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Ss13 is so off

step off already's picture

I volunteered dh to drive for a field trip for dd12 and ss13's class. They are in a very small private school and are in the same 7th/8th grade class with about 15 kids total.

Dh returned and I asked how it went and dh tells me that SS was like"dad, show 'em your, tell them xyz". Then SS would turn up the heat for te back of the car and ask everyone of they liked the heat. Then ss would change the radio station and turn it up. Dh would turn it back down.

SS tries SO hard. I laugh at the kid but also feel bad for him.

(yes, this is the same kid that peed in water bottles cuz he was too scared to leave his bedroom at night).


step off already's picture

One more funny thing.

Before he left thus morning he came downstairs reaking of Axe body spray. Dh made him change. Lol.

ctnmom's picture

When SS36 was little, he was 70 lbs overweight, would tell everyone what a good break dancer he was . "I can do everything but spin on my head". urgh.

PeanutandSons's picture

This reminds me of ss12.... Just so off. Friday the first week of school.....I had just dropped my boys off at preschool and was heading home (dont work Fridays). I just happened to time it so I drove by ss12 waiting for the bus with all the other Jr high kids. He started bouncing up znd down crazy excited waving as I drove by. All I could think was ”really dude??” I mean he literally just saw me not fifteen minutes before, hes just going to school not on vacatjon for a few months.....and hes the new kid at the bus stop full of older abouy trying to act cool and mature?? No? Gonna act like a 3 yr old for no reason, jusy because you see your stepmom drive by? Really?