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All she wants to do is dance!

Queencow's picture

More of a concept than anything. All BM wants to do is the dance of engagement with DH. It's taken years but he finally sees it.

He sent her three messages on three topics and the only one she responded to was to blame blame blame him. The ones about the kids, silence. The one about her blaming him for not attending an appt, which he responded with neutrality (defending himself not blaming her), she responded with more blame.

It's taken so many years for DH not to do the same thing but more importantly to recognize that's exactly what he was doing. And now that he does he sees so much clearer her doing it and how counterproductive it is. It's a dance, of engagement she wants and he's decided he's out.


Queencow's picture

Thanks. We are well versed in his obligations as right. Unfortunately we have very high privacy laws here so professionals tend to be a bit more difficult to deal with long distance.

They communicate only via our family wizard and they have a full time parenting coordinator. Really he polices them/her and her bullshit. We don't have to.