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SD19 quits college, I called it...........

evilstepmotherJ's picture

She sent a text late on Saturday night to DH, quitting college, going to mom's for the weekend, be back Tuesday. I guess we can be grateful it wasn't the text that said "I'm pregnant".

Lucky me was home when she flew through here to get her stuff to go to her moms but oh I detached so well. You have to find your own path in life, blah blah blah keep us posted. She thinks she's going to not do anything until Fall 2014 (10 months from now) but just work part time and hang out and then maybe go to beauty school in the Fall ($20,000 for beauty school). Doesn't need to work full time because she has all the money she needs (Of course she does, she pays for nothing but her car insurance and gas). Hubby says that he believes the next text will say "I'm moving out" and it sure better be because I made it clear to him that I am not going to work every day to support her while she sleeps all day and works part time. I am going to do my best to do nothing and say nothing for 30 days, but if she isn't gone by then or enrolled full time in some school, I will battle for rent money. I don't think she gets that the free-ride is over. She just wants to take some time off, i guess her life is so stressful..........I could have literally banged her head off the counter-top.


overworkedmom's picture

My boys are 8 and already know that once they graduate high school they have 2 choices- school full time and work part time, or move out. Don't let your DH settle for something stupid like $50 a month for rent. She is never going to grow up and be able to live in the real world if she continues on this path. I know that you know it, but making him see it is going to be the hard part- and making her see it will be the hardest!

Unfreakingreal's picture

SS21 pulled something similar except he tried to continue the charade and pretend that he WAS in fact doing well in school. He photoshopped his grades to show that he was passing ALL his classes. However, he had REALLY FAILED every single class!
I made him withdraw and we got our tuition back for the following semester that hadn't started yet.
Then, he sat at home and played video games, ate us out of house and home, ran up our electric bill, watched porn and played with his junk for 7 months when I finally went postal and kicked him out.
Best thing I ever did. I don't know what these "kids" are thinking. In what realm do people exist just by existing? I don't fucking get it.
Now SS21 is at his momma's house, sleeping on a quilt on the floor. No job, no school, no nothing. Human garbage.

hereiam's picture

Well, I would let her know she has 30 days. Then I would say nothing until the 30 days are up, and then I would say, "Bye."

Who am I kidding, I would be saying a lot in those 30 days.

evilstepmotherJ's picture

I highly doubt i'll make 30 days silent ha ha. I have lightly treaded about rent before and it never goes well, he clams up and shuts up but my latest plan I think is a fair one. We charge $300 per month, and put $150 of that per month in a savings account, when she moves out we can give her the security deposit out of that savings. She's coming home from Mommy's tonight, but won't see her probably till the weekend. I just hate that this causes another divide in our house and that hubby and I will have a fight about this at some point. We finally got through her ignoring us for 3 months and now we are going to battle again and that part bothers me the worst.