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Day before first day of school and SURPRISE! SS has no shoes that fit him

step off already's picture

DH come down stairs after talking with SD13 and let's me know that my two BSs just inherited many new shoes as ALL of SS13's shoes "hurt his feet". Dh asks if we can get him a new pair of shoes for school.

I say, "sure but they aren't going to be anything fancy" -like the $200 shoes he currently had on his very tat were a Christmas gig from bM's girlfriend/lover/roommate/person she abandoned as and dh for when ss was 5.

Dh says he knows.

I ask if his mother (who pays us zero child support) has purchased as anything for school this year. He says no, "but she bought hi the $70 video game that he wanted". Oh joy.

We don't even bother asking her to help this year as last year, her response wa "I'm not primary. It's not my job". What a wench!

Anyway, here I am irritated with my exh about his asking what we're doing for our three bios for school uniforms this year when hats the least of my worries. Perspective is everything!

While as wa with his mom the last two weeks, I just assumed she would try to play MotY and buy SS something extravagant for scool that he didn't actually need. Silly me. I thought he'd come gone with a new back pack (which he is also all of a sudden saying is ripped, etc) or a lunch box (which his is no where to be found mysteriously) or heck, maybe even some duplicate school supplies tht we already have. But nope. She got him a video game - one she knew that as had already pre-ordered aNd paid for at our house.

Hate this woman.

Hate that SS13 will now be given a good lesson on taking care of his hinges evasive they don't just automatically reappear in September.


step off already's picture

And since I manage our money, as will be quite shocked to see that he's not on a pair of Nikes this year. And he'll be using that "ripped" backpack and his lunch will be in a paper sack. Sorry. We don't wreck our belOngings just to get something new.

My kids wear shoes from target. I pay $50 for one of my children's shies bevause he has a wide foot. I spend my money on their private school tuition and their extra curriculars. Not on extravagant name brand clothing that they will outgrow within 6 months.

My kids are Well groomed, clean and dressed in modest age appropriate clothing.

step off already's picture

Online more thing. Dh has had SS go through his clothes less than a month go to get rid of hinges tht don't fit. At that time he got rid of two pairs of shoes. (SS literally has an entire shoe organizer full of name bran shoes).

I purchased SS a pair of sandals for his school trip this year but he didn't want then so I returned them. Guess they weren't cool enough for him.

Nette5's picture

Note the size of shoes that are 'too small' then before buying any new shoes, have the store clerk measure his feet to get the true size. Then you will know if he really does need new shoes or if he's blowing smoke to get new stuff.

step off already's picture

Great idea!

You bet I'll be paying attention to what size he's handing down vs what size anything new is.

step off already's picture

Also, as a side note, I was sorting through things in my sons' room a few days ago and I told ds9 to put his school supplies in his back pack. DS asked if we were gettin new ones and I just told him that there's no reason to get a new one when the one he has is perfect. End o story.

I've heard as angling all week to get a new back pack too.

step off already's picture

Poor bm only worked 5 hours a week when everything was being finalized. Dh also hadn't been working at the time (between construction jobs). She asked for spousal support and tried to claim that her and dh had been together the 7 years she had been absent. Se lied about where she lived, provided falsified documents as "proof". Dh called her out on every lie.

Dh ran the numbers based on both of their claims and given her income vs dh's income and her requesting spousal support, it worked out to dh payin HER $460 a month. Dh freaked when he heard it. The judge was clearly on dh's side and could tell bm wa lieing so he didn't award any support for anyone.

Now it's a year later. We would like to take her back for support of some kind. We know she's working more because she leaves for work several mornings a week while SS was per for summer vacation.

We just don't want it to backfire. Dh currently makes about $40k. The last info she submitted stated she works 5 hours a week at $12 per hour. I call bull shit.

But the woman she lives with has supported her this entire time so it may be true.

Just don't want it tO backfire.

But as it is, we pay all medical, school tuition, everything! She buys crap he doesn't need like Xbox games.

step off already's picture

Lol. He somehow "lost" his flip flops when I was sticking every one up for our beach trip. He thought he'd he e new pair of those too.

... Did I mention that he didn't like the sandals i previously purchased for him for a school trip and he said I could return them?

And he keeps asking me when his dad will be home as he thinks dh is going to take him shoe shopping tonight. Sure SS! Since you've decided that what you have isn't good enough, and thought you'd share that info with us the day before school, then of course. Let's drop everything to get you some shoes.

hasenabans's picture

Actually, when you think about the Comfort & Style then sometimes price is higher but you can get comfort long time. I have a known brand that is providing shoes with affordable prices & smart looking.