Followed willows advice.....
So after blogging yesterday one of you lovely ladies gave me and DH some ammunition to fire back at BM. DH sent her a text that went like this:
'noted BM refused access on 10/10/13'.
Approx 1 hour later SS calls DH and is all 'I'm sick, (cough) I wanted to stay with mum (cough)'.
Now of course we know the reason we haven't had visitation is because we didn't call BM to collect him when he was sick this weekend and she is using the old SS is sick excuse in case we have to go to court. Why should we call her to collect him when he's sick? It's not in the CO. Both me and DH are perfectly capable of looking after him if he's ill, she is no longer going to be his night in shining armor and make out like we are incapable. Also it is not in the CO that she can keep SS with her if he's ill. Now I understand kids may want to stay home when they are sick and that's fine but honestly BM makes out SS is ill at least twice a month and uses it as a reason to refuse visitation especially if we have done something she doesn't like or isn't in agreement with. Are we being so unreasonable?
- Topmuffin901's blog
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Sick or not, if it is
Sick or not, if it is visitation time, the parent with visitation takes the child. This was really hard for me the first time my kids got the flu while with their father but I didn't have a choice. She doesn't either and after SS sees that you guys are just as capable of giving him soup and ginger ale as his mother, everything will be fine
As a mum myself I can
As a mum myself I can understand how hard it must be to not be able to look after your sick child but honestly BM just makes the excuse that SS is ill to stop visitation. It's getting old.
Thanks former. If the beast
Thanks former. If the beast is like BM then I feel for you but I'm glad there's someone who knows exactly what We are going through. I was starting to feel alone. document...document...document.
If you answer her text that way every time...I think you will see a difference in a month or so. But make sure it is text....not verbal.
Yes no verbal all text or
Yes no verbal all text or e-mail. My DH will not take a call from that heartless woman ever. Yes I told him if he doesn't treat communication this way then HE will not have my support emotionally or financially with SD. My SD is 17 and if there is an emergency someone will text it. Then a phone call can happen.
I already feel so much better
I already feel so much better for starting a blog. It really has helped me get some of these feelings out and having people understand rather than saying "you knew what you were getting into when you met him". No actually I didn't know that these type of women existed in civilised society so go shove your "you knew what you were getting into" where the sun doesn't shine.
Hi willow. Thanks again for
Hi willow. Thanks again for that advice. It seems to have shook BM up a little which in my book is great. The more she realises she can't walk all over us the better. We have never handled her so successfully in the past as we have never known the best way to do it. I don't speak fluent crazy.
I don't speak fluent
I don't speak fluent crazy.
LOL!! That funny Top!
Its always fun to shake them up a little huh?
After 6 years of her
After 6 years of her constantly shaking our life up whenever she doesn't get her way it feels great to finally be able to shake her up a bit. She knows in the past we have just let her do whatever for a quiet life to be honest but hopefully if we keep doing this she will see she can no longer do as she pleases and we will always make her behave. (suppose it's like dealing with my toddler, the more I let him have free reign the more he will do it, make him behave in the right way and he will become a little angel so to speak
I have my crazy moments too (usually once a month like most ladies) even then I cant understand her.
Oh and tomorrow should be fun
Oh and tomorrow should be fun when she receives DH solicitor letter. Shall we start taking bets? She will either start kissing ass or I'll need the looney bin on speed dial to cart her ass away. Which horse are you backing?
And if the dad didn't WANT a
And if the dad didn't WANT a sick child coming over to infect the rest of his household, the GU BM would freak out and say that dad only gets the FUN TIMES with the child and not the REAL WORK of parenting.
You can never win with these psycho women.
Our BM was like that.
Our BM was like that. Whenever SS4 was with her she would act like he was on death's door. Shockingly, before we dropped him off he was fine and when we picked him up he was also fine. Maybe she just makes him sick? She certainly makes me sick. :sick:
Crazy golden uterus BM here
Crazy golden uterus BM here too, apparently in the beginning, BM used to tell SO that SD was sick, he said "oh keep her home then"... (dumbass) of course she took advantage of it, SO didn't see SD for 3 visitations in a row because SD was "sick", so after the 3rd time, SO thought he'd pop round to give his "sick" girl a cuddle, surprise surprise, they weren't home, SO found out through a mutual friend that they went to a coffee group thing. So, SO had it put in the CO that he will have SD even when she's sick. And guess what, A LOT less reports of SD being sick.
And when she is unwell, SO does a damn good job taking care of her!