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the stench!!!

Calypso1977's picture

i came home at 8pm last night, right after SD14 left. As soon as i walk in the door, my nostrils were attacked by the stench of a rotten locker room/dirty feet smell.

the den, where she primarily spends her time doing homework (although the wastebasket full of sketches, doodles and the like leads me to think there is very little homework being done) stunk to high heaven.

I lit 2 candles.

When my fiance arrived home, i said to him, "when's the last time SD bathed?". He says, "why"? I said "because it STINKS in here. didnt you smell it when you walked in?" He says, "yeah, i know, its her feet". He knows its her feet. She knows its her feet, pretty sure BM must know its her feet, why doesnt anyone DO SOMETHING about her feet? She never wears socks, that would help, but im also fairly certain she does not shower ever day. Gross.

We have her this weekend (if she doesnt bail) then due to stuff we have going on, we wont have her again for a weekend until Fathers Day. Smile

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

My ex and my daughter had horrible stink feet. If they wore socks that were not cotton it was worse. My daughter has to wash her feet often especially after wearing dress shoes, hose or socks. She lives in flip flops all summer. She is not a dirty person, just has some kind of issue with the feet, even since she was a baby. Washing helps, maybe foot powders would help. Maybe there are special anti microbial socks that would help now.
Anyway, hope it gets better for you. I have a sensitive nose and feel your pain!

Calypso1977's picture

she refuses to wear socks. and of course, no one forces her to do anything she wants to do!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh...I know that stench all to well! HHB refuses to wear socks with closed toe shoes. She insists on wearing things like Toms or Sperrys (she doesn't like shoes she actually has to tie...she is THAT lazy) without socks! "But they look dumb with socks!" So, we got her those no-show socks that are made specifically for this new trend of slip-on shoes. She still wouldn't wear them. I still remember one particular road trip...I'm sitting in the front seat, and I suddenly catch whiff of this awful smell. I knew it was HHB's feet, and told her immediately to put her shoes back on. "But it's a long trip, and I want to be comfortable." I told her, "Exactly, it's a long trip...and I'm not smelling THOSE feet the entire time!" She got so pissed at me and pleaded her case to DH who finally told her, "I'm sorry, honey, but your feet do smell bad. Put your shoes back on." She sat in a huff the rest of the trip. If she left her shoes in the TV room and went back to her room, the whole TV room would stick to high heaven, because all that wearing shoes without socks made the shoes smell bad, too.

Add to that the smell of her breath because she doesn't brush her teeth, and the smell of her clothing that she hardly ever washes...YUCK! The girl supposedly showers (when she lived here, you would hear water running for 45-60 minutes), but she would still smell because of her feet, clothes, and breath.

I just don't get these kids these days and their lack of hygiene! You have to wonder if they can smell themselves, but they probably are so used to the stench that they just don't any more! It's like a smoker doesn't smell the ashtray smell on themselves or other smokers until they have quit for some time, and then it is like, "I used to smell like THAT? Why didn't anyone say anything to me? YUCK!"

bibleofdreams's picture



Polite reminders worked best but she stunk my entire pregnancy and I was so nauseated the entire 9 months. I couldn't be in the same room w her for the first trimester.

and she still skips sometimes. its disgusting. her biomom won't make her so its like she only gets reminded 1/2 the time.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Hey, we should all be happy that Jellies are "the thing" any more like when many of us were teens! They were so could get them to match everything in your closet...but man, they made your feet smell!

misSTEP's picture

Someone needs to MAKE her wear socks. Putting the shoes in the freezer in a bag overnight will sometimes help. As will baking soda. I even put dryer sheets in shoes before.

Cover1W's picture

SD11 has horrid stinky feet.
1) no socks either, or very rarely. I don't get this at all. No one, BM or DP ever cared before so she now hates socks. I am hoping this changes with peers next year in middle school. She'll be the wierd girl who smells (she doesn't bathe enough either), has greasy hair and doesn't wear socks.

2) DP freaked out on her last month b/c she took off her shoes in the car and lit it up with gross smell. I wasn't there but he made sure she was in the shower after they got home. He's been better with the shower thing lately but is getting slack again.

3) I make sure SD9 changes her socks daily. She went for a while where she'd go to BMs for 3 days and come back in the SAME socks she left in, completely filthy. She kept saying "But they aren't dirty." So I think BM told her if they aren't coated with muck it's ok to keep wearing them. Not in our house.