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I am scared of BM

WWSMD's picture

This woman frightens me. She has started to show up at my church. When DH and I were dating she bashed him for going to my church and now she wants to join and get baptized. She will sit in the pew across from me and just glare at me the whole service. She is still dressing like me but she has taken out those awful hair extensions. I feel like she is always watching me. I am not easily spooked but I just get a strange vibe from her. I can't say this for certain but every so often I see a car that looks like the one BM owns driving up and down the street in front of my house. We took MIL out to a seafood dinner for her birthday with some other relatives. MIL invited BM to come along and tried to get DH let her sit on the other chair beside him. DH refused to be seated beside BM and refused to pay for her meal. BM cried and complained to the family and got DH's family to side with her. DH and I ended up leaving and just giving MIL money to cover the meal.

I don't like BM. I don't understand her and I don't trust her. Please don't say this is all in my head. If you are not living my life you can't understand. And please don't say I am just being paranoid. There is something about this woman that is not right and if you ever met her you would understand.


just.his.wife's picture

It is not in your head.

And WTF is wrong with your MIL?? So you and DH invite her out for her birthday and she invited BM? I would have left the second BM showed up, be it at MIL house or the restaurant. Done. Gone.

Your DH needs to have a chat with his mother about her blantant disrespect of yours and his relationship and how he will not tolerate it.

And you might consider having a chat with your pastor or priest. Advise them your stalker is going to new lengths and is now attempting to use religion as a way to get to you. Point her out, let the preacher watch her glare at you for a week or two they will realize her suddent faith and following is as fake as her hair.

Stepbell's picture

You and dh husband didn't invite her. What makes her your responsibility to feed? This is why I'm against going with my h back to visit. If I was asked to pay even a dime for anything for her, my ugliest unladylike temper will come out. No girl. It's not all in your head.

realitycheckmom's picture

That is creepy and not in your head. Your MIL is wrong for inviting BM and even more so for insisting DH sit next to her and pay for her. WRONG!

Stepbell's picture

Oh heck ya'll... Just send her to cactus Pete's BM and she will have her in a new direction in no time! Plus it's two more on the centipede for apples2oranges. Problem solved.