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My "Oh crap" moment

ConfusedStep's picture

So DH and I were in the car with our son and newborn daughter when a song came on that I absolutely hate. So I asked DH to turn it off because I don't want the kids to listen to that garbage. Then I put my foot in my big mouth and said "Plus, you have a daughter now".

Problem is, he already has a daughter. Woops. It didn't even register for a while what I just said to him (so I didn't get to see his reaction).
Ugh! Now I can't stop wondering if he heard exactly what I said or if it hurt his feelings. He didn't say anything or really seem phased, but I would hate to have hurt his feelings.
Anyway, this isn't an advice seeking post, but I just had to get it out. I didn't mean to say that and now I feel horrible.


ConfusedStep's picture

Thanks. He can be a bit sensitive about things I say concerning his daughter (Disney dad), but I think deep down he knows I'm not hateful.