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Skidmom1's picture

Ugh!!! Sorry this is so long!! So we went through parent alienation back in 2011. SD didn’t want anything to do with DH. He still maintained a presence in her life, didn’t bad mouth her BM and we prayed that she would see how things with her BM really were. Things really started turning around in 2012. We have always said we want her to be happy in both places. She is not a prize to be won…...but a gift that we cherish. So things started breaking down between her and the BM late last year. SD expressed an interest that she wanted to be with us at least 50% of the time if not more. We said we would pursue going 50% since we thought it was in her best interest to have equal time with both BM and DH. We hired an attorney (major expense), worked on an agreement where we do basically 5 on and 5 off with a couple days during the week so that neither parent would go 7 days without seeing her and quite honest it was measure to protect SD so that when her and the BM would blow up at each other…she wasn’t stuck there for 7 straight days. BM kept pushing for 7 on 7 off, but finally agreed to plan since SD wanted this as well. SD will be 14 soon so age is not an issue. We have being doing every Mon – Tues with Mom. Every Wed – Thurs with Dad and then weekends alternate since Spring. Has worked out well with everyone adjusting. Final court papers will be finalized in the next week. NOW SD thinks it’s too much and wants 7 on 7 off (like her mother wanted at the beginning). DH told BM...she needs to consult with her attorney and file the changes since they are coming from her side! So frustrated that changes keep happening at the last minute! SD has never been told no by BM. DH seems to be the only person in her life that is trying to make her a well-balanced person. No one ever gets their way all the time. It’s life and you learn to give and take, but whatever SD wants she gets. I really am done right now. We have buffered, comforted and been the voice of reason between SD and BM. Now that things are better with BM (which they should be since that is best for SD), SD is back to playing games, always playing victim and having to get her way. Told DH last night I am done trying to be the glue that holds the family together (like most moms do) and not have a say in anything. He will have to figure out schedules, how to get her after school; make sure laundry is done for her. Told him I can’t continue to leave this way anymore. For more than 7 years my schedule has been completely dominated by the BM who would constantly flip flop and change things. Now SD is taking over that role. I can’t change anyone but myself so I’m choosing to step away and see how they function. DH is frustrated by all of this too, but he has let it go on too long without finally telling saying NO! Whew….thanks for letting me vent 


HadEnoughx5's picture

I hear your frustration. When SD would visit life was hell. But since Swamp Hole PAS'd her completely, her visitation has been suspended. Life is better without her here. Now if I could just get the Karma bus to run over Swamp several times I'd be happy Biggrin

DaizyDuke's picture

Just commented on another blog the other day about this nonsense. No child should have the power to dictate where they want to live. It ends up being used as a tool of manipulation. Living it right now with SD15. If DH tells her no, she just runs to BM and gets what she wants and vice versa. SD15 is a master at the manipulation game, and that's because she's been taught that this is acceptable. There is not a thing that SD wants/demands that she does not get.

It just irks me because obviously in an intact family kids and parents need to learn to deal with things as families and kids are not given free reign to run not one, but two households! I mean where is my BS3 going to run off to when he gets mad at me or DH or who is BS3 going to run and demand something of if DH or myself won't give it to him?

winter80's picture

Your situation def. sounds like how my future might look. SD4 is only 4 and she already says things when she doesn't get her way like, "You don't treat me right at this house, I want to go live at my Mom's." What are the acutal laws (if any) regarding the child's "choice" to choose where they live?

Skidmom1's picture

I think beginning at age 12 they can have a say, but it is when they are 16 that they have a definite choice. We have SD beginning tonight. Gotta say I'm not looking forward to it! Smile

Tuff Noogies's picture

depends on the states. where we are, at 14 a child can decide.

now if the parents wont let the kid choose, that's fine. but if it goes to court, the court will abide by what a 14+ y.o says.

but each state is different.

Tuff Noogies's picture

Lady u're making me second guess myself!

well i had to look it up. "3(A)In all cases in which the child has reached the age of 14 years, the child shall have the right to select the parent with whom he or she desires to live. The child's selection shall be controlling, unless the parent so selected is determined not to be a fit and proper person to have the custody of the child. (B)In all cases in which the child has reached the age of at least 11 but not 14 years, the court shall consider the desires, if any, and educational needs of the child in determining which parent shall have custody. The court shall have complete discretion in making this determination, and the child's desires are not controlling."

strange, i know. but that's the way this place works... *sigh* not all states/courts/judges are living in the current century.

Skidmom1's picture

My concern is that after spending all this money on changing to go with what SD has expressed as her may flip flop back. Too expensive and takes too much time to keep going through the court based on SD whims. DH and I have come to the conclusion that if there are more changes, then BM can initiate and pay for them. Not gonna be held hostage and in fear that SD won't like out rules and want to just stay at BM. That is until they blow up on each other again.