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SD5 is apparently a sleepwalker

overwhelmed_4's picture

Last night DH went to bed at ten and all the kids had been in bed since 9. I decided to go on the porch and smoke before bed. While I'm out there the door opens and SD is just staring at me. I asked what was wrong and didn't get an answer so I stopped what I was doing and asked again. Still no response and she starts to walk outside and towards the steps like she's just going to walk into the yard. I was a little weirded out by this so I turned her around and walked her back into the house. Upon walking in I noticed the carpet right outside her bedroom door was all wet. I asked her how it got wet and she just kept staring at me. I checked and sure enough her panties were wet. At this point I felt I needed go get DH up and come deal with it. Of course he was annoyed that I didn't deal with the mess, but whatever. After he talked to her for a while she snapped out of it and got cleaned up. She seemed to have no idea she peed in the hallway
There have been times in the past that she has wandered into the living room and laid down on the couch but she will go back to her bed if we helped her get back up. Until last night we kind of laughed it off and didn't really think it was a sleep walking thing. Now I'm a little worried because she tried to go outside. What if I hadn't have been out there? If I had been in bed too the door would have been locked, but if she opens a door in her sleep can she unlock one? Should we be more concerned about this? I don't even know what to think about it let alone what to do. Anyone ever dealt with a sleep walker?


overwhelmed_4's picture

That seems like such an obvious answer! Lol. I kept thinking one of us would have to sleep in the living room. I can be such a blonde sometimes! Thank you

Lalena75's picture

Put a chain lock up high on the doors for at night. Baby gates if you have stairs or have concerns she may get hurt say in the kitchen. I sleep walked out of the blue for a few months as pre-teen right about then I started having insomnia and stop sleep walking. Chain locks and the baby gate is what my dad did he was terrified I'd get hurt I never remembered any of ut either and always felt exhausted. Read up on sleep walking my son had night terrors and I found great advice and had him over those in 2 weeks.

nothinforya's picture

I was a sleepwalker at her age. I actually left the house one night and walked to my grandmother's house, about a city block distant, but in the country so no traffic, fortunately. I woke up while I was pounding on her door. Secure the outside doors so she can't leave the house. I remember my mother telling me I peed in the cabinet under the kitchen sink on another occasion. At least I was trying to get to the bathroom!

Jsmom's picture

We have alarms on all the doors so we know when someone is coming or going. They were GE and from Home Depot...It would give you peace of mind. My sister did this for years and my son I would find wandering the house at night.

Very common and they do grow out of it.

whatwasithinkin's picture

SD17 when she was little. Happened alot when she switched homes on her 50/50 schedule. it also happened alot when the stress was high between her parents battling.

I had to bell the front and back door for years

bi's picture

that would creep me out. why was dh mad at you for not cleaning up the mess? does he not realize you were trying to prevent his kid from walking into the street and getting hit? ugh!

bd18 has never sleepwalked, but she will talk total gibberish when you try to wake her up. sometimes it's not even english, and other times she says real words but they are jumbled and make no sense. i have started laughing before at what she has said and that woke her up completely and then she was mad at me for laughing at her. Blum 3

overwhelmed_4's picture

I think he was just tired and didn't want to get up. Once he saw it was more serious than just a potty accident he knew why I had him come out to help. Usually I would just deal with a random issue, but that one was just strange.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Hahaha! I know it's serious, but I just have this mental picture of you, trying to just go have a smoke, and suddenly you're on the set of a horror movie with the little girl from the ring!

You poor thing!

overwhelmed_4's picture

Lol. We laughed about it afterwards but it was kind of creepy. She just stared straight thru me or something!