Reviving an old blog but funny
I did this a few years ago, and I know that Former was helping out but, since it is the holiday season, here's a few Christmas carols, fitted of course to the crazy
Crazy BM (sung to Winter wonder land)
Oh BM, you are nutty
As you demand, all your money,
Bitching and gripe, all thru the night
All is crazy in BM land
(Sung to jingle bells)
Bouncing thru the courts
In your ugly shorts
Demanding all your bills
Must be paid right now,
DH shakes his head
Wishing you were dead
Oh what fun it is watching your ass squirm
Ohhhhh Dumb BM, dumb BM
Will you ever learn?
- snoopyinoz's blog
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Sung to 'O holy night' O
Sung to 'O holy night'
O self-entitled bm,
Your crazy is brightly shining,
This is the night of your annual holiday rant
The co is unfair,
you should have ss all Christmas
please continue to harass us to no end
Fall on your knees
O hear the twat waffle's voice
O succumb to her will
O succumb to her insane requests
O succumb to her will!
O succumb, succumb to her insane requests
Stupid bitch, fucking whore,
Stupid bitch, fucking whore, meth head bm
Pill popping piece of shit
We’ll be dancing
and prancing
from the courthouse
When he has the kids
What a bright time, it’s the right time
To give your dealer head
You’ll need all
the extra
pills you can get
You're gonna wish you were dead
(sung to Jingle Bell Rock)
Sung to "jingle bells" Jingle
Sung to "jingle bells"
Jingle bells, something smells
Must be BMs twat
You can smell her nasty stank
For 1/2 a city block
good one!!!....
good one!!!....

"Silent night" Ho-ly crap,
"Silent night"
Ho-ly crap, she is back
All is calm, something's wrong
Round yon courtroom lawyer and judge
Crazy woman silent and drugged
Pay your CS Now, payyy your CS NOW
This is fun! (To the tune of
This is fun!
(To the tune of Frosty the Snowman)
BM the asshole
lets her kids go without coats
though dad bought them some
she returned them (dumb)
then claimed he never gave!
Well, the judge is not a moron
and he didn't believe her lies
dad showed reciepts and BM didn't peep
and was told to spend CS buying more!
Thank you. I barely made it
Thank you. I barely made it to the bathroom before I nearly wet myself.
OMG LOL at all of them.
OMG LOL at all of them.
Where are you, where are
Where are you, where are you
Pathetic druggie ho
You lied again to your poor kids
And they already know
Where are you where are you
Pathetic druggie ho
Shacked up with your other ex
Snortin’ some good blow
Hahaha! I so needed this
Hahaha! I so needed this today...
"So get away from that old
"So get away from that old skank" spit out my water on that one!
Holy shit- I almost spit out
Holy shit- I almost spit out my tea...that honestly is really good! So funny! these....sounds these....sounds like we all have the same BM's....
"Carol of the bells" Here
"Carol of the bells"
Here comes the bitch
Dumb stupid bitch
Running her mouth
Giving a shout
"Hurry with my money, hurry with my money"
Oh stupid bitch
Please go away
Far far away
Don't come again
Checks in the mail
Still she will wail
"Where is my money! I need my money"
Sung to the tune of "let it
Sung to the tune of "let it Snow"
Oh you are a spoiled bra-at
And you're mom is a whorish twa-att
Since you have every game I know
Let it snow,let it snow let it snow!
The presents aren't close to stoppin
and my veins are clearly poppin
you're number one- take a bow!
let it snow, let it snow let it snow!
We're home now and in our bed
and Dh would like some head
my mouth is clamped shut tight now
let it snow let it snow let it snow!
Sung to the tune of "Jingle
Sung to the tune of "Jingle Bells"-Batman smells
Jingle Bells
BM Smells
BM dropped an egg
SO should have had a one night stand
boy did that bitch make him pay
Rockin around The Christmas
Rockin around The Christmas Tree---"Sorry Brenda Lee"
Sorry coudnt help this one either.
Rockin around this Crazy B
Let her crazy start to flop
She wishes she could have been a lone
but then her Child Support would stop
Rockin' around this Crazy B
Let SO's cell phone start to ring
Later we'll have some rum and rye
and ignore her rumblings
You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear
voices singing "lets be jolly and deck that
bitch, with boughs of our money"
Rockin' around this Crazy B
Have a Happy Holiday
Everyone Dances merrily
in the new not old BMmmmm waaaaaay
i was dreaming about ya'll,
i was dreaming about ya'll, must have been, cuz i woke up singing this :
(to winter wonderland)
hey dumbass i just cant wait
for our upcoming court date
u'll flip ur shit
cuz we're best for the kids
you lying theiving worthless methhead whore
i the courtroom u could hear a pin drop
when he questions u right from the top
he'll say "are you homeless" u'll say "yes sir,
i also have no car and have no job."
yes dumbass i just cant wait
for our upcoming court date
u'll flip ur shit
cuz we're best for the kids
you lying theiving worthless methhead whore