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Anyone else dealt with BM/Drug Use and Teenage use?

Queencow's picture

Quick Background:

2 Teenagers - 14 and 15
1 now lives with us and 1 with BM
Active litigation including childrens lawyers

SK1 was moved in with us after being kicked out last fall. Eventually it came out that SK1 has smoked pot for a number of years, in BM care, and has been a regular drinker for a few years and has been drunk. BM knew all of this and not only failed to punish, she apparently condoned it and encouraged it - smoked POT with KIDS! He had two incidents in our home where behind our back got drunk (course we found our during a we were called to bring his drunk ass home), the second time was caught with alcohol (not drunk, but drinking). He has clearly understood this is not acceptable in our home, and that message has been heard loud and clear by his lawyer - he last smoked pot on a longer access period (greater than a weekend) with BM. His lawyer supports him remaining in our care.

SK2 also smokes pot, but denies drinking. He has indicated he is allowed to, that BM says its ok as long as it is "responsibly". But he apparently quit, and doesn't have any understanding what the term "responsibly" is intended to mean.

It is well known BM and her BF openly and regularly smoke Pot around the kids. Although they apparently dont supply, the kids know where the stash is.

SO my question is has anyone ever experienced this and assuming others were involved (CAS? Court?) was anything done about it? I guess my curiosity is while "pot use" is kinda a hot button topic, is it generally understood and acceptable that since its still mostly illegal (and I assure you not medical in our case) - is this the kid of situation that is not taken lightly by these people? or is this one of those "while thats terrible, no one really cares" issues?

(FYI - my personal position is while I do not condone it, nor smoke it - I dont care what you or adults choose to do. In my home OUR standards are to teach OUR kids that it is not acceptable and unhealthy and harmful - I assume most people err on the side that for children under 18 POT use is unacceptable)


kathc's picture

If adults want to smoke pot in their own home, whatever.

If ANYONE wanted to do it in my home, there's the fucking door to leave and don't ever come back through it again. Because that's my personal opinion. And in my home, my opinion goes.

HOWEVER when you're talking fucking way. If BM and her hubby want to be stoned 24/7 in their home, great, fine, whatever they want. But when they're letting the kids smoke pot? Hell no. CPS SHOULD consider that child abuse, neglect, something?