put anyone down or be rude about their choices/comments. If you don't like this sort of thread you shouldn't have opened it. It's not rocket science.
You are right, I could step away too, however I do believe in freedom of speech, you CHOSE to open a graphic sex thread and then make mean comments to the OP when she has opened up and is asking for help. I don't understand that mentality.
Lol. I guess i don't let
Lol. I guess i don't let these types of topics gross me out. I deployed with an infantry unit. You want gross sex stories, those guys hand them by the thousands. This hygiene stuff of this blog is MILD compared to the crap I've heard guys talk about or even talk to me about.
Here's a shock horror moment
Here's a shock horror moment for you - you do know right that a lot of SM's on here are also BM's?
Wow, there's a conundrum for you - SM's have stinky pussies but only BM's shower..... How can that be? If I am both do I shower or have a stinky pussy dependant on which hat I am wearing at any given moment?
Or how about some reality - EVERYONE'S genitals get smelly.... Yes, even yours....
Oh, and just to enlighten you - BM's have sex too!!! I know! What a shocker! It's how they became BM's in the first place.... except for Mary of course.
Does having a stick up your
Does having a stick up your ass count as anal sex? Because if so, I can think of a few posters who are having it right now.
Why you are very welcome
Why you are very welcome
I'll consider it my good deed for the day }:)
(that and making my OH shower/showering myself before we engage in oral sex later tonight
Can't we all just get along?
Can't we all just get along?
Love and Peace
You forgot the mung beans
OMG ya'll are
OMG ya'll are hilarious!!!!!!!
well now. OP, hope all this has helped!!!!!! see? it's normal, and frustrating, and ok to pipe up about. good luck!
So a person comes onto this
So a person comes onto this particular blog...with the graphic warning clearly noted in the title before you even have to open the blog, you see the title.
This particular person is offended by HOW graphic the graphic content is. And instead of closing the blog out because of their offense, they instead:
1. Attack the OP about the post.
2. Attack others when they call the poster out and also point out the warning in the title.
3. Continue to return to the horribly offensive (for them) post to continue to read and respond to others.
Now that we have all that straight, the only question I would have would be: "Why?"