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How do I convince DH to cut SD20 loose?

Elizabeth's picture

Before anybody gets upset, I don't mean he stops seeing or speaking to her or supporting her (nonmonetarily). Dh is court ordered to pay one third of SD's college costs until she turns 21. She turns 21 in three months. She has made NO effort to show DH she is serious about college and in my opinion has definitely NOT earned the right to continue to be supported.

* SD tried to drop out of college after one year. DH convinced her to stay in.
* SD decided to transfer schools after her first year without even checking if her credits would transfer with her. Many did not, meaning we have to pay twice for those classes.
* SD insists on having a private dorm room.
* SD insists on buying her books new, at full price, because she's too lazy to prepare in advance and put in the legwork to buy them used.
* SD takes the minimum amount of courses every semester.
* SD has flunked more than one course, meaning we have to pay twice for those classes.
* SD has a GPA barely above 2.0.
* SD drinks to excess regularly, much more than an "average" college student.
* SD uses and abuses both illegal and prescription drugs and has even advertised their availability to her friends online (trading her drugs for their work for her).

DH now admits that there is no way SD will graduate in four years, and I'm thinking five is iffy. We will have spent more on our one-third share of SD's college than a friend of mine who graduated in the past five years spent on her ENTIRE college education. Yep, that's right.

I think it is time for SD to stand on her own two feet because as long as daddy continues to enable her, things will never get better. Is there any way I can make DH see this?


just.his.wife's picture

Feed a $100.00 bill thru a shredder(find a fake bill but let DH think it's real) and advise him that is what he is doing with this money. The money is buying the same thing over and over and the item purchased is in shreds/tatters because the person receiving the gift of the money (education) has no concept of the value of a dollar let alone the (insert $ figure here) that he has already spent.

As long as he keeps throwing in good money after bad: she won't learn. Take AWAY the funding and make her have to pay on her own and she may learn.

However, if you tell him to simply stop funding the princess your going to hear "you hate my kid" so I suggest instead that you preempt this with giving him the suggestion of a pay by performance plan.

At the END of each semester (meaning SHE has to fund the semester herself then get reimbursed by DADDDDIIII for his 1/3 only) so long as her GPA is 3.0 or HIGHER and NO classes are failed/dropped/incomplete then Dadddiii can continue to pay his 1/3. If she fails a class, drops a class, gets an incomplete in any class: no $ for the semester: better luck next semester.

Elizabeth's picture

I tried to get DH to agree to a pay for performance plan before SD started college but he would not hear of it. He continues to pay for classes she fails, even though I told him that's ridiculous, so although I 100% agree with you, I don't think DH will/would.

Elizabeth's picture

I agree 100%, I never expected to have a college education handed to me. She doesn't have the good sense to be ashamed or to try harder.

Elizabeth's picture

We were court ordered to pay until she turns 21. After that he is off the hook. Yes, DH wants to pay, he would have anyway. There is no max per semester etc., just a max bill on an individual college (equivalent to a state public college). Pretty sure DH is not paying any attention to this. I don't think SD would have a leg to stand on in taking him back to college if he stopped at 21.

overworkedmom's picture

You lost me at private dorm room!! Holy crap! I don't care if I can afford it, and my kids make straight A's and work full time, there is no way that any of the things you listed above would get any financial support for me.

I will say that I was a stubborn teenager. I got married at 19 like an idiot and when I did my parents cut off all $- LIKE THE SHOULD HAVE. It was not until I had to pay for college myself did I get serious. I went from a C/D student to making deans list in one semester once I figured out how much it all cost. When I graduated, even with a crappy GPA my freshman year, I graduated with a 3.6 or 3.8... I can't remember exactly. Anyway, point is, making her do it for herself is the best gift you can give her!

Elizabeth's picture

Tell me about it! I finally have him convinced that SD should be moving OUT of the dorms and into an apartment with a roommate. I also told him that once that happens SD should, at age 20/21, pay for it herself. I moved out of the dorms at age 19 and paid for my own apartment, which was crappy and not near the school but cheap. SD is of course moving in to an expensive apartment right next to campus. Whatever.

overworkedmom's picture

What is it with kids now?? I sound so old at the age of 30...

When you are in college you live in rat hole apartments, live off of ramen noodles and mac and cheese. You work 20+ hours a week and go to class full time. That is how college is done. If you get a little support from your parents, great. If not, you take out loans like everyone else.

thinkthrice's picture

Frankly, Elizabeth, I don't think he'll EVER change. I've been following your blog over the years and there has been zero change in your DH's attitude of constantly placating his "first family" but ignoring your daughters with him. He has shown time and time again that SD is much, much, much more important to him than you and the girls.

I might need to catch up but last I heard he would not HEAR of separate finances and so you are building resentment as you pay for SD's repeated failures (as you rightfully should) But thinking about him changing when he clearly will not stop throwing money at SD isn't gonna happen. And you are just stressing yourself out thinking that will change--and as we all can attest to stress=ill health.

I believe you would just be beating your head against a brick wall. The only way to stop him (temporarily) is to be serious about divorcing him and the CS that will ensue should you do so.

Willow2010's picture

Honesly Liz...I don't' think you can say anything to your DH to make him stop enabling your SD.

He might in a few years...but I don't see it happening here.

Correct me if I am wrong...aren't you the one that actually pays for all of her college tuition and extras?

If so...just tell DH that you paid for 4 years. That is what is ordered. You are done paying...if he wants to continue to enable her, then he needs to fund it.

