I have no idea where to turn anymore ?!
I have no clue how to make this a short story so sorry for how long this is but I need some serious venting. It all started a year and a half ago when I meet my boyfriend, Mike (which is now my husband).Mike, has a 3 year old son named Aiden. I came into Aidens life when he was about 20 months old. Mike was engaged previously to a woman named Monica. They split up when their son Aiden was 6 months old due to her slamming Aiden on the ground becuase he didn't want to get his diaper changed. Mike told her to leave, which she did and she decided to abandon Aiden for two months, no one knew where she went? So here we are now, Aiden is 3 years old I have had the worst time with his mother. Mike and Monica were split up for quite some time before I even meet Mike. So when Monica found out about Mike and I seeing each other she decided she was going to come over to Mikes house acting all crazy. I had my car parked on the public street and she pulled into Mikes driveway, got out of her car tried to come into Mikes house and fight me. When she realized I was not going to fight her in front of her 20 month old son (Aiden) she got in her car and said "watch this" she purposely backed her car into my car with her son in the car and took off. The cops came and she got arrested. She did $900 worth of damage to my car. We had a witness and she still got found not guilty for hitting my car. I have had to delete my facebook because this girl insist on stalking my every move. It is one thing after another with this girl. My husband pays fir everything that Aiden could ever need and/or want. He pays child care, health insurance, meanwhile his mother doesn;t have to pay for anything. But out of jealousy of mine and mikes relationship she took mike to court for child support and won. He doesn't have to pay much, but still wjy should he have to pay any money to her when we alreay pay for everything and they have shared paretning,and she admitted she can't pay her own bills, so she can use my husbands money for her bills? She has a boyfriend she lives with and she claims she can't stand my husband but she still acts like this. The other day she dropped Aiden off to us and Mike was busy so I waited by our front door to get Aiden from her, I didn't say a word to her and didn't plan on it but she decided to tell me "you need to get your dumn A** bas inside." I told her to grow up cinsidering she is 27 years old and a mother and she does this all in front of her son. She has also field goal kicked my dog twice now cause he escapes out of our front door and she is vet tech and still finds it funny to kick my dog. I don't even speak to my in-laws anymore becauset they side with her. They make my husband and I out to be the problem. They are so manipulated by Monica because every time a confirtation with her and I, or her and mike happen she runs to my in-laws and twist the story. She will text my in-laws and say she is going on a date and will ask them to watch aiden so she can go get drunk. She doesn't have to communicate with my husband like an adult because she can run to my in-laws because they do everything for her even if that measn betraying their own son. Monica knows she can be mean to us then run to mieks family and get what she wants from them. They give her all the credit for being mommy when she doesn't do anything for Aiden but go through the motions. Aiden will always come to us hungry, dirty, severe diaper rash, just a mess but yet she still gets all of the credit. There is so much more this girl has done. She tries taking us to court all the time. It's like the mother wins everything in her favor when she is the uncivil one here. Being a step parent is so hard and I am so sick of people thinking I have to dp anything for my step son. I do it because I love him, but she makes it so hard to get close to him. He is so brain washed. Any time I go to discipline him he says "I want my mommy" . She is always accusing me of abusing him when I have never laid a hand on him in that kind of way. I truly do love this little boy. She has caused so much stress in my new marriage, I am at my breaking point. I need help!!!!!!!
- nstems1's blog
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Aw, yeah hon if those are
Aw, yeah hon if those are real names I'd edit them out ASAP. I just did a google search for the names you listed and it came up with your post on the first page
Usually google is your friend, but sometimes it's your enemy.
I wish I had more advice, is it possible to set up handovers for visitation in a more neutral place for your safety (and your dogs!)? The BM sounds unbalanced, I'd be awfully worried having her come to my front door.
Change names hun. DH (Darling
Change names hun.
DH (Darling husband)
BM (Bio Mom)
SS (Step son)
Welcome to the club! Everything you have written there is rather common to what a lot of us go through. It sucks eh.
A few tips I can think of; you and you DH need to work on minimizing the conflict. You should never speak to her, in person or via phone etc, she is not your problem to deal with so you don't need to put yourself in the firing line xx.
Your DH should do ALL communication via written forms of communication, email or text, that way he will have evidence of her shitty behavior. Also, maybe he should think of using a third party for ALL exchanges so he does not have to see BM, since she gets along with his parents so well, perhaps they could help out there.
I'm blown away that she has any sort of contact with this child, it does not sound like a safe situation for your SS, I live in a different country so I can't really give advice regarding court or CPS stuff, but hopefully someone else can
Please remove the names out
Please remove the names out of your bio. I also recommend that you remove what you and your DH do for a living. Seems to be too much personal information listed.
It sounds like a horrible
It sounds like a horrible situation for everyone involved. She is definitely 'high conflict' so you'll need to do some research about ways of dealing with her. Your involvement with her should be minimal to non-existant. Your SO needs to learn how to 'parallel parent' with her, and please try to document everything. Even if that means investing in a mini-spycam for those times when SO does have to have any face to face interactions. Personally, I'd try to limit that as much as possible. Sorry that you're having to deal with this kind of BS. It's not healthy for anyone, most importantly the child.