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VENT!!! Thank God SD Is At BM's This Weekend!!!!!

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It's like the child does not have any sense at all. Is it really too much to ask that a nearly 6 year old child realize if their clothes are wet they need to change their clothes instead of just hopping in the car to head out?

I mean really. Am I being unreasonable here?

DD and SD were playing outside in the snow. When they came in I told SD it was time to get ready to go to BMs house and she says OK and starts getting read. As she is putting her boots on I look over and her pants are soaked, I mean SOAKED, from mid thigh down. need to change your pants. She gives me the poutty lip quiver and says "okay". I ask if her socks are wet and she says no. If your pants are that soaked your socks must be too. Feel them. Yep, they're soaked too. I tell her she needs dry pants and socks. Comes back out and starts putting her boots on. I ask if her boots are wet. She says no. If your socks are wet that means your boots are wet. Feel them. So she feels, yeah, they're wet too. I tell her she can't wear them, she needs to find other shoes to wear. We have a gigantic shoe rack with all our shoes on it and she just stands there staring at it dumbly like she is waiting for someone to hand her a pair of shoes to wear. DD finally handed her a pair of boots and we get in the car. I ask her if she has her hat and mittens and she says yes. I ask if her mittens are on her hands and she says yes then I happen to notice her reaching across the seat for something and she is grabbing her mittens. I just asked you if they were on your hands and you said yes but they aren't. Why did you lie. Got the standard I don't know shrug.

Dear god, I need a break. Seriously, does ADHD make kids acts like this? Is that what is causing this or is it something else?


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One reason she was so hard to potty train is because she didn't care/couldn't feel if she was wet or dirty. One of the problems she has is that she has trouble distinguishing or reacting properly to uncomfortable temperatures. Maybe she has trouble with wet/dry too? I always thought she just didn't care.

You have to approach her step by step like that because she cannot, or just doesn't, follow multi step directions. If I say "SD, finish your breakfast, go in the bathroom, and brush your hair and teeth" she will finish her breakfast and may wander in the general direction of the bathroom but then she will stand in the middle of the room with a blank expression on her face like "huh?"

I swear to god one of these days it's going to come down to either she goes on meds or I do.