Elizabeth's picture

Actually, DH and I married when SD was 8. He already had a college fund started for her but from ages 8 to 18 it came from our joint account and he was able to save more than he would have been able to save as a single man. So yes, the money came from both of us, but DH now conveniently forgets that and says it is money only HE contributed. Whatever. There is a single account well-stocked, and I told him that once that money is gone, no more is coming from US. I also told him that if we were to separate finances, he couldn't even afford to pay his "share" of the household expenses and he agreed. So... Waiting for him to reach the logical conclusion, but he is a hard-headed man.

Disneyfan's picture

I doubt you'll be able to get him to cut her off. However, you as hell have the power to take your money out of the mix.

Sweet T's picture

I agree with seperating the finances. I know he said he would not do that, but if you force his hand what choice does he have. Trust me I know mine never thought I was serious about divorce, but he knows now that I am done playing and his happy a$$ is going to therapy with me once a week. We just did a 2 1/2 Dave Ramsey seminar as part of our bankruptcy and OMG I think he actually saw that I am not the evil witch depriving him and the skids of things.

I know it is scary to push back, especially because you have little kids. BS6 tells me not to divorce his dad because he doesn't want to spend EOW with him. Go open another bank account w/o him on it for starters, put together a budget as if the finances were split and then go to him with all of this.

Elizabeth's picture

The only thing the judge would put in was a stipulation that SD maintain a GPA sufficient for the college to re-enroll her. A 2.0 meets that minimum, so that's all the work she has to do.

ctnmom's picture

Elizabeth that list is staggering. As you know we have one in college and one in law school, we didn't BEGIN to lay out FOR TWO what you have for one. They got scholarships/great grades/jobs and DH and I fill in the blanks when needed. Maybe someone with a normal college student could sit down and talk some sense into your DH? I would if I could- ridiculous!

Elizabeth's picture

She does the minimum and has been doing her gen-ed classes, now that she's getting into her major classes I don't know but that she might eventually flunk out. She's still getting C grades.

SituationalTourettes's picture

Hold on, if she's 21 in three months then his legal obligation is ended. She should be on her own. I would definitely put my foot down and say DH, you've done your bit, even the courts say we are done. If SD wasted all that time and money and has nothing to show for it, that's her problem.

thinkthrice's picture

Elizabeth's husband will NEVER stop throwing (Elizabeth's) money at SD. He views Elizabeth as an endless financial faciliator/backer for him to play Disney Daddy with his "first" until the day he dies--or until Elizabeth divorces him--whichever comes first. He is having his cake and eating it too.

Disneyfan's picture

Or until she makes it impossible for him to get his hands on her money.

I understand wanting to help your kids as much as you can. I pay for my son to attend an out of state,private college. He had a private room his sophomore year. He lived in the apartments across the street from campus his junior year. This year he' s back on campus in a pretty pricey dorm.

He has a 3.8 GPA, carries 18 hours each semester and works when he's home on break. So yeah, I don't mind paying the tab. Nut I use my money to do it.
I would never dream of asking ~much less demanding~ my DF to help pay for any of this.

If Elizabeth's husband wants to pay for his kid's education, he should be doing it on his dime, not hers.

zerostepdrama's picture

You have the power to stop this if he is using YOUR money to fund SD. Quit being a pushover to something that you are so against and that you so resent.

New year--- new choices!

I dont know about you, but I work too damn hard for my money to be okay with funding an adult in a situation that she is failing in.

misSTEP's picture

Elizabeth, I'm sure you know by now that you will not be able to get your DH to do what you want him to (and what is so clear that he NEEDS to do, even to complete strangers!). SD will not grow up. Your DH will not quit funding her, even if the CO says he no longer has to. Just the amount of lying he does to you because of SD would be a deal-breaker for me long ago.

I know he also doesn't want to split finances. Hell, who WOULD in his position?? Ask SD sometime if she'd rather pay for all of her OWN stuff or if she'd rather have her DADDEEYYY do it instead. Well, he'd rather have YOU subsidizing his offspring instead of paying it HIMSELF. So, of COURSE he will balk at separate finances.

However, there is no way he will stop you from opening your own (PRIVATE) account with ONLY your name on it and only YOU can access it. Then change your direct deposit to the new account. Inform your DH that you are taking your name off your joint account. He will huff and puff and spit and sputter. You will explain to him that his precious is almost 21 and you are done subsidizing any unnecessary spending. Done.

twoviewpoints's picture

This SD isn't going to get anywhere in school as long as she lives the campus life and does all the drinking/drugs. You all are going to be footing the 'lets educate SD' when she's 30...and what type of placement/job does Dad think his daughter will get with this ridiculous history behind her?

I think your DH has proven he'll not 'cut her off' (silly man) but surely it's time he faces the fact he's totally enabling and encouraging this 'entitled' underperformer adult child of his. He's under no court obligation to give her so much as one more dime in 3 months. The meat grinder scenario someone put above just about sums up what is happening. DH is putting a match to the money and he certainly is 'helping' his daughter in any beneficial way. Your best bet may to get him to realize this and go for the 'tough love' style for a while. No more college money. No more dorm/apartment cash. No more enabling a flunky to barely scoot by...if he wants to put his money towards his daughter it'd be better spent withdrawing the college cash and putting it towards rehab. But of course, he's not going to do that. He fails to see what part he plays in all this. Perhaps that's the real answer...counseling for DH so someone other than you tells him reality.

Totalybogus's picture

I think since you agreed when she was 8 to put money into a college fund for her, and the money is separate from your finances now, you should tell him that once the money is gone, you will not continue to support her tuition or anything else that deals with costs incurred for her college education.

do you have funds set for your own children? If not, that would be a part of the bargain as well. If he continues to pay for her education after his legal responsibility is concluded, he must begin depositing money into accounts for your other children for their college education right now.